PaddlePaddle / FastDeploy

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PPOCRV2 的 example执行报错 #1755

Closed ANDROIDTODO closed 1 year ago

ANDROIDTODO commented 1 year ago

Hi FastDeploy Teams,

我的环境是Mac M1 12.3 我根据教程编译了fastdepoly,编译命令:

         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PWD}/compiled_fastdeploy_sdk \
make -j8
make install

在compiled_fastdeploy_sdk/examples/vision/ocr/PP-OCRv2/cpp下, 编译了PP-OCRv2的demo后,执行

./infer_demo ./ch_PP-OCRv2_det_infer ./ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer ./ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_rec_infer ./ch_en.txt ./all_font_color.jpg 0


[WARNING] fastdeploy/runtime/   `RuntimeOption::SetTrtInputShape` will be removed in v1.2.0, please use `RuntimeOption.trt_option.SetShape()` instead.
[WARNING] fastdeploy/runtime/   `RuntimeOption::SetTrtInputShape` will be removed in v1.2.0, please use `RuntimeOption.trt_option.SetShape()` instead.
[WARNING] fastdeploy/runtime/   `RuntimeOption::SetTrtInputShape` will be removed in v1.2.0, please use `RuntimeOption.trt_option.SetShape()` instead.
[INFO] fastdeploy/runtime/ Runtime initialized with Backend::ORT in Device::CPU.
[INFO] fastdeploy/runtime/ Runtime initialized with Backend::ORT in Device::CPU.
[INFO] fastdeploy/runtime/ Runtime initialized with Backend::ORT in Device::CPU.
[ERROR] fastdeploy/runtime/backends/ort/  Failed to Infer: Got invalid dimensions for input: x for the following indices
 index: 2 Got: 800 Expected: 960
 index: 3 Got: 672 Expected: 960
 Please fix either the inputs or the model.
[ERROR] fastdeploy/vision/ocr/ppocr/    Failed to inference by runtime.
[ERROR] fastdeploy/vision/ocr/ppocr/  There's error while detecting image in PPOCR.
Failed to predict.


yunyaoXYY commented 1 year ago

模型是哪里下载的,这个模型看着是一个固定shape的模型, 然而输入是动态的

ANDROIDTODO commented 1 year ago
