PablocFonseca / streamlit-aggrid

Implementation of Ag-Grid component for Streamlit
MIT License
1.06k stars 202 forks source link

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'st_aggrid' #18

Closed ljak closed 2 years ago

ljak commented 3 years ago

Tried the example, does not work. Returned a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'st_aggrid'. (new python env, with pip install streamlit and streamlit-aggrid)


▶ pip list             
Package             Version
------------------- ---------
altair              4.1.0
argon2-cffi         20.1.0
astor               0.8.1
async-generator     1.10
attrs               20.3.0
backcall            0.2.0
base58              2.1.0
bleach              3.3.0
blinker             1.4
cachetools          4.2.1
certifi             2020.12.5
cffi                1.14.5
chardet             4.0.0
click               7.1.2
decorator           5.0.6
defusedxml          0.7.1
entrypoints         0.3
Faker               8.0.0
gitdb               4.0.7
GitPython           3.1.14
idna                2.10
ipykernel           5.5.3
ipython             7.22.0
ipython-genutils    0.2.0
ipywidgets          7.6.3
jedi                0.18.0
Jinja2              2.11.3
jsonschema          3.2.0
jupyter-client      6.2.0
jupyter-core        4.7.1
jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2
jupyterlab-widgets  1.0.0
MarkupSafe          1.1.1
mistune             0.8.4
nbclient            0.5.3
nbconvert           6.0.7
nbformat            5.1.3
nest-asyncio        1.5.1
notebook            6.3.0
numpy               1.20.2
packaging           20.9
pandas              1.2.4
pandocfilters       1.4.3
parso               0.8.2
pexpect             4.8.0
pickleshare         0.7.5
Pillow              8.2.0
pip                 20.1
prometheus-client   0.10.1
prompt-toolkit      3.0.18
protobuf            3.15.8
ptyprocess          0.7.0
pyarrow             3.0.0
pycparser           2.20
pydeck              0.6.2
Pygments            2.8.1
pyparsing           2.4.7
pyrsistent          0.17.3
python-dateutil     2.8.1
pytz                2021.1
pyzmq               22.0.3
requests            2.25.1
Send2Trash          1.5.0
setuptools          46.1.3
simplejson          3.17.2
six                 1.15.0
smmap               4.0.0
streamlit           0.80.0
streamlit-aggrid    0.1.9
terminado           0.9.4
testpath            0.4.4
text-unidecode      1.3
toml                0.10.2
toolz               0.11.1
tornado             6.1
traitlets           5.0.5
tzlocal             2.1
urllib3             1.26.4
validators          0.18.2
watchdog            2.0.2
wcwidth             0.2.5
webencodings        0.5.1
wheel               0.34.2
widgetsnbextension  3.5.

Any idea ?

miguelnietoa commented 3 years ago

Check if it is actually installed in environment, maybe you ran pip list without activate it

PablocFonseca commented 3 years ago

Try to use latest version 0.2.2