Pablissimo / SonarTsPlugin

SonarQube plugin for TypeScript files
MIT License
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Required to point to the tslint-cli.js file when running on windows #170

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

In order to get tslint working I have had to set the path directly to the javascript file for the CLI

It looks like it maybe should call tslint as an executable on windows using the .cmd wrapper instead of prefixing it with node.

Updating the config to this resolved the issue for me


Otherwise just fails silently, it looks like it is sucessful, but no issues are imported

Running SonarQube Version 6.5 (build 27846) and v1.1.0 of the SonarTsPlugin

habbo656 commented 7 years ago

I had the same issue. I tried to run lint with the produced command (-X switch). TSLint complained about a missing file or directory:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '<project-path>\target\sonar\.sonartmp\8843665497511539779.tmp'
    at Error (native)

I run it again and changed the --out parameter to something like <project-path>\target\sonar\tslint-result.json that was working. It seems that the .sonartmp directory needs to be created before tslint is started.

mkdir target\sonar\.sonartmp

node D:\<...>\node_modules\tslint\bin\tslint --format json --out D:\<...>\target\sonar\.sonartmp\8843665497511539779.tmp --config D:\<...>\tslint.json 

It is working also with the solution described by @kingsleymasters .

Pablissimo commented 7 years ago

So @habbo656 I think your issue is different, in that it looks like maybe the user account running the scanner doesn't have permissions to create folders and write to the filesystem? I've seen similar on TFS installs before - the plugin relies on the scanner having created the temporary folder for it and that it can write to it so I'd check permissioning first.

@kingsleymasters I'm not sure why you're seeing that unless there's been a change to how tslint's getting installed with newer versions. Failing silently is rubbish, sorry about that - what version of tslint do you have in use? And what version of Node?

habbo656 commented 7 years ago

I forgot to mention that I'm using maven-sonar-plugin. I don't think that this are permission issues.

Pablissimo commented 7 years ago

Does everything up to the .sonartmp path component exist on disk?

habbo656 commented 7 years ago

Yes, I run mvn clean sonar:sonar it created /target/sonar/ directories.

ghost commented 7 years ago


I have a reproduction for you I am using node 6.10.2 and tslint 5.5.0. I've taken these command lines from the sonarqube logs.


node C:\Users\[REMOVED]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tslint\lib\tslint-cli.js --format json --out D:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1f282a2c9f5495cf\.scannerwork\.sonartmp\2766165142984384394.tmp --config D:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1f282a2c9f5495cf\[REMOVED]\app\tslint.json D:/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/1f282a2c9f5495cf/REMOVED]/app/src/client/app/app.module.ts


node C:\Users\[REMOVED]\AppData\Roaming\npm\tslint --format json --out D:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1f282a2c9f5495cf\.scannerwork\.sonartmp\2766165142984384394.tmp --config D:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\1f282a2c9f5495cf\[REMOVED]\app\tslint.json D:/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/1f282a2c9f5495cf/REMOVED]/app/src/client/app/app.module.ts

I think it fails as its trying to call tslint using node, but on windows tslint is a batch file, workaround works perfectly so maybe just needs documenting...