PacktPublishing / Modern-Computer-Vision-with-PyTorch

Modern Computer Vision with PyTorch, published by Packt
MIT License
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Chapter 6 (class_activation_maps) #76

Open AzitaKalantar opened 8 months ago

AzitaKalantar commented 8 months ago

The link for downloading data in Chapter06/Class_activation_maps.ipynb doesn't work

PereverzevAlex commented 1 month ago

ftp link still down, this is how it works for me

!pip install -q kaggle
from google.colab import files
!mkdir -p ~/.kaggle
!cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
!ls ~/.kaggle
!chmod 600 /root/.kaggle/kaggle.json
!kaggle datasets download -d iarunava/cell-images-for-detecting-malaria
!mv cell_images_for_detecting_malaria cell_images