Paciolan / remote-component

Dynamically load a React Component from a URL
MIT License
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Hot reload support with Remote component #8

Closed Nishchit14 closed 3 years ago

Nishchit14 commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to review the changes in the Remote Component directly where it is rendered? It's quite needed in development time. In my case, I am developing UI library locally and rendering them in another app as Remote Component.

joelnet commented 3 years ago

You have to debug the remote component inside the remote component app and not inside the app consuming the remote component. We'd like to improve this in the future, but currently this is the only way.

If you are using the remote component starter kit, then check out the Debugging section for how to debug.

You can mock the props coming into the remote component by modifying /src/webpack-dev-server.js.

I'll be adding some clarity to the docs in the coming future, so right now you'll have to ask me if you have questions.

I hope this helps a bit.