PYangLab / PhosR

PhosR is a package for the comprehensive analysis of phosphoproteomic data.
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error with kinaseSubstrateScore() #10

Open canbruce1234 opened 2 years ago

canbruce1234 commented 2 years ago

I am running the following command:

mat.matrices <- kinaseSubstrateScore(substrate.list = PhosphoSite.human, 
                                    mat = mat.std, seqs = mat.seq, 
                                    numMotif = 5, numSub = 1, verbose = FALSE)

and getting the message:

Error in phosScoringMatrices$combinedScoreMatrix[sites, ] : 
  subscript out of bounds

I tried running the function directly and at this command

motifScoreMatrix = scorePhosphositesMotifs(mat, motif.mouse.list.filtered,
                                            seqs, verbose)

got the error message

could not find function "scorePhosphositesMotifs"

Also the code mentions “motif.mouse.list”. I am using human data, does his matter?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!
