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Unify HUD and scoreboard model and icon appearance #242

Closed kai-li-wop closed 6 months ago

kai-li-wop commented 6 months ago

The scoreboard and HUD sometimes show an icon or a model, like for the cartridge in SYC and the lolly in CTL/1LCTL. The killer duck in CTKD is only shown as an icon on the scoreboard and as a normal holdable on the right side of the HUD, but without the number, because we only have one duck and not five in CTKD. On the other hand, the selected weapon and ammo are represented by a simple 2D icon at the bottom left of the HUD. We also have two cvars: cg_drawIcons and cg_draw3dIcons, which have been reduced in functionality over the years. cg_drawIcons was meant to hide most of the icons from the HUD and scoreboard in Q3A, while in WoP it was completely cut from the HUD and only works with the scoreboard. cg_draw3dIcons was meant to replace all 3D models in the Q3A HUD with 2D icons, even the player's head. Again, most of this was disabled in WoP and simply doesn't work for all models, like the cartridge in SYC. This is an attempt to unify the look of those models/icons in the HUD and scoreboard, and to get the cvars working again.

3aTmE commented 1 month ago

Just , finally, tested this feature.

What was tested?

3D-Icons in the HUD and Scoreboard:

2D-Icons in the HUD and Scoreboard:

Or in short : i can confirm this as working :)