PaNOSC-ViNYL / ViNYL-project

This repository keeps track of tasks, milestones, deliverables of workpackage 5 in panosc.
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SimEx material to pan-learning #66

Open mads-bertelsen opened 3 years ago

mads-bertelsen commented 3 years ago

The e-learning site managed by WP8 is now close to having the capabilities necessary for hosting courses about the simulation tools developed in WP5. McStasScript is available on the platform, and this issue is about adding SimEx as well.

There is a form on the pan-learning site detailing the requirements for adding a new course, including a custom container. The only hard requirement is it needs to have a jupyter hub installation.

We want to develop e-learning material around the following experimental setups first:

A notebook with an example for each of these categories is needed.

CFGrote commented 3 years ago

First case: #67