PadWorld-Entertainment / worldofpadman

World of PADMAN game repository
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Flatpak package #178

Closed AsciiWolf closed 1 year ago

AsciiWolf commented 1 year ago

It would be great if World of Padman was packaged as a Flatpak and distributed on Flathub. It would bring new players to this great game since Flathub support is present out-of-box on many modern Linux distributions including Valve SteamOS.

AsciiWolf commented 1 year ago

So, I started working on the Flatpak myself. However, I have two questions:

  1. Is it fine to redistribute the game data files (pk3s) with the Flatpak (in the repository)? If I read the WoP license correctly, it is, however I would like to see this confirmed directly from a PadWorld Entertainment member.
  2. Are you interested in co-maintaining the WoP Flatpak (push rights to its Git repository) after it is accepted and published on Flathub?

Thanks! :-)

/cc @mgerhardy @kai-li-wop

kai-li-wop commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I have recognized your posting but had no capacity to answer it or to have a closer look at flathub. I appriciate your commitment. I would consider flathub then with an upcoming release of WoP. Regarding the license, The distribution of WoP is free, if it is without commercial interest and no money is made. I can take some time during the upcoming days to have a look at flathub but right now it is Christmas and I enjoy spending time with my family. 😉

kai-li-wop commented 1 year ago

Oh an I forgot to mention the WoP is already distributed via Snap Store, which also was initiatet by the community.

AsciiWolf commented 1 year ago

Nice, thanks! :-) I have finished the Flatpak and it seems to work fine except one issue that I will hopefully be able to fix. I will submit it as a Pull Request to Flathub, but will wait for your review before marking it as ready. :-)

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Regards, Daniel

AsciiWolf commented 1 year ago - Feel free to review. :-)

AsciiWolf commented 1 year ago

The Flatpak was accepted and should be live on Flathub in a few hours. :-) Feel free to comment in the linked PR or this ticket if you have any further comments or if you are interested in push permissions to the WoP Flatpak repository.

kai-li-wop commented 1 year ago

I am sorry for not being able to review this because I am traveling outbound until mid of january. But as I understand it, you referenced the unified zip from hectic's zock server which is ok. I was afraid you referenced the unfinished development branch, which is the main branch of our repo. Anyways, I will have a closer look when I am back. This needs to be maintained properly whith new versions of WoP being released then. But thanks for your Initial work.