PacktPublishing / Oracle-Blockchain-Quick-Start-Guide

Oracle Blockchain Quick Start Guide, published by Packt
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Deploy blockchain #1

Open pml106288 opened 2 years ago

pml106288 commented 2 years ago - Dashboard - deploy chaincode - smart contract - Add organization - Dapp Page - main page

CHAIN CODE - For Deploy

/Install a chaincode on a peer. This installs a chaincode deployment spec package (if provided) or packages the specified chaincode before subsequently installing it. //Usage: {"peer chaincode install"} //Flags: {"connectionProfile string"} //Connection profile that provides the necessary connection information for the network. Note: currently only supported for providing peer connection information //c, connector string //Constructor message for the chaincode in JSON format (default "{}") //h, help //Help for install //l, lang string //Language the chaincode is written in (default "golang") //n, name string //Name of the chaincode //p, path string //Path to chaincode: {"peerAddresses stringArray"} //The addresses of the peers to connect to:{"tlsRootCertFiles stringArray"} //If TLS is enabled, the paths to the TLS root cert files of the peers to connect to. The order and number of certs specified should match the:{"peerAddresses flag"} //v, version string //Version of the chaincode specified in install/instantiate/upgrade commands //Global Flags: {"cafile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded trusted certificate(s) for the ordering endpoint:{"certfile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded X509 public key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint:{"clientauth"} //Use mutual TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint:{"connTimeout duration"} //Timeout for client to connect (default 3s):{"keyfile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded private key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint:{"o, orderer string"} //Ordering service endpoint: {"ordererTLSHostnameOverride string"} //The hostname override to use when validating the TLS connection to the orderer:{"tls"} //Use TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint: {"tlsHandshakeTimeShift duration"} //The amount of time to shift backwards for certificate expiration checks during TLS handshakes with the orderer endpoint":{"transient string"} //Transient map of arguments in JSON encoding:

pml106288 commented 2 years ago - Dashboard - deploy chaincode - smart contract - Add organization - Dap Page - main page

CHAIN CODE - For Deploy

/Install a chaincode on a peer. This installs a chaincode deployment spec package (if provided) or packages the specified chaincode before subsequently installing it. //Usage: {"peer chaincode install"} //Flags: {"connectionProfile string"} //Connection profile that provides the necessary connection information for the network. Note: currently only supported for providing peer connection information //c, connector string //Constructor message for the chaincode in JSON format (default "{}") //h, help //Help for install //l, lang string //Language the chaincode is written in (default "golang") //n, name string //Name of the chaincode //p, path string //Path to chaincode: {"peerAddresses stringArray"} //The addresses of the peers to connect to:{"tlsRootCertFiles stringArray"} //If TLS is enabled, the paths to the TLS root cert files of the peers to connect to. The order and number of certs specified should match the:{"peerAddresses flag"} //v, version string //Version of the chaincode specified in install/instantiate/upgrade commands //Global Flags: {"cafile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded trusted certificate(s) for the ordering endpoint:{"certfile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded X509 public key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint:{"clientauth"} //Use mutual TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint:{"connTimeout duration"} //Timeout for client to connect (default 3s):{"keyfile string"} //Path to file containing PEM-encoded private key to use for mutual TLS communication with the orderer endpoint:{"o, orderer string"} //Ordering service endpoint: {"ordererTLSHostnameOverride string"} //The hostname override to use when validating the TLS connection to the orderer:{"tls"} //Use TLS when communicating with the orderer endpoint: {"tlsHandshakeTimeShift duration"} //The amount of time to shift backwards for certificate expiration checks during TLS handshakes with the orderer endpoint":{"transient string"} //Transient map of arguments in JSON encoding: