PaddeK / node-maxmind-db

This is the pure Node API for reading MaxMind DB files. MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6).
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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crash app when ip is invalid #26

Open truonghoangnguyen opened 8 years ago

truonghoangnguyen commented 8 years ago

I used sailsjs and node-maxmind-db, when ip is invalid, app is crash code in coffee:

         ip = ','; GEOPATH, (error, countries) ->
           countries.getGeoData ip, (error, geodata) ->
             if error
               sails.log.error 'expected come here'
               return callback true, MessageService.common.system(error)
             sails.log.error geodata


chriskinsman commented 7 years ago

We are seeing this also. Instead of calling the callback with an error we instead get a crash.

In our case we were passing 'undefined' as the IP accidentally and it crashed the process due to no out try/catch block.

knoxcard commented 5 years ago