Paciolan / remote-component

Dynamically load a React Component from a URL
MIT License
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Problem with code splitted components #64

Open smeng9 opened 1 year ago

smeng9 commented 1 year ago

Hi @joelnet

I currently have a remote component in cjs format that is splitted into two files rather than a single file. The remote component internally uses lazy and Suspense.

When I tried to use the remote component, it will not be able to resolve the file in the splitted chunk.

I have provided a snippet of the compiled output of that remote component.

"use strict";Object.defineProperties(exports,{__esModule:{value:!0},[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});const e=require("./5a3484eb-chunk.cjs");require("react");require("react-dom");require("react-hook-form");exports.default=e.RemoteComponent;

The problem is the require("./5a3484eb-chunk.cjs") trying to resolve to a relative file chunk and does not have the require.

I would like to know if that would be possible to use the remote component with react component that contains splitted chunk? Thanks!

joelnet commented 1 year ago

Currently split bundles are not supported. All code must be contained within a single js file for the module loader to load.