PacificBiosciences / FALCON

FALCON: experimental PacBio diploid assembler -- Out-of-date -- Please use a binary release:
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Failed to set up logging / MissingSectionHeaderError #686

Open AlBaarS opened 5 years ago

AlBaarS commented 5 years ago

Recently we installed Falcon on Ubuntu. We wanted to test it and get a bit comfortable using it by following the tutorial with the data provided at We used the config file for E. coli to run locally at At first, we managed to get it to work, although it took some time. Now we are working via SSH on an external computer and not on the computer itself, so we figured we could close my laptop and just let it run. Unfortunately, that seemed to break it and the process stopped. We tried to re-run it with the same command, but for some reason, now we got an error message. We tried to re-run them in a clean directory and it still wouldn't work. Deleting and re-installing Falcon as a whole wouldn't work either. The error can be found here: ERROR_Running.txt. Whilst installing, we also had an error message, but since it worked at first (or at least seemed to work), we didn't think that would be a problem. This error can be found here: ERROR_Installation.txt. If additional information is required, please let us know.

pb-cdunn commented 5 years ago

You would need to look in 0-rawreads/raw-fofn-abs/ to learn the actual cause of error.