Pablito2020 / android_device_bq_krillin

🌲 device tree for the bq E4.5
11 stars 6 forks source link

build instructions are not clear #14

Open sleep-walker opened 6 years ago

sleep-walker commented 6 years ago

Build instructions are not clear, especially the relation between this GIT repository and rest in the description.

 * repo init -u git:// -b cm-14.1
 * repo sync --force-sync 
 * . build/
 * brunch lineage_krillin-userdebug

Following the howto ends with last command like this:

 $ brunch lineage_krillin-userdebug
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_krillin". Konec.
Device krillin not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github (
Repository for krillin not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_krillin". Konec.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_krillin". Konec.

** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_krillin'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

No such item in brunch menu. Try 'breakfast'

As this is the information which is hard to find - could anyone improve it? Or provide me hint and I'll improve it myself.

manjotsidhu commented 6 years ago

There is a mistake ... It is :

brunch krillin
MagnusAlm commented 6 years ago

Putting a copy of the updated instructions here, easier to find here

'#' Updated* (instructions taken from and the guide was there all along ;-))

'#' For building 13.0 on Ubuntu 17.10 '#' For building 14.1 replace 13.0 with 14.1 '#' Install libraries needed for compiling

sudo apt-get install -y git ccache automake lzop bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 g++-multilib python-networkx libxml2-utils bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool dpkg-dev liblz4-tool make optipng maven

sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk

mkdir lineage13.0 cd lineage13.0

# Check if the repo tool is installed, if it isn't installed then install it. if ! [ -f /bin/repo ]; then mkdir ~/bin PATH=~/bin:$PATH curl > ~/bin/repo chmod 760 ~/bin/repo fi

'#' if building 14.1 you must add a user name and email berfore "repo init", not needed on 13.0. git config --global "Your email @ here" git config --global "Your name here"

repo init -u git:// -b cm-13.0 repo sync --force-sync

git clone -b cm-13.0 device/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 kernel/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 vendor/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 external/stlport

'#' I you need "su" on 13.0, edit "device/bq/krillin/" and add at the end:

# Superuser WITH_SU := true

'#' The minimum change to make 14.1 build, is to remove the following line from "device/bq/krillin/"


'#' Start build

. build/ brunch lineage_krillin-userdebug

tc-gd commented 6 years ago

Nice catch! And thanks for the su! I was curious where to find possible choices for new ROM, this can help me further.

Btw. do you put fixes you make or find in your forks?

MagnusAlm commented 6 years ago

@tc-gd Yeah, I will try to do that once I've figured out how.

yt2000channel commented 2 months ago

Putting a copy of the updated instructions here, easier to find here

'#' Updated* (instructions taken from and the guide was there all along ;-))

'#' For building 13.0 on Ubuntu 17.10 '#' For building 14.1 replace 13.0 with 14.1 '#' Install libraries needed for compiling

sudo apt-get install -y git ccache automake lzop bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 g++-multilib python-networkx libxml2-utils bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool dpkg-dev liblz4-tool make optipng maven

sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk

mkdir lineage13.0 cd lineage13.0

# Check if the repo tool is installed, if it isn't installed then install it. if ! [ -f /bin/repo ]; then mkdir ~/bin PATH=~/bin:$PATH curl > ~/bin/repo chmod 760 ~/bin/repo fi

'#' if building 14.1 you must add a user name and email berfore "repo init", not needed on 13.0. git config --global "Your email @ here" git config --global "Your name here"

repo init -u git:// -b cm-13.0 repo sync --force-sync

git clone -b cm-13.0 device/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 kernel/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 vendor/bq/krillin git clone -b cm-13.0 external/stlport

'#' I you need "su" on 13.0, edit "device/bq/krillin/" and add at the end:

# Superuser WITH_SU := true

'#' The minimum change to make 14.1 build, is to remove the following line from "device/bq/krillin/"


'#' Start build

. build/ brunch lineage_krillin-userdebug

Hey, I am getting this problem for Redmi Note 3 Kenzo After initiating breakfast kenzo...What can I do now???

** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_kenzo'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

How to fix this problem????

MagnusAlm commented 2 months ago

If you are trying to build on Lineage 13.0 it makes sense that you get that error message, according to: It has only support for Lineage 14.1. Try this instruction instead: