PacificCommunity / Terria-PacificMap

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About pages and Disclaimer #4

Closed AnaBelgun closed 4 years ago

AnaBelgun commented 5 years ago
AnaBelgun commented 5 years ago

Ana to work with SPC team on this

AnaBelgun commented 5 years ago

Partially done with the following text:


App web pages About the PacificMap The PacificMap is a platform developed by CSIRO Data61and the Pacific Data Hub (PDH) in collaboration with the Pacific Community Secretariat (SPC), as part of the Asia - Pacific for Development Initiative (D4D). The PacificMap is a platform for map-based access to spatial data from 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories. It will lower the barrier and enhance access to timely, relevant and useful data for government and non-government organisations, businesses and communities throughout the Pacific. The Pacific Data Hub is the central repository of open data and knowledge products about the Pacifc region. The Hub holds a large and diverse collection of data, data insights, publications, and knowledge products on the Pacific across key sectors, including population statistics, fisheries, geoscience, agriculture, aquaculture, energy, education, human rights, climate change, and oceans, and it continues to grow. The PacificMap development is supported by the Data for Development initiative which apart from the Pacific Data Hub, is working with SPC on a range of issues such as predictive analytics, data governance, data capacity and skills development, Pacific women in technology, policy research and other. Picture / video holder

The PacificMap is based on TeriaJS and other open source software. When you access data through it, you are typically accessing the data directly from the government department or agency who are the custodians of that data. The PacificMap: • provides easy access to authoritative and other spatial data to government, business and the public; • facilitates the opening of data by federal, state and local government bodies; • provides an open framework of geospatial data services that supports commercial and community innovation. To see what data is available on the Pacific Map, refer to the Data Catalogue in the Pacific Map itself. Click the Add data button and expand a category to browse.

philipgrimmett commented 4 years ago

@AnaBelgun it looks like the current FAQ for reporting bugs needs updating

I think I've found a bug. How do I report it? Email us on to report the problem. Be sure to include a step by step description of how to reproduce the problem.

I'd love a new feature. Can I suggest it? Absolutely! Just email your suggestion to

AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

thanks @philipgrimmett will let them know and ask for a generic email

AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

new email to insert in About pages:

AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago
AnaBelgun commented 4 years ago

will close and re-open if text needs changing at a later date