Closed lyj95618 closed 5 hours ago
Sure, try --overhang-5 200
thanks for the quick reply!
I believe I can do a similar thing if I want to alter the 3' cutoff. It would be great if these options are listed in the help page. when I run isoseq cluster2
, I only see the following:
isoseq cluster2 [options] <flnc.bam|xml|fofn> <transcripts.bam>
flnc.bam|xml|fofn STR Input flnc BAM, ConsensusReadSet XML, or FOFN
transcripts.bam STR Output transcripts BAM
--singletons Output FLNCs that could not be clustered.
--sort-threads INT Number of sorting threads per BAM file. Equivalent to open file handles per BAM.
Defaults to -j. [0]
--write-bam STR Write annotated BAM file.
-h,--help Show this help and exit.
--version Show application version and exit.
-j,--num-threads INT Number of threads to use, 0 means autodetection. [0]
--log-level STR Set log level. Valid choices: (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FATAL). [WARN]
--log-file FILE Log to a file, instead of stderr.
Thanks again for the help! Laur
I am curious if it is possible to alter the cutoff of the 5', 3' overhang for
isoseq cluster2
.I know the current cutoffs are <100bp 5' overhang, <30bp 3' overhang, <10bp gaps. Is it possible to loosen the cutoff to something like < 200bp 5' overhang.
Thanks! Laur