PachydermAcoustic / PachydermAcoustic_Universal

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Any documentation / papers? #1

Open abitrolly opened 7 months ago

abitrolly commented 7 months ago

Hi. I am very interested to try the model on Linux. Is there any documentation available how to use the model? Maybe some Jupyter notebooks?

AvdHarten commented 7 months ago

At the moment it references Windows.Forms, so I don't think we can do that yet. Soon I'll be removing those though.

Please email me with what you'd like to do. I'll see if I can help you.


AvdHarten commented 3 months ago

Update on this item - Rhino 8 required that we abandon windows forms, and move on to ETO, and .Net Core 7.0, and we are not almost finished with the transition - just a few bugs to work out.

With ETO comes with the potential to operate in Rhino in MacOS. Furthermore, operating the core universal libary in .Net Core means it can also move on to Linux, so if you would like to continue to explore this, now is the time. Please reach out at our email address if you would like to give it a try.
