PaarasPurohit / team-premium-frontend

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Paaras Purohit - N@TM: Dress Rehearsal Grading #2

Open PaarasPurohit opened 10 months ago

PaarasPurohit commented 10 months ago

Team Info:

Name Grade Role
Paaras Purohit Junior Scrum Master
Tanay Patel Junior Backend Developer
Shreyas Sarurkar Junior Frontend Developer
Yuri Subramaniam Junior DevOps


Criteria Points Reason
Runtime Link(s) N/A We have Runtime, as well as our Frontend GitHub and Backend GitHub for further code analysis
Technicals N/A We have a deployed frontend and backend. We also use an API in one part of our feature. There is a successful connection from our frontend to our backend and our frontend to the API we used. With Paaras as the scrum master, Tanay as the backend developer, Shreyas as the frontend developer, and Yuri as the DevOps, we have achieved successful collaboration through agile methodology.
Hook 3.6 - 4.0 Are you interested in space science, but don't know a lot of technical information? Enter: Astronomer! Want to find your information on different planets? Or do want to know the important things about objects in space? Or have any other questions? Open up Astronomer and get to learning!
Knowledge (How It All Works) 3.6 - 4.0 Paaras' Planet Weight Simulator takes the input of the user's weight (or any value they wish to weight) and makes a GET request to the backend, where the access token is the mass (calculated by using weight-to-mass formula). The backend then, through a PlanetWeight class, uses the gravitational constants of our solar system's celestial objects to calculate the weight of the user on our 8 planets, our moon, and Pluto. It then is plugged into a method that compares each weight to a real-life object, to better represent the data. This class is plugged into the PlanetWeightAPIController class, which allows for a GET method to be used by the frontend. The data is then sent back to the frontend and displayed on the data table. Tanay's Celestial Info feature makes a request to a RapidAPI API depending on what celestial object the user requests to see. If that object doesn't exist, the user will be notified through the window. The search results will then be displayed. The user will then be able to favourite said celestial objects. Yuri's feature uses a ChatGPT API to answer specific questions about space. Shreyas' feature has an interactive image to learn about the main celestial objects in our solar system.
Value 0.6 - 1.0
kaiden-dough commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:

HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: Very interesting, they let us input our information, engaging presentation. Interactive and many buttons.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.95 Reason: Talked about planet API and has a query bot. They have a grid that populated data with conversions with weights in different planets.

VALUE: Points: 0.9 Reason: This may not be very relevant to the ordinary Joe, but maybe for aspiring astronauts. But this is good and interesting information that can help those interested in astronomy and planets learn about planets.


rohinsood commented 10 months ago







tanishapatil1234 commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:

HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: Engaging Introduction, allowed us to play with the model

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.9 Reason: Used Object Oriented programming, explained confidently

VALUE: Points: 0.9 Reason: Not completely sure about the purpose compared to something like a google search, but I can see how this can be intriguing or appealing to those interested in astronomy.


jm1021 commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Mars discussion was the hook. Based on weight. Image map of planets to info.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Simplicity of Planet to explore.

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Relation of info to person.


hsinaDitaM commented 10 months ago

Team 4: parras

Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: 3.9

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: 3.9

AdiBricks commented 10 months ago

(Extra Credit For Aditya R) Criteria/Key Features: Frontend - Done Backend - Done API - Done Agile - Done HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: Loved the weights on different planets, a great hook!

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 4.0 Reason: Lots of knowledge is shown based on the content, and amazing features show the full understanding of API usage.

VALUE: Points: 0.9 Reason: Love the work, was interesting to see all the different features incorporated within the website. While it might not be useful to an average day person, it was fun to look at.



raunak2007 commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features:






ad1tyad3sa1 commented 10 months ago


Points: 4.0/4.0 Reason: Great start with the astronmy AI, was really interesting and intriguing. KNOWLEDGE:

Points: 3.75/4.0 Reason: Enjoyed the use of their weight simulation, third API had limited functionality and could have explained more about the code. VALUE:

Points: 0.95 Reason: Cool information, could be implemented in a variety of fields like physics and math. WOW FACTOR:

Reason: Great passion in topic, showed their cool model of solar system that displayed information about each celestial object. TOTAL SCORE: 8.70/9