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OPENGL2: my nvidia driver 525.147.05 return GL_NO_ERROR here #265

Open mgerhardy opened 1 month ago

mgerhardy commented 1 month ago

according to the docs this is not expected:

zturtleman commented 1 month ago

The linked docs page says "Additionally, if an error occurs, zero is returned." GL_NO_ERROR is 0 but it's suppose to mean there is an error here.

Some (old) results online suggest it happens if the framebuffer isn't bound or the OpenGL context isn't current on this thread. I don't know why that would apply here though. You could try running it with +set r_ext_direct_state_access 0 and see if it makes a difference (due to driver issues with the EXT version of the extension). Otherwise it probably requires more testing to determine if glCheckFramebufferStatus() returns 0 in all applications or just WoP (and maybe ioq3, I don't know).

Edit: Could also check if glGetError() reports anything here as it sounds like "returns 0" means check glGetError().