Closed wangle-wang closed 9 months ago
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同学: 1.这个warning暂时不用管 2.你在demo中输入shape多大?
同学: 1.这个warning暂时不用管 2.你在demo中输入shape多大?
感谢回复,模型INPUT_SHAPE = {88, 2, 50, 17,1}
同学 你这个问题我在rk3399上也复现了 具体原因需要进一步定位
同学 你这个问题我在rk3399上也复现了 具体原因需要进一步定位
版本、预测库信息: 1)Paddle Lite 版本: Paddle Lite v2.10 2)Host 环境:Ubuntu 18.04 3)运行设备环境:RV1109(armhf)/RK3568(arm64) 4)预测后端信息:CPU
预测信息 1)预测 API:C++ 2)预测选项信息:armv8、单线程 3)预测库来源:官网下载
问题描述:尝试把行为识别模型ST-GCN部署到瑞芯微RV1109开发板,参考Paddle Lite 通用示例程序[ PaddleLite-generic-demo.tar.gz]中image_classification_demo在1109 cpu运行示例,将mobile_config.set_model_from_file设置为ST-GCN模型(ST-GCN 模型文件下载自,mobile_config 其他配置与image_classification_demo中保持一致(CPU_THREAD_NUM = 1;CPU_POWER_MODE=LITE_POWER_NO_BIND;)尝试在1109上运行ST-GCN模型时,报如下错误:
[I 8/ 5 17: 2:41.248 ...periment/Paddle-Lite/lite/api/ CheckPaddleOpVersions] Warning: incompatible paddle op version. Kernel (fill_constant:host/any/NCHW) requires that op_version(fill_constant)==1. However, the op_version(fill_constant) in this models is 2. It's suggested to use PaddlePaddle and Paddle-Lite of the same op_version(fill_constant). [I 8/ 5 17: 2:41.421 ...e-Lite/lite/model_parser/ SaveModelNaive] 2. Model is optimized and saved into ./STGCN.nb successfully [F 8/ 5 17: 3:21.389 ...ite/lite/backends/host/ Malloc] Check failed: p: Error occurred in TargetWrapper::Malloc period: no enough for mallocing 57446400 bytes. [F 8/ 5 17: 3:21.389 ...ite/lite/backends/host/ Malloc] Check failed: p: Error occurred in TargetWrapper::Malloc period: no enough for mallocing 57446400 bytes.
提示malloc时运行内存不足,进入adb shell中查看板端运行时1109内存占用情况,发现在 执行 CreatePaddlePredictor(mobile_config) 时占用了大量内存,1109 844M运行内存被全部占用导致Error occurred in TargetWrapper::Malloc period: no enough for mallocing 57446400 bytes. malloc 时空间不足。
换用内存空间更大的RK3568开发板运行ST-GCN模型,可以成功在3568上运行nb模型,但内存占用很大,在通过 CreatePaddlePredictor 接口创建 Predictor 对像时收集大量内存,3568 可用内存从1553M->22M,模型配置阶段占用了1500+M的运存,不清楚什么原因导致在端侧部署时会占用如此大量的内存,在3568上运行ST-GCN模型时并没报error信息,在生成nb模型时,报如下warning: [I 2/14 10:12:40. 69 ...periment/Paddle-Lite/lite/api/ CheckPaddleOpVersions] Warning: incompatible paddle op version. Kernel (fill_constant:host/any/NCHW) requires that op_version(fill_constant)==1. However, the op_version(fill_constant) in this models is 2. It's suggested to use PaddlePaddle and Paddle-Lite of the same op_version(fill_constant). [I 2/14 10:12:40.309 ...e-Lite/lite/model_parser/ SaveModelNaive] 2. Model is optimized and saved into ./STGCN.nb successfully