Pablito2020 / android_device_bq_krillin

🌲 device tree for the bq E4.5
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Aquaris E4.5 - Full Compilation guide #9

Open plumpsack opened 6 years ago

plumpsack commented 6 years ago

Do we really need to do

repo init -u git:// -b cm-14.1 to build LineageOS 14.1 just for updates for the bq E4.5?

I am now downloading since a long time, my line speed is about 16Mbit, and this how-to* for the bq Aquaris U Plus is showing something about 100 GB free space on the harddisk ?

Isn't there a more easy way?

I know, it's your private time to take care about kernel updates, device updates etc. on for exp. github.

But isn't it "maybe" possible for you to offer updates via the internal update function for your LineageOS 13/14?