2 tests in Tests-Fixed Assets fail when ran against Lookup Value extension (BC20). Need to find out how to fix them.
Extract from TestResults.xml
<assembly name="134451 ERM Fixed Assets" test-framework="PS Test Runner" run-date="2022-05-28" run-time="08:10:59" total="76" passed="75" failed="1" skipped="0" time="23.324">
<test name="ERM Fixed Assets:GLEntryVATEntryLinkForVATNetDisposal" method="GLEntryVATEntryLinkForVATNetDisposal" time="0.413" result="Fail">
<message>You do not have the following permissions on TableData LookupValue: Insert.\\To view details about your permissions, see the Effective Permissions page. To report a problem, refer to the following server session ID: '51'.</message>
<assembly name="134453 ERM Fixed Assets GL Journal" test-framework="PS Test Runner" run-date="2022-05-28" run-time="08:11:28" total="36" passed="35" failed="1" skipped="0" time="10.138">
<test name="ERM Fixed Assets GL Journal:GLEntriesAfterReclassification" method="GLEntriesAfterReclassification" time="0.98" result="Fail">
<message>Amount must be equal to '-279.76' in G/L Entry: Entry No.=2899. Current value is '-279.77'.</message>
2 tests in Tests-Fixed Assets fail when ran against Lookup Value extension (BC20). Need to find out how to fix them.
Extract from TestResults.xml