Closed nhtones closed 4 years ago
Thanks for reporting this issue!
I'm trying to reproduce the error but I have failed, i.e. everything looks fine when running the tests described in the book.
I have run the following commands (taken from the section "Building and running the automated tests" in chapter 11 in the book):
cd $BOOK_HOME/Chapter11
./gradlew build && docker-compose build
./test-em-all.bash start
The tests run just fine and when trying out the well-known URL required by the composite-product
and gateway
it also seems ok:
docker run --rm --network=chapter11_default curlimages/curl http://auth-server:9999/.well-known/jwks.json -s | jq .
Returns something like:
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"n": "jv...w"
Can you explain how I can reproduce the error?
Hi @magnus-larsson , Could be a few things... I'm using Maven dependency management and later framework versions than published in the book i.e. SpringBoot 2.1.3.RELEASE and Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR6
Also running on Windows 10 via corporate proxy.
I've not had any issues following the code examples up to this point (Chapter 10) and the authorisation server being called from product-composite and logging stated something along the lines of 'using default WebClient to access http://auth-server/.wellknown....' which produced an exception relating to host lookup.
Starting the authorisation-server as a standalone app showed that the endpoints were accessible so this lead me to wondering if the WebClient created as default with OAuth2ResourceServer was able to access eureka 'hosts'and I looked to inject the WebClientBuilder knowing it produced a webclient with knowledge of the eureka hosts from earlier chapters.
I'm afraid I can't offer too much insight beyond this. Perhaps its just been a 'feature' introduced by the corporate infrastructure.
Ok, I see. Thanks for the update!
One issue you need to sort out is the mix of versions used for Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
If you look at the section "Release Trains" at you can see that Only Spring Boot 2.2 is compatible with the Spring Cloud Hoxton release.
I'm currently working on upgrading the code base of the book to Spring Boot 2.2.9 and Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR6, due to the long-awaited release of SpringFox 3.0.0. See issue #8 for details. The branch issue8
contains working code based on Spring Boot 2.2.9 and Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR6.
Hope it helps!
@magnus-larsson - Hi sorry my bad I am using SpringBoot 2.3.1.RELEASE
Ok :-)
Not sure if Spring Cloud Hoxton currently supports Spring Boot 2.3.
Can you try downgrade Spring Boot to 2.2.8 ?
That works for in the branch issue8
at least!
While working with issue #8 I have updated the source code to use Spring Boot 2.3.2 and Spring Cloud Hoxton SR6.
Can you check if you still have this problem? I can't reproduce it.
Closing this issue since I can't reproduce the described problem.
The default WebClient used in the default JwtDecoder of composite-product and gateway server implementation does not have access to Eureka server 'names' resulting in a host not found exception for the JWT endpoint at http://auth-server:9999/.well-known/...
To get around this I create a custom implementation of JwtDecoder and injected the LoadBalancing WebClient created at application startup and this resolves the host lookup issues.
SecurityConfig class for composite-product now looks like this:
`@EnableWebFluxSecurity public class SecurityConfig {
SecurityConfig class for gateway now looks like this:
@EnableWebFluxSecurity public class SecurityConfig {