PacktPublishing / Learn-Algorithmic-Trading

Learn Algorithmic Trading, Published by Packt
MIT License
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Ch2 Seasonality Code Missing #2

Open SirFed opened 4 years ago

SirFed commented 4 years ago

In the tail end of the chapter 2 the concepts of seasonality is introduced along with some lines of code to help generate the graphs. Despite being listed like all other lines of code in the chapter, it is not written anywhere in this repository.

Jkurbs commented 3 years ago

@SirFed I'm having a lot of trouble installing quickfix, where you able to do it?

mHamzaArain commented 2 years ago

I m running python3.8 for below code it worked for me:

goog_montly_return_list=[] for index, item in enumerate(goog_monthly_return): goog_montly_return_list.append({'month':goog_monthly_return.index[index][1], 'monthly_return': item})