Pack3tL0ss / ConsolePi

Raspberry Pi Based Serial Console Server, with PushBullet Notification of IP changes, Automatic VPN termination, custom menu, Power Outlet Control, and a lot more
MIT License
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Install errors out #191

Closed durd closed 5 months ago

durd commented 5 months ago

Installing using the automated way errors out after selecting extras (I selected all extras if that makes a difference).

cat: /tmp/ansible_ver: No such file or directory
cat: /tmp/ansible_ver: No such file or directory
/etc/ConsolePi/installer/ line 207: hash: pipx: not found
Error: Unsupported flag passed to process_cmds --apt-install

As a workaround I installed pipx, manually via apt and ran the extra commands from that if-sequence below line 207. There were some issues installing ansible and the ansible collections, but re-running the install worked.

Pack3tL0ss commented 5 months ago

@durd Thank you I thought I tested all that with a recent push, but I'll take another look.

durd commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry for the rushed issue, I should add that I'm running Bookworm on the RPi4. And the pipx issue seemed to be just a dash too many on the --apt-install. I didn't have time to look into the Ansible collection thing, of course I didn't think about saving the messages from that :/

Pack3tL0ss commented 5 months ago

No worries, what you provided was enough to give me an idea of the issue, and it's exactly as you mentioned. On the bookworm branch where I'm nearly done re-writing all the network automations to work with NetworkManager, I updated it so -apt-install or --apt-install would both work (double -- seems more intuitive to me now for multi-letter flags). Then I updated the dev branch to update the way ansible was installed, and merged it. I did test it, but must have been on the wrong branch when I did.

Fix will be merged shortly.