PaddlePaddle / Paddle-Lite

PaddlePaddle High Performance Deep Learning Inference Engine for Mobile and Edge (飞桨高性能深度学习端侧推理引擎)
Apache License 2.0
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Excel file returning empty with no error [URGENT] #10524

Open adnanshafi99 opened 2 weeks ago

adnanshafi99 commented 2 weeks ago

I have downloaded the English model and pasted it into the correct file. Still, the Excel output file is empty. Please help



This is the code that I used:

!git clone !pip install paddleocr --upgrade !pip install paddlepaddle

Change directory to PaddleOCR\ppstructure

%cd d:\xyz\code\PaddleOCR\ppstructure

Run the Python script for table prediction

!python table\ --det_model_dir=inference\en_PP-OCRv3_det_infer \ --rec_model_dir=inference\en_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_table_rec_infer \ --table_model_dir=inference\en_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_table_structure_infer \ --image_dir=michael_jordan_stats.png \ --rec_char_dict_path=..\ppocr\utils\dict\table_dict.txt \ --table_char_dict_path=..\ppocr\utils\dict\table_structure_dict.txt \ --output=.\output\table

Result :

[2024/06/11 16:02:12] ppocr INFO: [0/1] michael_jordan_stats.png [2024/06/11 16:02:14] ppocr DEBUG: dt_boxes num : 113, elapse : 0.03500866889953613 [2024/06/11 16:02:14] ppocr DEBUG: rec_res num : 113, elapse : 0.2700634002685547 [2024/06/11 16:02:14] ppocr INFO:

colspan="5" colspan="10" colspan="2" colspan="5" colspan="10" colspan="2" colspan="5" colspan="10" colspan="2" colspan="5" colspan="10" colspan="2"<td
[2024/06/11 16:02:14] ppocr INFO: excel saved to .\output\table\michael_jordan_stats.xlsx [2024/06/11 16:02:14] ppocr INFO: Predict time : 2.211s

excel file : image

Html file: image

ddchenhao66 commented 2 weeks ago

Based on the code in table\ , I think you've found the wrong code repository. You should raise an issue in the inference repository instead.


Thank you for your attention to our code repository.