Closed Water2style closed 2 years ago
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你好,是用的PaddleSlim. 步骤就是跟随教程来的. 推理的时候,只有batch_size=2的时候,30%的剪枝模型会快于原版,其他更大的batch_size都不如原版 主要步骤: FPGM+敏感性分析+跳过最后一个conv. (50%剪枝和30%剪枝唯一区别就是剪枝比例)
pruner = paddleslim.dygraph.FPGMFilterPruner(net, [1, 3, 224, 224]) pruner.sensitive(sen_file=args.sens_file) plan = pruner.sensitive_prune(args.prune_ratio, skip_vars=[ conv2d_params_name[-1]]).
您说的剪枝后的模型结构是 Summary信息吗?~
网络结构用的是 PaddleClas.MobileNetV1
这是剪枝算法print出来的最后的一部分,应该是展示了裁剪了哪些通道: 2022-02-19 03:59:47,031-INFO: change groups from 32 to 16 for conv2d_1.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,034-INFO: change groups from 64 to 46 for conv2d_3.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,037-INFO: change groups from 128 to 101 for conv2d_5.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,041-INFO: change groups from 128 to 99 for conv2d_7.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,045-INFO: change groups from 256 to 224 for conv2d_9.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,070-INFO: change groups from 256 to 174 for conv2d_11.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,076-INFO: change groups from 512 to 432 for conv2d_13.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,085-INFO: change groups from 512 to 417 for conv2d_15.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,093-INFO: change groups from 512 to 440 for conv2d_17.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,103-INFO: change groups from 512 to 438 for conv2d_23.w_0. 2022-02-19 03:59:47,116-INFO: change groups from 1024 to 693 for conv2d_25.w_0. FLOPs after pruning: 8253581.0 Pruned FLOPs: 30.01%
Layer (type) Input Shape Output Shape Param #
Conv2D-1 [[1, 3, 224, 224]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 432
BatchNorm-1 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 64
ReLU-5 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 0
ConvBNLayer-1 [[1, 3, 224, 224]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 0
Conv2D-2 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 144
BatchNorm-2 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 64
ReLU-6 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 0
ConvBNLayer-2 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 16, 112, 112] 0
Conv2D-3 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 112, 112] 736
BatchNorm-3 [[1, 46, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 112, 112] 184
ReLU-7 [[1, 46, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 112, 112] 0
ConvBNLayer-3 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 112, 112] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-1 [[1, 16, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 112, 112] 0
Conv2D-4 [[1, 46, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 56, 56] 414
BatchNorm-4 [[1, 46, 56, 56]] [1, 46, 56, 56] 184
ReLU-8 [[1, 46, 56, 56]] [1, 46, 56, 56] 0
ConvBNLayer-4 [[1, 46, 112, 112]] [1, 46, 56, 56] 0
Conv2D-5 [[1, 46, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 4,646
BatchNorm-5 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 404
ReLU-9 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 0
ConvBNLayer-5 [[1, 46, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-2 [[1, 46, 112, 112]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 0
Conv2D-6 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 909
BatchNorm-6 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 404
ReLU-10 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 0
ConvBNLayer-6 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 101, 56, 56] 0
Conv2D-7 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 56, 56] 9,999
BatchNorm-7 [[1, 99, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 56, 56] 396
ReLU-11 [[1, 99, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 56, 56] 0
ConvBNLayer-7 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 56, 56] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-3 [[1, 101, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 56, 56] 0
Conv2D-8 [[1, 99, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 28, 28] 891
BatchNorm-8 [[1, 99, 28, 28]] [1, 99, 28, 28] 396
ReLU-12 [[1, 99, 28, 28]] [1, 99, 28, 28] 0
ConvBNLayer-8 [[1, 99, 56, 56]] [1, 99, 28, 28] 0
Conv2D-9 [[1, 99, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 22,176
BatchNorm-9 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 896
ReLU-13 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 0
ConvBNLayer-9 [[1, 99, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-4 [[1, 99, 56, 56]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 0
Conv2D-10 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 2,016
BatchNorm-10 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 896
ReLU-14 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 0
ConvBNLayer-10 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 224, 28, 28] 0
Conv2D-11 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 28, 28] 38,976
BatchNorm-11 [[1, 174, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 28, 28] 696
ReLU-15 [[1, 174, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 28, 28] 0
ConvBNLayer-11 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 28, 28] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-5 [[1, 224, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 28, 28] 0
Conv2D-12 [[1, 174, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 14, 14] 1,566
BatchNorm-12 [[1, 174, 14, 14]] [1, 174, 14, 14] 696
ReLU-16 [[1, 174, 14, 14]] [1, 174, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-12 [[1, 174, 28, 28]] [1, 174, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-13 [[1, 174, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 75,168
BatchNorm-13 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 1,728
ReLU-17 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-13 [[1, 174, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-6 [[1, 174, 28, 28]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-14 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 3,888
BatchNorm-14 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 1,728
ReLU-18 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-14 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 432, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-15 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 180,144
BatchNorm-15 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 1,668
ReLU-19 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-15 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-7 [[1, 432, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-16 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 3,753
BatchNorm-16 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 1,668
ReLU-20 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-16 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 417, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-17 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 183,480
BatchNorm-17 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 1,760
ReLU-21 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-17 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-8 [[1, 417, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-18 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 3,960
BatchNorm-18 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 1,760
ReLU-22 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-18 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 440, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-19 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 225,280
BatchNorm-19 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 2,048
ReLU-23 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-19 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-9 [[1, 440, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-20 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 4,608
BatchNorm-20 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 2,048
ReLU-24 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-20 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-21 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 262,144
BatchNorm-21 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 2,048
ReLU-25 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-21 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-10 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-22 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 4,608
BatchNorm-22 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 2,048
ReLU-26 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-22 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 512, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-23 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 14, 14] 224,256
BatchNorm-23 [[1, 438, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 14, 14] 1,752
ReLU-27 [[1, 438, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 14, 14] 0
ConvBNLayer-23 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 14, 14] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-11 [[1, 512, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 14, 14] 0
Conv2D-24 [[1, 438, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 7, 7] 3,942
BatchNorm-24 [[1, 438, 7, 7]] [1, 438, 7, 7] 1,752
ReLU-28 [[1, 438, 7, 7]] [1, 438, 7, 7] 0
ConvBNLayer-24 [[1, 438, 14, 14]] [1, 438, 7, 7] 0
Conv2D-25 [[1, 438, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 303,534
BatchNorm-25 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 2,772
ReLU-29 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 0
ConvBNLayer-25 [[1, 438, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-12 [[1, 438, 14, 14]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 0
Conv2D-26 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 6,237
BatchNorm-26 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 2,772
ReLU-30 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 0
ConvBNLayer-26 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 693, 7, 7] 0
Conv2D-27 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 7, 7] 709,632
BatchNorm-27 [[1, 1024, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 7, 7] 4,096
ReLU-31 [[1, 1024, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 7, 7] 0
ConvBNLayer-27 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 7, 7] 0
DepthwiseSeparable-13 [[1, 693, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 7, 7] 0
AdaptiveAvgPool2D-1 [[1, 1024, 7, 7]] [1, 1024, 1, 1] 0
Flatten-1 [[1, 1024, 1, 1]] [1, 1024] 0
Linear-1 [[1, 1024]] [1, 1000] 1,025,000
Total params: 3,339,467
Trainable params: 3,302,539
Non-trainable params: 36,928
Input size (MB): 0.57
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 132.26
Params size (MB): 12.74
Estimated Total Size (MB): 145.57
只有50%剪枝后的模型推理速度比原版强. 30%的剪枝模型还比原版弱了. 这是为什么呢?谢谢
这是因为PaddleInference所调用的Nvidia GPU计算库cublas(或cublaslt)对矩阵乘或卷积计算的操作做了深入的优化。
, B=[1024, 256]
做了特殊优化O,将A剪裁为[700, 1024], 有可能无法命中优化O, 性能反而不如剪裁之前。
选项,使剪裁后的通道数是8或16的倍数;以上,在Nvidia GPU上剪裁的推理加速确实没有Intel CPU和ARM CPU来的容易,需要多做一些工作。
只有50%剪枝后的模型推理速度比原版强. 30%的剪枝模型还比原版弱了. 这是为什么呢?谢谢
这是因为PaddleInference所调用的Nvidia GPU计算库cublas(或cublaslt)对矩阵乘或卷积计算的操作做了深入的优化。 比如,如果对
,B=[1024, 256]
做了特殊优化O,将A剪裁为[700, 1024], 有可能无法命中优化O, 性能反而不如剪裁之前。可以分别尝试以下两个方法,来尽量避免上述问题:
- 在敏感度分析时,开启sensitive_prune的
选项,使剪裁后的通道数是8或16的倍数;- 在当前得到的一组剪裁率的基础上,微调剪裁率,使剪裁后的通道数是8或16的倍数。
以上,在Nvidia GPU上剪裁的推理加速确实没有Intel CPU和ARM CPU来的容易,需要多做一些工作。
好的谢谢! 我后面继续做实验试试
使用FPGM对MobileNetV1分别剪枝 30%和50%.
使用paddle-inference推理预测1万张ImageNet2012图片. 计时位置是的前后.
只有50%剪枝后的模型推理速度比原版强. 30%的剪枝模型还比原版弱了. 这是为什么呢?谢谢