I'm still confused about what to do after running the pipeline. I've ran FALCON-unzip pipeline which including quiver to call high quality consensus. I got the cns_output/cns_p_ctg.fastq and cns_h_ctg.fastq.
My questions:
if a haplotigs is within a primary contig, that means sequences in the haplotigs represent one haplotype and the primary contig represent the other haplotype?
What would be the best way to proceed? I was hoping to get two sets of fasta files for each of the haplotype that I can used to map RNA-seq data to identify allele-specific expression.
I'm still confused about what to do after running the pipeline. I've ran FALCON-unzip pipeline which including quiver to call high quality consensus. I got the cns_output/cns_p_ctg.fastq and cns_h_ctg.fastq. My questions:
Thank you!