PacktPublishing / Modernizing-Drupal-10-Theme-Development

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Tailwind CSS classes not working #30

Closed artiste1212 closed 5 months ago

artiste1212 commented 10 months ago

I just successfully installed webpack, and am now trying to follow along in chapter 5, styling the header and footer. I'm using the /web/themes/custom/alps_trips_templates/weather/alps-weather-forecast.html.twig template, but am not seeing any CSS being applied. I have verified that the template itself is working by temporarily removing a Tailwind CSS class and adding a bit of inline CSS to one of the headings. I was able to change the text color and make other styling changes this way, so I know that the template is working. However, the Tailwind CSS classes (for example, <h2 class="text-lg my-10">) or <div class="flex space-x-5"> are not producing any effect.

murrwood commented 10 months ago

One of the things that I found is that the Nord colors that were added for Storybook were not added to the alps_trips theme. As a result, areas of the site that relied on those colors were not shown. To deal with this I copied the theme ... colors section of the tailwind.config.js file from the storybook directory to the file in the alps_trips directory. After recompiling Tailwind and clearing cache things looked much better.

artiste1212 commented 10 months ago

Thanks. I'll try that and will let you know, but I'm not sure if it will work. It's not only Nord colors which aren't working for me -- I'm not getting any CSS styling whatsoever. When I used Chrome element inspector, I saw an error message stating "Refused to apply style from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled."

murrwood commented 10 months ago

I suggest checking the paths in the content section of tailwind.config.css There a lot of ../ and perhaps one was missed. Also check the plugins section of postcss.config.js Make you are generating a styles.css file in the build directory when you compile Tailwind

artiste1212 commented 10 months ago

Thanks so much for your suggestions.

The first line of the content array reads './templates/**/*.html.twig', the second line is '../../../../storybook/stories/**/*.html.twig', and the third line is './us/**/*.js',. All three seem correct.

I don't have a clear enough understanding of things to be able to tell if the styles.css file is being generated. This file reads: let tailwindcss = require('tailwindcss'); module.exports = { plugins: [ tailwindcss('./tailwind.config.js'), require('autoprefixer') ] } I suspect that the problem may be here, but don't have enough of a background to be able to tell what actually is happening or if anything is going wrong.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

murrwood commented 10 months ago

The third line should be './js/*/.js' Looks like you have a typo.

As for the styles.css file when you were generating the assets in the Chapter 2 webpack section there was a paragraph that said:

Now, if you look at the build folder, you should find four new files: • main.js • • styles.css •

Make sure that actually happened.

In addition make sure that you are successfully updating these files when you make changes. I call it compiling tailwind. As Chapter 2 suggests yarn run build:dev but I find it's necessary to do ddev yarn run build:dev from the alps_trips directory. An alternative is to ddev theme start:dev in a separate terminal session to monitor for changes.

artiste1212 commented 10 months ago

Thanks so much for your help. You're right -- original file was .js, not .us. I either made a typo or got autocorrected when I typed that into here (copy & paste didn't work for some reason).

The 4 files (main.js,, styles.css, were all there.

I ran ddev yarn run build:dev from the alps_trips directory like you suggested, and it seems to have worked successfully:

yarn run v1.22.19
$ webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode development
asset styles.css 23.7 KiB [emitted] (name: main) 1 related asset
asset main.js 2.38 KiB [compared for emit] (name: main) 1 related asset
Entrypoint main 26.1 KiB (9.99 KiB) = styles.css 23.7 KiB main.js 2.38 KiB 2 auxiliary assets
orphan modules 35.1 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [orphan] 7 modules
runtime modules 274 bytes 1 module
cacheable modules 79 bytes (javascript) 23.3 KiB (css/mini-extract)
  ./js/main.js 29 bytes [built] [code generated]
  ./css/tailwind.css 50 bytes [built] [code generated]
  css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js!./css/tailwind.css 23.3 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.89.0 compiled successfully in 1146 ms
Done in 1.81s.

However, I'm still getting the error -- it's still refusing to apply the styles defined in main.css because of the MIME type issue. Did I need to do anything after compiling tailwind?

lussoluca commented 5 months ago

main.css file doesn't exist, it should be tailwind.css, we've reported everything here: