PacktPublishing / TinyML-Cookbook_2E

TinyML Cookbook, 2E_Published by Packt
MIT License
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Incorrect signature for MicroInterpreter initialization #8

Open johnosbb opened 3 months ago

johnosbb commented 3 months ago

In classification.ino

The call to initialize the MicorInterpreter is: // Initialize the TFLu interpreter tflu_interpreter = new tflite::MicroInterpreter(tflu_model, tflu_ops_resolver, tensor_arena, tensor_arena_size, &tflu_error);

But the available signatures for the constructors are: MicroInterpreter::MicroInterpreter(const Model model, const MicroOpResolver& op_resolver, uint8_t tensor_arena, size_t tensor_arena_size, MicroResourceVariables resource_variables, MicroProfilerInterface profiler)

MicroInterpreter::MicroInterpreter(const Model model, const MicroOpResolver& op_resolver, MicroAllocator allocator, MicroResourceVariables resource_variables, MicroProfilerInterface profiler)