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Enable to draw the breath puffs only in certain map areas #223

Open kai-li-wop opened 8 months ago

kai-li-wop commented 8 months ago

In order to simulate cold environments, the Q3TA breath puff feature was implemented. For this purpose, the cvar cg_enableBreath (1/0) was introduced to activate/deactivate the function on the client side. There is also the cvar g_enableBreath (1/0) to activate/deactivate the function on the server side. A level designer can use the key enableBreath (1/0) in the worldspawn of his map to decide whether the map should make use of this feature. This currently enables/disables the feature for the entire map, so there is currently no way to differentiate between map areas where this feature is desired or undesired. Additionally, the game mode Freezetag uses this feature, i.e. whenever this game mode is running and a player is frozen, breath puffs are drawn until the player is thawed out again.

In order to make better use of this function in maps with different "temperature" areas, it is necessary to be able to define these areas. For example, the FridgeWars map has two fridges as lolly bases, where the breath puffs could be activated, while in the middle part of the map, which is outside the fridges, the breath puffs should not be drawn. What would we need for this?

I've looked at the source code for this, but it's too complex for me to implement. Therefore help is very welcome. The feature would be essential for the FridgeWars map.