PacktPublishing / Vulkan-Cookbook

Code repository for Vulkan Cookbook by Packt
MIT License
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CookbookSampleFramework.cpp Fails to compile with GCC 12.1 or below and Mingw64 10.0 or below #15

Closed richardebel closed 2 years ago

richardebel commented 2 years ago

Compiles OK with VS 2022 cookbook error.txt

shruthis-shetty commented 2 years ago

Hi @richardebel ,

Can you elaborate more on this issue? We cannot understand what exactly the issue is.

richardebel commented 2 years ago

see the cookbook error.txt file that I attached to the original issue report. It's beyond my capablility to understand the error. CommonFiles/CookbookSampleFramework.cpp fails to compile with any gcc release that I have tried.

richardebel commented 2 years ago

Also fails to compile with Visual Studio with c++20 standard for the same reason that GCC fails vs build.txt

richardebel commented 2 years ago

This build failure can be fixed in: "19 Increasing the performance through increasing the number of separately rendered frames.h" see attached file

richardebel commented 2 years ago

FrameResources( VkCommandBuffer & command_buffer, VkDestroyer(VkSemaphore) && image_acquired_semaphore, VkDestroyer(VkSemaphore) && ready_to_present_semaphore, VkDestroyer(VkFence) && drawing_finished_fence, VkDestroyer(VkImageView) && depth_attachment, VkDestroyer(VkFramebuffer) && framebuffer ) : CommandBuffer( command_buffer ),