I found the total length of FALCON results (2-asm-falcon/p_ctg.fa) is 4089287 bp, total contigs number is 326. But the falcon_unzip (3-unzip/all_p_ctg.fa) is 2772359 bp, 59 contigs.....What's more the consensus sequences (4-quiver/cns_output/cns_p_ctg.fasta) is 2779343 bp ,59 contigs...
My question is that why the total length and number of FALCON_Unzip's contigs are shorter than the FALCON's? In fact, I want to get two phased sequences of about 4M. And I also don't know why the the assembled sequences include many short fragments (~dozens or hundreds bp)?
Can you help me ? Looking for you reply. Thank you very much!
Recently, I have run the FALCON and FALCON_Unzip with the below command. And there were no errors.
And the fc_unzip.cfg contains the
I found the total length of FALCON results (
) is 4089287 bp, total contigs number is 326. But the falcon_unzip (3-unzip/all_p_ctg.fa
) is 2772359 bp, 59 contigs.....What's more the consensus sequences (4-quiver/cns_output/cns_p_ctg.fasta
) is 2779343 bp ,59 contigs...My question is that why the total length and number of FALCON_Unzip's contigs are shorter than the FALCON's? In fact, I want to get two phased sequences of about 4M. And I also don't know why the the assembled sequences include many short fragments (~dozens or hundreds bp)?
Can you help me ? Looking for you reply. Thank you very much!
Best wishes, Mingyue Shu