PacktPublishing / Game-Development-with-Blender-and-Godot

Game Development with Blender and Godot, published by Packt
MIT License
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Chapter 10 for Godot 4.2 #4

Closed dragonforge-dev closed 2 months ago

dragonforge-dev commented 3 months ago

Page 181: You can see the light effect on the candle much better by toggling the Preview Sunlight and Preview Environment options off in the toolbar. They are just to the left of the Transform and View menus in the toolbar.

Page 182:

  1. Under the Overcoming the jagged edges section: Go to Project Settings -> General -> Rendering -> Anti Aliasing. Change MSAA 3D to 2x (Average).
  2. In Step 3 almost every line of code has changed:
    extends Node3D

@export var is_lit : bool = false : set = set_lit

func set_lit(condition): is_lit = condition

func _process(_delta): $OmniLight3D.visible = is_lit

**NOTE:** You **_must_** close the **candles_1** scene and reopen it after adding the script for the `@tool` part to work in the editor. There is no danger to leaving the `@tool` decorator at the top of the script. It will also still work in the game. See here for more info:

**NOTE 2:** The change of the method name `switch` to `set_lit` isn't functional, it is just following the coding standard that setters and getters should always start with "set" and "get".

**Page 195:** **Levels** appears to be **Intensity** and **Strength** now.

**Page 197:**
1. The `GIProbe` node has been renamed to `VoxelGI`.
2. In **Step 3** `Extents` is renamed `Size`. **x** needed to be **20**, instead of 12, to cover the map.
3. Before **Step 4**, you have to click **<empty>** in the `Data` property and select **NewVoxelGIData**. Then click on the **VoxelGIData** you created to see the **Interior** option.

**Page 198:** In **Step 3** there is no **Enable** option. It appears to be already enabled because it is set to **Static**. Change it to **Dynamic**. (Also note that you can **Control + Click** all the **.glb** files and **Reimport** them all at once.)

**Page 199:** In the last line on the page (Step 2), the button is called `Bake VoxelGI` instead of `Bake GI Probe`.
dragonforge-dev commented 3 months ago

@mrunion Chapter 10 Done