PacktPublishing / Mastering-Ansible-Fourth-Edition

Mastering Ansible Fourth Edition, published by Packt
MIT License
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guide issues #1

Open nicolaibaralmueller opened 3 years ago

nicolaibaralmueller commented 3 years ago


I followed your guide to the point on a fresh installation of Ubuntu.

Name:             awx-ingress
Namespace:        default
Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
  awx-secret-ssl terminates
  Host           Path  Backends
  ----           ----  --------  
                 /   awx-service:80 (
Annotations: /$1
  Type    Reason  Age                    From                      Message
  ----    ------  ----                   ----                      -------
  Normal  Sync    4m30s (x2 over 4m45s)  nginx-ingress-controller  Scheduled for sync

Accessing the kube host by dns name results in 502 bad gateway nginx message.

jamesfreeman959 commented 3 years ago

Hi there

Really sorry about the delay in coming back to you - I have had some tight deadlines to meet! Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I've looked into this, running through the procedure in the book - however I can see that the deployment of the AWX Operator has already changed and it appears that the installation process for AWX changes frequently (or at least will do so at the current time).

I will take this to the editorial team at Packt to discuss how to move forwards - we wouldn't be able to edit the book to keep up with the changes on this project, but hopefully we can provide some kind of living document that enables us to allow readers to install and run AWX.

I'll update here when I've talked to the team.

Many thanks
