PaddlePaddle / Paddle

PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Apache License 2.0
22.07k stars 5.54k forks source link

测试编译错误 #51423

Open xiehuanyi opened 1 year ago

xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago


paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/build.make:57: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program' failed
make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program] Error 4
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:207270: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

使用的命令:make -j$(nproc)


# cd /paddle/build                                          
CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:25 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

-- Found Paddle host system: ubuntu, version: 18.04.5
-- Found Paddle host system's CPU: 6 cores
-- CXX compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/c++, version: GNU 8.2.0
-- C compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/gcc, version: GNU 8.2.0
-- AR tools: /usr/local/bin/ar
-- ccache is founded, use ccache to speed up compile on Unix.
ccache version                      3.7
cache directory                     /root/.ccache
primary config                      /root/.ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config      (readonly)    /usr/local/ccache-3.7.9/etc/ccache.conf
stats updated                       Thu Mar  9 05:43:22 2023
cache hit (direct)                   120
cache hit (preprocessed)            1482
cache miss                          3407
cache hit rate                     31.98 %
called for link                     5396
compile failed                         3
cleanups performed                     0
files in cache                      7332
cache size                           1.5 GB
max cache size                       5.0 GB

-- Do not have AVX2 intrinsics and disabled MKL-DNN.
-- warp-ctc library: /paddle/build/third_party/install/warpctc/lib/
-- Build OpenBLAS by External Project (include: /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/include, library: /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/lib/libopenblas.a)
-- Protobuf protoc executable: /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/bin/protoc
-- Protobuf-lite library: /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf-lite.a
-- Protobuf library: /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a
-- Protoc library: /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/lib/libprotoc.a
-- Protobuf version: 3.1.0
CMake Warning at /home/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:1754 (message):
  Line 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' does not match regex.  Ignoring.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /home/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:2939 (_ep_command_line_to_initial_cache)
  /home/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:2972 (_ep_extract_configure_command)
  /home/cmake-3.16.0-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.16/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake:3239 (_ep_add_configure_command)
  cmake/external/xbyak.cmake:33 (ExternalProject_Add)
  cmake/third_party.cmake:427 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:518 (include)

POCKETFFT_INCLUDE_DIR is /paddle/build/third_party/pocketfft/src
-- Paddle version is 0.0.0
-- On inference mode, will take place some specific optimization.
Requirement already up-to-date: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (6.0)
Requirement already up-to-date: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.1.2)
Requirement already up-to-date: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (4.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from jinja2) (2.1.2)
parse api yamls:
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/ops.yaml
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/legacy_ops.yaml
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/backward.yaml
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/legacy_backward.yaml
validate api yaml:
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/parsed_apis/ops.parsed.yaml
- /paddle/paddle/phi/api/yaml/parsed_apis/backward_ops.parsed.yaml
Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
create or remove auto-geneated operators: /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/
create or remove auto-geneated argument mappings: /paddle/paddle/phi/ops/compat/
copy if different /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/ /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/
copy if different /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/ /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/
copy if different /paddle/paddle/phi/ops/compat/ /paddle/paddle/phi/ops/compat/
copy if different /paddle/paddle/phi/ops/compat/ /paddle/paddle/phi/ops/compat/
generate /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/
Merge and generate static library: phi_static_1
-- commit: f0422a28d7
-- branch: release/2.4
Performing Eager Dygraph Auto Code Generation
Final State Eager CodeGen
Generate dygraph file structure at path: /paddle/paddle/fluid/eager/generated
-- test_dist_hapi_model
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /paddle/build
paddle-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago


Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. We will arrange technicians to answer your questions as soon as possible. Please make sure that you have posted enough message to demo your request. You may also check out the APIFAQGithub Issue and AI community to get the answer.Have a nice day!

yeliang2258 commented 1 year ago


yeliang2258 commented 1 year ago

xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago
# make -j$(nproc)
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/kernels/declarations.h
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/operators/jit/kernels.h
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/ops/compat/signatures.h
[  0%] Built target extern_gflags
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/pybind/pybind.h
[  0%] Built target copy_paddle_inference_pass_command
[  0%] Built target copy_signatures_command
[  0%] Built target copy_kernels_command
[  0%] Built target copy_declarations_command
[  0%] Built target copy_pybind_command
[  0%] Built target extern_zlib
[  0%] Built target extern_openblas
[  0%] Built target extern_xbyak
[  0%] Built target extern_eigen3
[  0%] Built target extern_threadpool
[  1%] Built target extern_dlpack
[  1%] Built target extern_utf8proc
[  1%] Built target extern_pocketfft
[  2%] Built target extern_lapack
[  2%] Built target extern_warpctc
[  2%] Built target extern_gtest
[  2%] Built target extern_cryptopp
File 'buddy_allocator_test_data.tar' already there; not retrieving.

[  2%] Built target extern_pybind
[  3%] Built target extern_gloo
[  3%] Built target profiler_py_proto_init
[  3%] Built target ps_py_proto_init
[  3%] Built target download_data
[  3%] Built target framework_py_proto_init
[  3%] Built target fleet_proto_init
[  3%] Built target extern_glog
[  4%] Built target extern_protobuf
[  4%] Built target flags
[  4%] Built target errors
[  5%] Built target cudnn_workspace_helper
[  5%] Built target cblas
[  5%] Built target phi_place
[  5%] Built target shape_range_info_proto
[  5%] Built target fleet_executor_desc_proto
[  5%] Built target heter_service_proto
[  5%] Built target data_feed_proto
[  6%] Built target auto_parallel_proto
[  6%] Built target interceptor_message_proto
[  6%] Built target nodetreeproto
[  6%] Built target version
[  6%] Built target paddle_jit_property_proto
[  6%] Built target stringpiece
[  6%] Built target cache
[  6%] Built target activation_functions
[  6%] Built target imperative_flag
[  6%] Built target denormal
[  6%] Built target timer
[  6%] Built target pretty_log
[  7%] Built target string_helper
[  7%] Built target eigen_function
[  7%] Built target monitor
[  8%] Built target string_array
[  8%] Built target phi_c_place
[  8%] Built target imperative_profiler
[  9%] Built target table_printer
[  9%] Built target paddle_pass_builder
Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto/profiler.
[  9%] Built target profiler_py_proto
[  9%] Running Python protocol buffer compiler on the_one_ps.proto
[  9%] Built target fleet_executor_desc_py_proto
[  9%] Built target eager_python_c_codegen
[  9%] Built target pass_desc_py_proto
[  9%] Built target distributed_strategy_py_proto
[  9%] Built target ps_py_proto
[  9%] Built target trainer_py_proto
[  9%] Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/distributed/fleet/proto.
[  9%] Built target zero_copy_tensor_dummy
[  9%] Built target phi_enforce
[  9%] Built target fleet_executor_proto_init
[  9%] Built target framework_proto
[  9%] Built target switch_autotune
Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto.
[ 10%] Built target enforce
[ 10%] Built target tensor_meta
[ 10%] Built target framework_py_proto
[ 10%] Built target tensor_base
[ 10%] Built target ddim
[ 10%] Built target profiler_utils
[ 10%] Built target cpu_helper
[ 11%] Built target op_def_proto
[ 11%] Built target trainer_desc_proto
[ 11%] Built target profiler_proto
[ 11%] Built target pass_desc_proto
[ 12%] Built target place
[ 13%] Built target data_type
paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/build.make:57: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program' failed
make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program] Error 4
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:207270: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 13%] Built target os_info
[ 13%] Built target arg_map_context
[ 13%] Built target cpu_info
[ 13%] Built target stats
[ 13%] Built target eager_codegen
Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
# make -j1       
[  0%] Built target extern_gflags
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/operators/jit/kernels.h
[  0%] Built target copy_kernels_command
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h
[  0%] Built target copy_paddle_inference_pass_command
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/kernels/declarations.h
[  0%] Built target copy_declarations_command
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/ops/compat/signatures.h
[  0%] Built target copy_signatures_command
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/pybind/pybind.h
[  0%] Built target copy_pybind_command
[  0%] Built target extern_glog
[  0%] Built target errors
[  0%] Built target flags
[  0%] Built target phi_enforce
[  0%] Built target extern_zlib
[  1%] Built target extern_protobuf
[  1%] Built target framework_proto
[  2%] Built target enforce
[  2%] Built target attribute
[  3%] Built target cudnn_workspace_helper
Scanning dependencies of target ops_extra_info
[  3%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/operators/CMakeFiles/ops_extra_info.dir/
[  3%] Linking CXX static library libops_extra_info.a
[  3%] Built target ops_extra_info
[  3%] Built target phi_place
[  3%] Built target workqueue_utils
[  3%] Built target tensor_meta
[  3%] Built target tensor_base
[  3%] Built target sparse_coo_tensor
[  3%] Built target ddim
[  3%] Built target profiler_utils
[  3%] Built target extern_openblas
[  3%] Built target cblas
[  3%] Built target cpu_helper
[  3%] Built target shape_range_info_proto
[  3%] Built target heter_service_proto
[  4%] Built target op_def_proto
[  4%] Built target fleet_executor_desc_proto
[  4%] Built target data_feed_proto
[  4%] Built target trainer_desc_proto
[  4%] Built target extern_threadpool
[  4%] Built target profiler_proto
[  4%] Built target auto_parallel_proto
[  5%] Built target interceptor_message_proto
[  5%] Built target nodetreeproto
[  5%] Built target pass_desc_proto
[  5%] Built target paddle_jit_property_proto
[  5%] Built target extern_xxhash
[  5%] Built target version
[  6%] Built target place
[  7%] Built target generator
[  8%] Built target data_type
[  8%] Built target fluid_convert_utils
[  8%] Built target event_node
[  8%] Built target profiler_logger
[  8%] Built target os_info
[  8%] Built target arg_map_context
[  8%] Built target mlu_tracer
[  8%] Built target op_utils
[  8%] Built target event_bind
[  8%] Built target extern_xbyak
[  8%] Built target cpu_info
[  8%] Built target cpu_utilization
[  8%] Built target stats
[  8%] Built target device_tracer
[  8%] Built target op_proto_maker
[  8%] Built target custom_tracer
[  8%] Built target cuda_tracer
[  8%] Built target threadpool
[  8%] Built target stringpiece
[  8%] Built target extern_eigen3
[  9%] Built target extern_dlpack
[  9%] Built target scope
[  9%] Built target shape_inference
[  9%] Built target selected_rows_utils
[  9%] Built target var_type_traits
[  9%] Built target tensor
[  9%] Built target new_profiler
[  9%] Built target host_tracer
[  9%] Built target device_context
[  9%] Built target profiler
[  9%] Built target allocator
[  9%] Built target memory
[  9%] Built target malloc
[  9%] Built target memcpy
[  9%] Built target phi_backends
[  9%] Built target convert_utils
[  9%] Built target phi_device_context
[  9%] Built target selected_rows
[  9%] Built target sparse_csr_tensor
[  9%] Built target serialization
[  9%] Built target dense_tensor
[  9%] Built target tensor_array
[  9%] Built target mixed_vector
[ 10%] Built target lod_tensor
[ 10%] Built target reset_tensor_array
[ 10%] Built target jit_kernel_base
[ 10%] Built target jit_kernel_jitcode
[ 10%] Built target int_array
[ 10%] Built target scalar
[ 10%] Built target meta_tensor
[ 10%] Built target kernel_factory
[ 10%] Built target custom_kernel
[ 10%] Built target init
[ 10%] Built target context_pool
[ 10%] Built target string_tensor
[ 10%] Built target phi_api_utils
[ 10%] Built target phi_tensor_raw
[ 10%] Built target infermeta_utils
[ 10%] Built target api_gen_utils
[ 10%] Built target pooling
[ 10%] Built target concat_and_split_functor
[ 10%] Built target phi_data_layout_transform
[ 10%] Built target kernel_context
[ 10%] Built target cache
[ 10%] Built target switch_autotune
[ 10%] Built target sparse_infermeta
[ 10%] Built target blas
[ 10%] Built target activation_functions
[ 10%] Built target math_function
[ 10%] Built target gru_compute
[ 10%] Built target matrix_reduce
[ 10%] Built target matrix_solve
[ 10%] Built target extern_utf8proc
[ 10%] Built target lod_utils
[ 10%] Built target extern_pocketfft
[ 10%] Built target fft
[ 10%] Built target string_infermeta
[ 11%] Built target device_memory_aligment
[ 12%] Built target eigen_function
[ 12%] Built target gpc
[ 12%] Built target infermeta
[ 12%] Built target phi_dynamic_loader
[ 12%] Built target extern_lapack
[ 12%] Built target phi_dynload_lapack
[ 13%] Built target segment_pooling
[ 14%] Built target extern_warpctc
[ 15%] Built target phi_dynload_warpctc
[ 15%] Built target deformable_conv_functor
[ 16%] Built target matrix_inverse
[ 16%] Built target lapack_function
[ 16%] Built target phi_tensor_utils
[ 17%] Built target processgroup
[ 17%] Built target lstm_compute
[ 17%] Built target gather_scatter_kernel
[ 17%] Built target maxouting
[ 17%] Built target jit_kernel_refer
[ 17%] Built target jit_kernel_mix
[ 17%] Built target jit_kernel_helper
[ 17%] Built target softmax
[ 17%] Built target sequence_padding
[ 17%] Built target vol2col
[ 17%] Built target selected_rows_functor
[ 17%] Built target cross_entropy
[ 17%] Built target sequence_scale
[ 17%] Built target matrix_bit_code
[ 17%] Built target im2col
[ 30%] Built target phi_cpu
[ 30%] Built target kernel_dispatch
[ 35%] Built target op_compat_infos
[ 35%] Built target api_int_array
[ 35%] Built target api_scalar
[ 36%] Built target tensor_copy
[ 36%] Built target phi
[ 36%] Built target phi_static_1
[ 36%] Built target phi_data_transform
[ 36%] Built target backward_infermeta
[ 36%] Built target api_custom_impl
[ 36%] Built target phi_function_api
[ 36%] Built target sparse_api
[ 36%] Built target no_need_buffer_vars_inference
[ 36%] Built target op_info
[ 36%] Built target infershape_utils
[ 36%] Built target data_device_transform
[ 36%] Built target op_call_stack
[ 36%] Built target data_layout_transform
[ 36%] Built target data_type_transform
[ 36%] Built target data_transform
[ 36%] Built target process_mesh
[ 36%] Built target phi_utils
[ 36%] Built target unused_var_check
[ 36%] Built target op_kernel_type
[ 36%] Built target transfer_scope_cache
[ 36%] Built target nan_inf_utils
[ 36%] Built target operator
[ 36%] Built target proto_desc
[ 36%] Built target dist_attr
[ 36%] Built target op_registry
[ 36%] Built target variable_helper
[ 36%] Built target imperative_flag
[ 36%] Built target strings_api
[ 36%] Built target phi_tensor
[ 36%] Built target var_helper
[ 36%] Built target prepared_operator
[ 36%] Built target layer
[ 36%] Built target gradient_accumulator
[ 36%] Built target garbage_collector
[ 36%] Built target layout_autotune
[ 36%] Built target denormal
[ 36%] Built target amp
[ 36%] Built target engine
[ 36%] Built target op_desc_meta
[ 36%] Built target program_desc_tracer
[ 36%] Built target tracer
[ 36%] Built target global_utils
[ 36%] Built target sparse_backward_infermeta
[ 36%] Built target phi_bw_function_api
[ 36%] Built target sparse_bw_api
[ 36%] Built target phi_api
[ 36%] Built target program_utils
[ 36%] Built target node
[ 36%] Built target var_handle
[ 36%] Built target op_handle_base
[ 36%] Built target pretty_log
[ 36%] Built target graph
[ 36%] Built target scale_loss_grad_op_handle
[ 36%] Built target graph_helper
[ 36%] Built target pass
[ 36%] Built target op_graph_view
[ 37%] Built target computation_op_handle
[ 37%] Built target reference_count_pass_helper
[ 38%] Built target reference_count_pass
[ 38%] Built target extern_gtest
Scanning dependencies of target op_def_api
[ 38%] Building CXX object paddle/fluid/framework/CMakeFiles/op_def_api.dir/
[ 38%] Linking CXX static library libop_def_api.a
[ 38%] Built target op_def_api
[ 38%] Built target graph_traits
[ 38%] Built target graph_pattern_detector
[ 38%] Built target op_compat_sensible_pass
[ 38%] Built target fuse_pass_base
[ 38%] Built target op_version_proto
[ 38%] Built target op_version_registry
[ 38%] Built target gpu_cpu_map_matmul_to_mul_pass
[ 39%] Built target heter_wrapper
[ 39%] Built target add_support_int8_pass
[ 39%] Built target delete_quant_dequant_op_pass
[ 39%] Built target pass_builder
[ 39%] Built target timer
[ 39%] Built target string_helper
[ 39%] Built target task_loop_thread_pool
[ 39%] Built target shell
[ 39%] Built target fs
[ 39%] Built target feed_fetch_method
[ 39%] Built target share_tensor_buffer_functor
[ 39%] Built target share_tensor_buffer_op_handle
[ 39%] Built target lodtensor_printer
[ 39%] Built target monitor
[ 39%] Built target collective_helper
[ 39%] Built target graph_to_program_pass
[ 39%] Built target lod_rank_table
[ 39%] Built target box_wrapper
[ 39%] Built target gloo_wrapper
[ 39%] Built target ps_gpu_wrapper
[ 39%] Built target fleet_wrapper
[ 39%] Built target common_infer_shape_functions
[ 39%] Built target op_variant
[ 39%] Built target while_op_helper
[ 39%] Built target recurrent_op_helper
[ 39%] Built target conditional_block_op_helper
[ 39%] Built target conditional_block_op
[ 39%] Built target recurrent_op
[ 39%] Built target executor_gc_helper
[ 40%] Built target executor
[ 41%] Built target fleet_executor
[ 41%] Built target multi_devices_helper
[ 42%] Built target memory_reuse_pass
[ 42%] Built target buffer_shared_inplace_op_pass
[ 42%] Built target recurrent_op_eager_deletion_pass
[ 42%] Built target eager_deletion_op_handle
[ 42%] Built target while_op_eager_deletion_pass
[ 42%] Built target conditional_block_op_eager_deletion_pass
[ 42%] Built target eager_deletion_pass
[ 42%] Built target matmul_scale_fuse_pass
[ 42%] Built target fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_pass
[ 42%] Built target interpretercore_garbage_collector
[ 42%] Built target device_event_base
[ 42%] Built target dependency_builder
[ 42%] Built target workqueue
[ 42%] Built target standalone_executor
[ 42%] Built target dense_fc_to_sparse_pass
[ 42%] Built target embedding_fc_lstm_fuse_pass
[ 42%] Built target phi_c_kernel_factory
[ 42%] Built target extern_cryptopp
[ 42%] Built target op_meta_info
[ 42%] Built target phi_dygraph_api
[ 42%] Built target fuse_bn_add_act_pass
[ 42%] Built target squared_mat_sub_fuse_pass
[ 42%] Built target skip_layernorm_fuse_pass
[ 42%] Built target fuse_elewise_add_act_pass
[ 43%] Built target phi_c_scalar
[ 43%] Built target variable_visitor
[ 43%] Built target broadcast_op_handle
[ 43%] Built target fused_broadcast_op_handle
[ 43%] Built target sequence2batch
[ 43%] Built target fuse_optimizer_op_pass
[ 43%] Built target reader
[ 43%] Built target buffer_shared_cross_op_memory_reuse_pass
[ 43%] Built target device_mesh
[ 43%] Built target conv_elementwise_add_act_fuse_pass
[ 43%] Built target repeated_fc_relu_fuse_pass
[ 43%] Built target subgraph_detector
[ 44%] Built target naive_executor
[ 44%] Built target multi_batch_merge_pass
[ 44%] Built target delete_c_identity_op_pass
[ 44%] Built target seqpool_concat_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target sync_batch_norm_pass
[ 44%] Built target attention_lstm_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target seqconv_eltadd_relu_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target multihead_matmul_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target quant_conv2d_dequant_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target rpc_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target fc_lstm_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target unsqueeze2_eltwise_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target fc_fuse_pass
[ 44%] Built target reduce_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target fused_all_reduce_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target fetch_barrier_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target all_reduce_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target grad_merge_all_reduce_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target multi_devices_graph_pass
[ 44%] Built target set_reader_device_info_utils
[ 44%] Built target inplace_addto_op_pass
[ 44%] Built target ssa_graph_executor
[ 44%] Built target fetch_op_handle
[ 44%] Built target threaded_ssa_graph_executor
[ 44%] Built target parallel_ssa_graph_executor
[ 45%] Built target dynamic_loader
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_device_context
[ 45%] Built target shuffle_channel_detect_pass
[ 45%] Built target delete_quant_dequant_filter_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target coalesce_grad_tensor_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_bn_act_pass
[ 45%] Built target runtime_context_cache_pass
[ 45%] Built target conv_bn_fuse_pass
[ 45%] Built target modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass
[ 45%] Built target cuda_graph_with_memory_pool
[ 45%] Built target op_compatible_info
[ 45%] Built target processgroup_stream
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_kernel_registry
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_tensor
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_data_type
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_int_array
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_place
[ 45%] Built target phi_c_kernel_context
[ 45%] Built target phi_capi
[ 45%] Built target fused_multi_transformer_decoder_pass
[ 45%] Built target custom_operator
[ 45%] Built target paddle_framework
[ 45%] Built target fc_functor
[ 45%] Built target identity_scale_op_clean_pass
[ 45%] Built target fix_op_run_order_pass
[ 45%] Built target fused_multi_transformer_encoder_pass
[ 45%] Built target multi_devices_graph_check_pass
[ 45%] Built target async_ssa_graph_executor
[ 45%] Built target all_reduce_deps_pass
[ 45%] Built target add_reader_dependency_pass
[ 45%] Built target delete_dropout_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_all_reduce_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target scope_buffered_monitor
[ 45%] Built target scope_buffered_ssa_graph_executor
[ 45%] Built target graph_viz_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_adam_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target fetch_async_op_handle
[ 45%] Built target lock_free_optimize_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_sgd_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target multi_devices_graph_print_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_momentum_op_pass
[ 45%] Built target bind_threaded_ssa_graph_executor
[ 45%] Built target fast_threaded_ssa_graph_executor
[ 45%] Built target sequential_execution_pass
[ 45%] Built target backward_optimizer_op_deps_pass
[ 45%] Built target fuse_gemm_epilogue_pass
[ 45%] Built target build_strategy
[ 45%] Built target parallel_executor
[ 45%] Built target executor_cache
[ 45%] Built target preln_residual_bias_fuse_pass
[ 46%] Built target string_array
[ 46%] Built target yolo_box_fuse_pass
[ 46%] Built target seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass
[ 46%] Built target adaptive_pool2d_convert_global_pass
[ 47%] Built target delete_weight_dequant_linear_op_pass
[ 47%] Built target fc_gru_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target conv_elementwise_add_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target vit_attention_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target delete_fill_constant_op_pass
[ 48%] Built target layer_norm_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target simplify_with_basic_ops_pass
[ 48%] Built target auto_mixed_precision_pass
[ 48%] Built target fc_elementwise_layernorm_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target dense_multihead_matmul_to_sparse_pass
[ 48%] Built target delete_quant_dequant_linear_op_pass
[ 48%] Built target fuse_multi_transformer_layer_pass
[ 48%] Built target transpose_flatten_concat_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target dynload_warpctc
[ 48%] Built target constant_folding_pass
[ 48%] Built target seqpool_cvm_concat_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target conv_elementwise_add2_act_fuse_pass
[ 48%] Built target paddle_crypto
[ 48%] Built target is_test_pass
[ 48%] Built target lstm_op
[ 48%] Built target save_combine_op
[ 48%] Built target quantize_linear_op
[ 48%] Built target run_program_op
[ 48%] Built target where_op
[ 48%] Built target where_index_op
[ 48%] Built target viterbi_decode_op
[ 49%] Built target unstack_op
[ 49%] Built target uniform_random_inplace_op
[ 49%] Built target unbind_op
[ 49%] Built target truncated_gaussian_random_op
[ 49%] Built target triu_indices_op
[ 49%] Built target tril_triu_op
[ 49%] Built target triangular_solve_op
[ 49%] Built target tree_conv_op
[ 49%] Built target temporal_shift_op
[ 49%] Built target tdm_child_op
[ 49%] Built target take_along_axis_op
[ 49%] Built target svd_op
[ 49%] Built target strided_slice_op
[ 49%] Built target stft_op
[ 49%] Built target stack_op
[ 49%] Built target squared_l2_norm_op
[ 50%] Built target spp_op
[ 50%] Built target sparse_manual_op
[ 50%] Built target space_to_depth_op
[ 51%] Built target softmax_op
[ 51%] Built target smooth_l1_loss_op
[ 51%] Built target slice_op
[ 51%] Built target shuffle_batch_op
[ 52%] Built target shrink_rnn_memory_op
[ 52%] Built target size_op
[ 52%] Built target shape_op
[ 52%] Built target selu_op
[ 52%] Built target select_output_op
[ 52%] Built target searchsorted_op
[ 52%] Built target scatter_op
[ 52%] Built target scale_op
[ 53%] Built target save_op
[ 53%] Built target sampling_id_op
[ 53%] Built target row_conv_op
[ 53%] Built target roll_op
[ 53%] Built target sign_op
[ 54%] Built target roi_pool_op
[ 54%] Built target reverse_op
[ 54%] Built target split_op
[ 54%] Built target reshape_op
[ 54%] Built target requantize_op
[ 54%] Built target real_op
[ 54%] Built target read_file_op
[ 54%] Built target rank_loss_op
[ 54%] Built target range_op
[ 54%] Built target random_routing_op
[ 54%] Built target queue_generator_op
[ 54%] Built target quantize_op
[ 54%] Built target put_along_axis_op
[ 54%] Built target select_input_op
[ 54%] Built target pull_sparse_op
[ 54%] Built target pull_gpups_sparse_op
[ 54%] Built target pull_box_sparse_op
[ 54%] Built target psroi_pool_op
[ 54%] Built target unique_with_counts_op
[ 54%] Built target prroi_pool_op
[ 54%] Built target print_op
[ 54%] Built target positive_negative_pair_op
[ 54%] Built target pool_op
[ 54%] Built target pixel_shuffle_op
[ 54%] Built target unfold_op
[ 54%] Built target pad_constant_like_op
[ 54%] Built target sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_op
[ 54%] Built target pad2d_op
[ 54%] Built target p_norm_op
[ 54%] Built target top_k_op
[ 54%] Built target overlap_add_op
[ 54%] Built target one_hot_v2_op
[ 54%] Built target unpool_op
[ 54%] Built target spectral_norm_op
[ 54%] Built target number_count_op
[ 54%] Built target norm_op
[ 54%] Built target nop_op
[ 54%] Built target nll_loss_op
[ 54%] Built target random_crop_op
[ 54%] Built target nce_op
[ 54%] Built target warpctc_op
[ 54%] Built target sum_op
[ 54%] Built target nanmedian_op
[ 54%] Built target multiplex_op
[ 54%] Built target partial_sum_op
[ 54%] Built target expand_op
[ 54%] Built target dirichlet_op
[ 54%] Built target fused_softmax_mask_upper_triangle_op
[ 54%] Built target determinant_op
[ 54%] Built target deformable_psroi_pooling_op
[ 54%] Built target cvm_op
[ 54%] Built target isclose_op
[ 54%] Built target cast_op
[ 54%] Built target deformable_conv_op
[ 54%] Built target crop_tensor_op
[ 54%] Built target bincount_op
[ 54%] Built target repeat_interleave_op
[ 54%] Built target crf_decoding_op
[ 54%] Built target prune_gate_by_capacity_op
[ 54%] Built target lstmp_op
[ 54%] Built target expand_v2_op
[ 54%] Built target fill_constant_batch_size_like_op
[ 54%] Built target group_norm_op
[ 54%] Built target assign_op
[ 54%] Built target unique_consecutive_op
[ 55%] Built target fake_quantize_op
[ 55%] Built target fill_any_like_op
[ 55%] Built target assert_op
[ 55%] Built target push_dense_op
[ 55%] Built target share_buffer_op
[ 55%] Built target flatten_op
[ 55%] Built target beam_search_decode_op
[ 55%] Built target ctc_align_op
[ 55%] Built target angle_op
[ 55%] Built target rrelu_op
[ 55%] Built target batch_norm_op
[ 55%] Built target log_softmax_op
[ 55%] Built target dequantize_log_op
[ 55%] Built target ascend_trigger_op
[ 55%] Built target rank_attention_op
[ 55%] Built target expand_as_v2_op
[ 55%] Built target cross_entropy_op
[ 55%] Built target abs_op
[ 55%] Built target eye_op
[ 55%] Built target graph_send_ue_recv_op
[ 55%] Built target delete_var_op
[ 55%] Built target edit_distance_op
[ 55%] Built target fill_diagonal_op
[ 55%] Built target cum_op
[ 55%] Built target chunk_eval_op
[ 55%] Built target conv_transpose_op
[ 55%] Built target clip_op
[ 55%] Built target label_smooth_op
[ 55%] Built target bilinear_tensor_product_op
[ 55%] Built target inplace_abn_op
[ 55%] Built target lookup_table_v2_op
[ 55%] Built target eigvals_op
[ 55%] Built target attention_lstm_op
[ 55%] Built target data_norm_op
[ 55%] Built target pad_op
[ 55%] Built target margin_rank_loss_op
[ 55%] Built target tdm_sampler_op
[ 55%] Built target argsort_op
[ 55%] Built target enqueue_op
[ 55%] Built target dequantize_op
[ 56%] Built target tile_op
[ 57%] Built target arg_min_op
[ 57%] Built target diag_embed_op
[ 57%] Built target diag_op
[ 57%] Built target teacher_student_sigmoid_loss_op
[ 57%] Built target assign_pos_op
[ 57%] Built target allclose_op
[ 57%] Built target add_position_encoding_op
[ 57%] Built target load_combine_op
[ 57%] Built target prelu_op
[ 57%] Built target decode_jpeg_op
[ 57%] Built target multinomial_op
[ 57%] Built target average_accumulates_op
[ 57%] Built target fake_dequantize_op
[ 57%] Built target array_to_lod_tensor_op
[ 57%] Built target fill_diagonal_tensor_op
[ 57%] Built target beam_search_op
[ 57%] Built target sample_logits_op
[ 57%] Built target index_add_op
[ 57%] Built target crop_op
[ 57%] Built target hash_op
[ 57%] Built target batch_fc_op
[ 57%] Built target eig_op
[ 57%] Built target kldiv_loss_op
[ 57%] Built target shard_index_op
[ 57%] Built target rnn_op
[ 57%] Built target increment_op
[ 57%] Built target class_center_sample_op
[ 57%] Built target uniform_random_batch_size_like_op
[ 57%] Built target cumprod_op
[ 57%] Built target activation_op
[ 57%] Built target affine_grid_op
[ 57%] Built target bpr_loss_op
[ 57%] Built target pull_sparse_v2_op
[ 58%] Built target fill_any_op
[ 58%] Built target is_empty_op
[ 58%] Built target lerp_op
[ 58%] Built target empty_op
[ 58%] Built target dequeue_op
[ 58%] Built target addmm_op
[ 58%] Built target grid_sampler_op
[ 58%] Built target hinge_loss_op
[ 58%] Built target set_value_op
[ 59%] Built target one_hot_op
[ 59%] Built target matmul_op
[ 59%] Built target complex_op
[ 59%] Built target randint_op
[ 59%] Built target expand_as_op
[ 59%] Built target channel_shuffle_op
[ 59%] Built target deformable_conv_v1_op
[ 59%] Built target pool_with_index_op
[ 59%] Built target affine_channel_op
[ 59%] Built target conv_op
[ 59%] Built target instance_norm_op
[ 59%] Built target bce_loss_op
[ 59%] Built target fill_constant_op
[ 59%] Built target dequantize_abs_max_op
[ 59%] Built target broadcast_tensors_op
[ 60%] Built target fsp_op
[ 60%] Built target unique_op
[ 60%] Built target correlation_op
[ 60%] Built target bmm_op
[ 60%] Built target center_loss_op
[ 60%] Built target copy_cross_scope_op
[ 60%] Built target clip_by_norm_op
[ 61%] Built target tril_indices_op
[ 61%] Built target matrix_power_op
[ 61%] Built target unsqueeze_op
[ 61%] Built target fc_op
[ 61%] Built target concat_op
[ 61%] Built target load_op
[ 61%] Built target segment_pool_op
[ 61%] Built target partial_concat_op
[ 61%] Built target exponential_op
[ 61%] Built target linspace_op
[ 61%] Built target arg_max_op
[ 61%] Built target fill_zeros_like_op
[ 61%] Built target seed_op
[ 61%] Built target filter_by_instag_op
[ 61%] Built target detection_map_op
[ 61%] Built target assign_value_op
[ 61%] Built target hierarchical_sigmoid_op
[ 61%] Built target eigh_op
[ 61%] Built target fold_op
[ 61%] Built target frame_op
[ 61%] Built target fused_softmax_mask_op
[ 61%] Built target fused_token_prune_op
[ 61%] Built target limit_by_capacity_op
[ 61%] Built target complex_view_op
[ 61%] Built target gather_nd_op
[ 62%] Built target gather_op
[ 62%] Built target top_k_v2_op
[ 62%] Built target gather_tree_op
[ 62%] Built target gaussian_random_batch_size_like_op
[ 62%] Built target mul_op
[ 62%] Built target squeeze_op
[ 62%] Built target gaussian_random_op
[ 62%] Built target gelu_op
[ 62%] Built target logspace_op
[ 62%] Built target generated_op
[ 62%] Built target pixel_unshuffle_op
[ 62%] Built target generated_sparse_op
[ 62%] Built target graph_send_recv_op
[ 62%] Built target get_tensor_from_selected_rows_op
[ 62%] Built target tensor_formatter
[ 62%] Built target roi_align_op
[ 62%] Built target im2sequence_op
[ 62%] Built target qr_op
[ 62%] Built target graph_khop_sampler_op
[ 62%] Built target similarity_focus_op
[ 62%] Built target graph_reindex_op
[ 62%] Built target gru_op
[ 62%] Built target rnn_memory_helper_op
[ 62%] Built target gru_unit_op
[ 62%] Built target transpose_op
[ 62%] Built target split_lod_tensor_op
[ 62%] Built target gumbel_softmax_op
[ 62%] Built target cudnn_lstm_op
[ 62%] Built target histogram_op
[ 62%] Built target huber_loss_op
[ 62%] Built target identity_loss_op
[ 62%] Built target tensor_array_to_tensor_op
[ 62%] Built target pyramid_hash_op
[ 62%] Built target imag_op
[ 62%] Built target index_sample_op
[ 63%] Built target index_select_op
[ 63%] Built target interpolate_op
[ 63%] Built target softmax_with_cross_entropy_op
[ 63%] Built target interpolate_v2_op
[ 63%] Built target uniform_random_op
[ 63%] Built target inverse_op
[ 63%] Built target isfinite_v2_op
[ 63%] Built target kron_op
[ 63%] Built target shuffle_channel_op
[ 63%] Built target conj_op
[ 63%] Built target kthvalue_op
[ 63%] Built target reorder_lod_tensor_by_rank_op
[ 63%] Built target layer_norm_op
[ 63%] Built target scatter_nd_add_op
[ 63%] Built target linear_chain_crf_op
[ 63%] Built target renorm_op
[ 64%] Built target graph_sample_neighbors_op
[ 64%] Built target lod_array_length_op
[ 64%] Built target dropout_op
[ 64%] Built target lod_rank_table_op
[ 64%] Built target memcpy_d2h_op
[ 64%] Built target share_data_op
[ 64%] Built target pad3d_op
[ 64%] Built target meshgrid_op
[ 64%] Built target lod_reset_op
[ 64%] Built target lod_tensor_to_array_op
[ 64%] Built target mode_op
[ 64%] Built target cos_sim_op
[ 64%] Built target lookup_table_op
[ 64%] Built target dgc_clip_by_norm_op
[ 64%] Built target coalesce_tensor_op
[ 64%] Built target einsum_op
[ 64%] Built target lookup_table_dequant_op
[ 64%] Built target lu_unpack_op
[ 64%] Built target lrn_op
[ 64%] Built target log_loss_op
[ 65%] Built target lstm_unit_op
[ 65%] Built target transfer_layout_op
[ 65%] Built target lstsq_op
[ 65%] Built target pull_box_extended_sparse_op
[ 65%] Built target lu_op
[ 65%] Built target bilateral_slice_op
[ 65%] Built target margin_cross_entropy_op
[ 65%] Built target conv_shift_op
[ 65%] Built target marker_op
[ 65%] Built target masked_select_op
[ 65%] Built target squared_l2_distance_op
[ 65%] Built target matmul_v2_op
[ 65%] Built target fill_op
[ 65%] Built target matrix_rank_op
[ 65%] Built target max_sequence_len_op
[ 65%] Built target maxout_op
[ 65%] Built target eigvalsh_op
[ 65%] Built target multi_dot_op
[ 65%] Built target isfinite_op
[ 65%] Built target mean_iou_op
[ 65%] Built target mean_op
[ 65%] Built target memcpy_h2d_op
[ 65%] Built target l1_norm_op
[ 65%] Built target memcpy_op
[ 65%] Built target randperm_op
[ 65%] Built target merge_lod_tensor_op
[ 65%] Built target merge_selected_rows_op
[ 65%] Built target minus_op
[ 66%] Built target modified_huber_loss_op
[ 66%] Built target sampler
[ 66%] Built target sample_prob
[ 66%] Built target concat_and_split
[ 66%] Built target context_project
[ 66%] Built target sequence_pooling
[ 66%] Built target cos_sim_functor
[ 66%] Built target unpooling
[ 66%] Built target beam_search
[ 66%] Built target tree2col
[ 66%] Built target logical_op
[ 66%] Built target depend_op
[ 66%] Built target bitwise_op
[ 66%] Built target fetch_v2_op
[ 66%] Built target fetch_op
[ 66%] Built target feed_op
[ 66%] Built target conditional_block_infer_op
[ 66%] Built target compare_op
[ 66%] Built target tensor_array_read_write_op
[ 66%] Built target while_op
[ 66%] Built target get_places_op
[ 66%] Built target compare_all_op
[ 66%] Built target mask_util
[ 66%] Built target generate_mask_labels_op
[ 66%] Built target mine_hard_examples_op
[ 66%] Built target polygon_box_transform_op
[ 66%] Built target matrix_nms_op
[ 66%] Built target yolov3_loss_op
[ 66%] Built target distribute_fpn_proposals_op
[ 66%] Built target yolo_box_op
[ 66%] Built target anchor_generator_op
[ 66%] Built target density_prior_box_op
[ 66%] Built target iou_similarity_op
[ 66%] Built target collect_fpn_proposals_op
[ 66%] Built target prior_box_op
[ 66%] Built target roi_perspective_transform_op
[ 66%] Built target rpn_target_assign_op
[ 66%] Built target bipartite_match_op
[ 66%] Built target multiclass_nms_op
[ 66%] Built target locality_aware_nms_op
[ 66%] Built target box_clip_op
[ 66%] Built target box_coder_op
[ 66%] Built target box_decoder_and_assign_op
[ 66%] Built target generate_proposals_v2_op
[ 66%] Built target sigmoid_focal_loss_op
[ 66%] Built target generate_proposal_labels_op
[ 66%] Built target target_assign_op
[ 66%] Built target retinanet_detection_output_op
[ 66%] Built target nms_op
[ 66%] Built target generate_proposals_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_max_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_heaviside_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_mod_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_floordiv_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_min_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_div_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_add_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_mul_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_pow_op
[ 66%] Built target elementwise_sub_op
[ 66%] Built target fusion_lstm_op
[ 66%] Built target fusion_gru_op
[ 66%] Built target fused_seqpool_cvm_op
[ 66%] Built target fusion_squared_mat_sub_op
[ 67%] Built target fused_embedding_fc_lstm_op
[ 67%] Built target multi_gru_op
[ 67%] Built target fusion_repeated_fc_relu_op
[ 67%] Built target fused_embedding_seq_pool_op
[ 67%] Built target fused_elemwise_activation_op
[ 67%] Built target fusion_seqconv_eltadd_relu_op
[ 67%] Built target fusion_seqexpand_concat_fc_op
[ 67%] Built target fusion_seqpool_concat_op
[ 67%] Built target fusion_seqpool_cvm_concat_op
[ 67%] Built target accuracy_op
[ 67%] Built target precision_recall_op
[ 67%] Built target auc_op
[ 67%] Built target distributed_fused_lamb_op
[ 67%] Built target ftrl_op
[ 68%] Built target lars_momentum_op
[ 68%] Built target lamb_op
[ 68%] Built target distributed_fused_lamb_init_op
[ 68%] Built target decayed_adagrad_op
[ 68%] Built target adadelta_op
[ 68%] Built target dpsgd_op
[ 68%] Built target adagrad_op
[ 68%] Built target adamax_op
[ 68%] Built target dgc_momentum_op
[ 68%] Built target adam_op
[ 68%] Built target merged_adam_op
[ 68%] Built target merged_momentum_op
[ 68%] Built target momentum_op
[ 68%] Built target adamw_op
[ 69%] Built target proximal_adagrad_op
[ 69%] Built target rmsprop_op
[ 69%] Built target sgd_op
[ 69%] Built target pow2_decay_with_linear_warmup_op
[ 69%] Built target proximal_gd_op
[ 69%] Built target sparse_momentum_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_sum_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_all_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_max_op
[ 69%] Built target logsumexp_op
[ 69%] Built target frobenius_norm_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_amin_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_mean_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_any_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_amax_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_min_op
[ 69%] Built target reduce_prod_op
[ 69%] Built target sequence_reverse_op
[ 69%] Built target sequence_mask_op
[ 69%] Built target sequence_pad_op
[ 69%] Built target sequence_expand_as_op
[ 69%] Built target sequence_scatter_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_conv_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_pool_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_reshape_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_expand_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_slice_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_enumerate_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_erase_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_concat_op
[ 70%] Built target sequence_softmax_op
[ 71%] Built target sequence_topk_avg_pooling_op
[ 71%] Built target sequence_unpad_op
[ 71%] Built target faster_tokenizer_op
[ 71%] Built target tanh_p_op
[ 71%] Built target sub_p_op
[ 71%] Built target split_p_op
[ 71%] Built target slice_select_p_op
[ 71%] Built target slice_assign_p_op
[ 71%] Built target sin_p_op
[ 71%] Built target select_p_op
[ 71%] Built target eq_p_op
[ 71%] Built target broadcast_p_op
[ 71%] Built target transpose_p_op
[ 71%] Built target sqrt_p_op
[ 71%] Built target scatter_add_p_op
[ 71%] Built target gather_p_op
[ 71%] Built target div_p_op
[ 71%] Built target concat_p_op
[ 71%] Built target abs_p_op
[ 71%] Built target exp_p_op
[ 71%] Built target add_p_op
[ 71%] Built target erf_p_op
[ 71%] Built target cos_p_op
[ 71%] Built target mul_p_op
[ 71%] Built target cast_p_op
[ 71%] Built target fill_constant_p_op
[ 71%] Built target ge_p_op
[ 71%] Built target gt_p_op
[ 71%] Built target pow_p_op
[ 71%] Built target log_p_op
[ 71%] Built target matmul_p_op
[ 71%] Built target reduce_sum_p_op
[ 71%] Built target max_p_op
[ 71%] Built target ne_p_op
[ 71%] Built target reshape_p_op
[ 71%] Built target get_float_status_op
[ 71%] Built target update_loss_scaling_op
[ 71%] Built target clear_float_status_op
[ 72%] Built target check_finite_and_unscale_op
[ 72%] Built target alloc_float_status_op
[ 72%] Built target reader_op_registry
[ 72%] Built target buffered_reader
[ 72%] Built target create_double_buffer_reader_op
[ 72%] Built target py_reader
[ 72%] Built target read_op
[ 72%] Built target create_py_reader_op
[ 72%] Built target grad_node_info
[ 72%] Built target accumulation_node
[ 72%] Built target eager_codegen
[ 72%] Built target grad_tensor_holder
[ 72%] Built target autograd_meta
[ 72%] Built target tensor_utils
[ 72%] Built target hook_utils
[ 72%] Built target utils
[ 72%] Built target backward
[ 72%] Built target eager_nan_inf_utils
[ 72%] Built target scale_node
[ 72%] Built target eager_scale
[ 72%] Built target eager_api
[ 72%] Built target custom_operator_node
[ 72%] Built target final_dygraph_node
[ 72%] Built target final_dygraph_function
[ 72%] Built target extern_pybind
[ 72%] Built target imperative_profiler
[ 72%] Linking CXX executable eager_generator
[ 72%] Built target eager_generator
[ 72%] Built target legacy_eager_codegen
[ 72%] Built target copy_dygraph_forward_functions
[ 72%] Built target dygraph_function
[ 72%] Built target copy_dygraph_node
[ 72%] Built target dygraph_node
[ 72%] Built target jit_function_utils
[ 73%] Built target jit_executor_engine
[ 73%] Built target jit_pe_engine
[ 73%] Built target paddle_inference_io
[ 73%] Built target analysis_pass
[ 73%] Built target analysis_helper
[ 73%] Built target zero_copy_tensor
[ 73%] Built target ir_pass_manager
[ 73%] Built target argument
[ 73%] Built target ir_graph_build_pass
[ 73%] Built target convert_to_mixed_precision
[ 73%] Built target ir_params_sync_among_devices_pass
[ 73%] Built target memory_optim_pass
[ 74%] Built target adjust_cudnn_workspace_size_pass
[ 74%] Built target ir_analysis_pass
[ 74%] Built target ir_graph_to_program_pass
[ 74%] Built target inference_op_replace_pass
[ 74%] Built target analysis_passes
[ 74%] Built target analysis
[ 75%] Built target table_printer
[ 75%] Built target paddle_pass_builder
[ 75%] Built target analysis_config
[ 75%] Built target paddle_infer_contrib
[ 75%] Built target paddle_inference_api
[ 75%] Built target infer_io_utils
[ 75%] Built target model_utils
[ 75%] Built target analysis_predictor
[ 75%] Built target jit_predictor_engine
[ 75%] Built target jit_function
[ 75%] Built target jit_property
[ 75%] Built target jit_serializer
[ 75%] Built target jit_serializer_utils
[ 75%] Built target jit_compilation_unit
[ 75%] Built target jit_function_schema
[ 75%] Built target gather_op_handle
[ 75%] Built target staticgraph_executor_statistics
[ 75%] Built target device_code
[ 75%] Built target placement_pass_base
[ 75%] Built target basic_engine
[ 75%] Built target wrapped_infermeta
[ 75%] Built target data_loader
[ 75%] Built target generate_pass
[ 75%] Built target processgroup_custom
[ 75%] Built target dist_mapper
[ 75%] Built target scope_pool
[ 75%] Built target dlpack_tensor
[ 75%] Built target cost_model
[ 75%] Built target tcp_store
[ 75%] Built target eager_reducer
[ 75%] Built target device_worker
[ 75%] Built target prune
[ 75%] Built target metrics
[ 75%] Built target save_load_util
[ 75%] Built target pass_test_util
[ 75%] Built target custom_device_common_op_registry
[ 75%] Built target py_func_op
[ 76%] Built target py_layer_op
[ 76%] Built target py_layer_node
[ 77%] Built target performance_benchmark_utils
[ 77%] Built target jit_layer
[ 77%] Built target subgraph_util
[ 77%] Built target benchmark
[ 77%] Generating paddle_inference_dummy.c
Scanning dependencies of target paddle_inference
[ 77%] Building C object paddle/fluid/inference/CMakeFiles/paddle_inference.dir/paddle_inference_dummy.c.o
[ 77%] Linking CXX static library libpaddle_inference.a
Merge and generate static lib: libpaddle_inference.a
[ 77%] Built target paddle_inference
[ 77%] Linking CXX shared library
[ 77%] Built target paddle_inference_c_shared
[ 78%] Built target extern_gloo
[ 78%] Built target third_party
[ 78%] Linking CXX shared library
[ 79%] Built target paddle_inference_shared
[ 79%] Built target paddle_inference_c
copying /paddle/build/third_party/threadpool/src/extern_threadpool/ThreadPool.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/threadpool
copying /paddle/build/CMakeCache.txt -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/lib -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/openblas
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/openblas
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/gflags/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/gflags
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/gflags/lib/libgflags.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/gflags/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/glog/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/glog
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/glog/lib/libglog.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/glog/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/utf8proc/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/utf8proc
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/utf8proc/lib/libutf8proc.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/utf8proc/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/cryptopp/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/cryptopp
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/cryptopp/lib/libcryptopp.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/cryptopp/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/xxhash/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/xxhash
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/xxhash/lib/libxxhash.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/xxhash/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/protobuf
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party/install/protobuf/lib
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/libpaddle_inference.* -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/lib
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/framework/framework.pb.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/internal
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/io/crypto/cipher.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/crypto/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/api/ext/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/api/include/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/api/all.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/common/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/core/macros.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/core/
copying /paddle/paddle/phi/core/visit_type.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/core/
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/any.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/utils/
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/optional.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/utils/
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/none.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/utils/
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/flat_hash_map.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/utils/
copying /paddle/paddle/extension.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/
Change phi header include path to adapt to inference api path
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/ext_all.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/extension.h
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/all.h
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext/dispatch.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext/exception.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext/op_meta_info.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/ext/tensor_compat.h
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/api.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/context_pool.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/dll_decl.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/sparse_api.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/strings_api.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/api/include/tensor.h
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/amp_type_traits.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/backend.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/bfloat16.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/complex.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/cpstring_impl.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/data_type.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/float16.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/int_array.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/layout.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/place.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/pstring.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/scalar.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/common/type_traits.h
-- phi header path compat processing: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/core
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/core/macros.h
-- phi header path compat processing complete: /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/paddle/include/experimental/phi/core/visit_type.h
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/lib -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/openblas
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/openblas/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/openblas
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/gflags/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/gflags
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/gflags/lib/libgflags.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/gflags/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/glog/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/glog
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/glog/lib/libglog.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/glog/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/utf8proc/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/utf8proc
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/utf8proc/lib/libutf8proc.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/utf8proc/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/cryptopp/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/cryptopp
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/cryptopp/lib/libcryptopp.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/cryptopp/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/xxhash/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/xxhash
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/xxhash/lib/libxxhash.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/xxhash/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/protobuf
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/third_party/install/protobuf/lib
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/inference/capi_exp/pd_*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/paddle/include
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/capi_exp/libpaddle_inference_c.* -> /paddle/build/paddle_inference_c_install_dir/paddle/lib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/eigen3/src/extern_eigen3/Eigen/Core -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/eigen3/Eigen
copying /paddle/build/third_party/eigen3/src/extern_eigen3/Eigen/src -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/eigen3/Eigen
copying /paddle/build/third_party/eigen3/src/extern_eigen3/unsupported/Eigen -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/eigen3/unsupported
copying /paddle/build/third_party/dlpack/src/extern_dlpack/include/dlpack -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/dlpack
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/zlib/include -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/install/zlib
copying /paddle/build/third_party/install/zlib/lib/libz.a -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/third_party/install/zlib/lib
[ 79%] Built target inference_lib_dist
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/inference/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/inference
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/inference
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/libpaddle_inference.* -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/inference
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/details/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework/details
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/framework/trainer_desc.pb.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/framework/framework.pb.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/framework/data_feed.pb.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/memory_optimize_pass/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/memory_optimize_pass
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/ir/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework/ir
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/fleet/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/framework/fleet
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/reader/blocking_queue.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/operators/reader/
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/platform
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/dynload/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/platform/dynload
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/details/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/platform/details
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/platform/*.pb.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/platform
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/string/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/string
copying /paddle/paddle/utils/string/tinyformat/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/string/tinyformat
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/imperative/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/imperative
copying /paddle/paddle/fluid/imperative/jit/*.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/imperative/jit
copying /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/pybind/pybind.h -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir/paddle/fluid/pybind
copying /paddle/build/paddle_inference_install_dir/third_party -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir
copying /paddle/build/CMakeCache.txt -> /paddle/build/paddle_install_dir
[ 79%] Built target fluid_lib_dist
[ 79%] Built target paddle_gtest_main
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable array_ref_test
[ 79%] Built target array_ref_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable small_vector_test
[ 79%] Built target small_vector_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable variant_test
[ 79%] Built target variant_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable stringpiece_test
[ 79%] Built target stringpiece_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable split_test
[ 79%] Built target split_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable stringprintf_test
[ 79%] Built target stringprintf_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable to_string_test
[ 79%] Built target to_string_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable string_helper_test
[ 79%] Built target string_helper_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable capi_test
[ 79%] Built target capi_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable custom_device_test
[ 79%] Built target custom_device_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable cache_test
[ 79%] Built target cache_test
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable print_pten_kernels
[ 79%] Built target print_pten_kernels
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_strings_empty_api
[ 79%] Built target test_strings_empty_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_phi_exception
[ 79%] Built target test_phi_exception
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_embedding_api
[ 79%] Built target test_embedding_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_elementwise_api
[ 79%] Built target test_elementwise_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_fill_api
[ 79%] Built target test_fill_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_concat_api
[ 79%] Built target test_concat_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_mean_api
[ 79%] Built target test_mean_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_strings_lower_upper_api
[ 79%] Built target test_strings_lower_upper_api
[ 79%] Linking CXX executable test_conj_api
[ 80%] Built target test_conj_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_matmul_api
[ 80%] Built target test_matmul_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_reshape_api
[ 80%] Built target test_reshape_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_to_api
[ 80%] Built target test_to_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_phi_tensor
[ 80%] Built target test_phi_tensor
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_empty_api
[ 80%] Built target test_empty_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_dot_api
[ 80%] Built target test_dot_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_slice_api
[ 80%] Built target test_slice_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_sum_api
[ 80%] Built target test_sum_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_scale_api
[ 80%] Built target test_scale_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_split_api
[ 80%] Built target test_split_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_add_n_api
[ 80%] Built target test_add_n_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_data_transform
[ 80%] Built target test_data_transform
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_cast_api
[ 80%] Built target test_cast_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_scale_benchmark
[ 80%] Built target test_scale_benchmark
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_utils_api
[ 80%] Built target test_sparse_utils_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_conv_api
[ 80%] Built target test_sparse_conv_api
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable phi_test_place
[ 80%] Built target phi_test_place
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable phi_test_int_array
[ 80%] Built target phi_test_int_array
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable phi_test_data_layout
[ 80%] Built target phi_test_data_layout
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable phi_test_backend
[ 80%] Built target phi_test_backend
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable phi_test_data_type
[ 80%] Built target phi_test_data_type
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_rw_lock
[ 80%] Built target test_rw_lock
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_intrusive_ptr
[ 80%] Built target test_intrusive_ptr
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_tensor_array
[ 80%] Built target test_tensor_array
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable selected_rows_test
[ 80%] Built target selected_rows_test
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_type_info
[ 80%] Built target test_type_info
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_custom_kernel
[ 80%] Built target test_custom_kernel
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_csr_tensor
[ 80%] Built target test_sparse_csr_tensor
[ 80%] Linking CXX executable test_string_tensor
[ 81%] Built target test_string_tensor
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_ddim
[ 81%] Built target test_ddim
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_dense_tensor
[ 81%] Built target test_dense_tensor
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_kernel_factory
[ 81%] Built target test_kernel_factory
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_coo_tensor
[ 81%] Built target test_sparse_coo_tensor
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_op_utils
[ 81%] Built target test_op_utils
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable unroll_array_ops_test
[ 81%] Built target unroll_array_ops_test
[ 81%] Linking CXX executable test_meta_fn_utils
[ 81%] Built target test_meta_fn_utils
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_memcpy_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_memcpy_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_strings_copy_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_strings_copy_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_strings_lower_upper_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_strings_lower_upper_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_scale_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_scale_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_mean_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_mean_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_reshape_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_reshape_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_conj_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_conj_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_matmul_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_matmul_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_copy_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_copy_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_elementwise_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_elementwise_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_activation_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_activation_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_dot_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_dot_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_creation_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_creation_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_transfer_layout_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_transfer_layout_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_cast_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_cast_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_pool_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_pool_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_split_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_split_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_cpu_vec
[ 82%] Built target test_cpu_vec
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_flatten_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_flatten_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_concat_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_concat_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_utils_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_utils_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_conv3d_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_conv3d_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_elementwise_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_elementwise_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sparse_transpose_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sparse_transpose_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_sum_dev_api
[ 82%] Built target test_sum_dev_api
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_math_function
[ 82%] Built target test_math_function
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_op_signature
[ 82%] Built target test_op_signature
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable memory_stats_test
[ 82%] Built target memory_stats_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable stats_test
[ 82%] Built target stats_test
File 'buddy_allocator_test_data.tar' already there; not retrieving.

[ 82%] Built target download_data
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable buddy_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target buddy_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable system_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target system_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable mmap_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target mmap_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable best_fit_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target best_fit_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable buffered_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target buffered_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable naive_best_fit_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target naive_best_fit_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable test_aligned_allocator
[ 82%] Built target test_aligned_allocator
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable retry_allocator_test
[ 82%] Built target retry_allocator_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable allocator_facade_frac_flags_test
[ 82%] Built target allocator_facade_frac_flags_test
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable auto_growth_best_fit_allocator_facade_test
[ 82%] Built target auto_growth_best_fit_allocator_facade_test
[ 83%] Linking CXX executable allocator_facade_abs_flags_test
[ 83%] Built target allocator_facade_abs_flags_test
[ 83%] Linking CXX executable auto_growth_best_fit_allocator_test
[ 84%] Built target auto_growth_best_fit_allocator_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable bfloat16_test
[ 84%] Built target bfloat16_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable profiler_test
[ 84%] Built target profiler_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable lodtensor_printer_test
[ 84%] Built target lodtensor_printer_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable timer_test
[ 84%] Built target timer_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable complex_test
[ 84%] Built target complex_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable init_test
[ 84%] Built target init_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable float16_test
[ 84%] Built target float16_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable cpu_helper_test
[ 84%] Built target cpu_helper_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable enforce_test
[ 84%] Built target enforce_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable errors_test
[ 84%] Built target errors_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable place_test
[ 84%] Built target place_test
[ 84%] Built target profiler_py_proto_init
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable os_info_test
[ 84%] Built target os_info_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable cpu_info_test
[ 84%] Built target cpu_info_test
Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto/profiler.
[ 84%] Built target profiler_py_proto
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable test_serialization_logger
[ 84%] Built target test_serialization_logger
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable new_profiler_test
[ 84%] Built target new_profiler_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable test_event_node
[ 84%] Built target test_event_node
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable test_extra_info
[ 84%] Built target test_extra_info
[ 84%] Built target ps_py_proto_init
[ 84%] Running Python protocol buffer compiler on the_one_ps.proto
[ 84%] Built target ps_py_proto
[ 84%] Built target auto_parallel
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable test_c_tcp_store
[ 84%] Built target test_c_tcp_store
[ 84%] Built target fleet_executor_desc_py_proto
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable phi_utils_test
[ 84%] Built target phi_utils_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable scope_guard_test
[ 84%] Built target scope_guard_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable infershape_utils_test
[ 84%] Built target infershape_utils_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable attribute_test
[ 84%] Built target attribute_test
[ 84%] Built target distributed_strategy_py_proto
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable device_worker_test
[ 84%] Built target device_worker_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable data_layout_transform_test
[ 84%] Built target data_layout_transform_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable version_test
[ 84%] Built target version_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable var_type_traits_test
[ 84%] Built target var_type_traits_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable program_desc_test
[ 84%] Built target program_desc_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable eigen_test
[ 84%] Built target eigen_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable op_call_stack_test
[ 84%] Built target op_call_stack_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable program_utils_test
[ 84%] Built target program_utils_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable threadpool_test
[ 84%] Built target threadpool_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable lod_tensor_test
[ 84%] Built target lod_tensor_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable tensor_util_test
[ 84%] Built target tensor_util_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable data_type_test
[ 84%] Built target data_type_test
[ 84%] Linking CXX executable op_version_registry_test
[ 85%] Built target op_version_registry_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable prune_test
[ 85%] Built target prune_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable reader_test
[ 85%] Built target reader_test
[ 85%] Built target framework_py_proto_init
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable operator_exception_test
[ 85%] Built target operator_exception_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable tensor_test
[ 85%] Built target tensor_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable scope_test
[ 85%] Built target scope_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable copy_same_tensor_test
[ 85%] Built target copy_same_tensor_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable variable_test
[ 85%] Built target variable_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable mixed_vector_test
[ 85%] Built target mixed_vector_test
[ 85%] Built target fleet_proto_init
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable tuple_test
[ 85%] Built target tuple_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable no_need_buffer_vars_inference_test
[ 85%] Built target no_need_buffer_vars_inference_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable dist_multi_trainer_test
[ 85%] Built target dist_multi_trainer_test
[ 85%] Linking CXX executable dlpack_tensor_test
[ 86%] Built target dlpack_tensor_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable cow_ptr_tests
[ 86%] Built target cow_ptr_tests
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable operator_test
[ 86%] Built target operator_test
[ 86%] Built target pass_desc_py_proto
[ 86%] Built target trainer_py_proto
Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/fluid/proto.
[ 86%] Built target framework_py_proto
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable data_type_transform_test
[ 86%] Built target data_type_transform_test
[ 86%] Copy generated python proto into directory paddle/distributed/fleet/proto.
[ 86%] Built target fleet_executor_proto_init
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable convert_utils_test
[ 86%] Built target convert_utils_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable op_kernel_type_test
[ 86%] Built target op_kernel_type_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable var_type_inference_test
[ 86%] Built target var_type_inference_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable selected_rows_utils_test
[ 86%] Built target selected_rows_utils_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable op_proto_maker_test
[ 86%] Built target op_proto_maker_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable inlined_vector_test
[ 86%] Built target inlined_vector_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable op_compatible_info_test
[ 86%] Built target op_compatible_info_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable save_load_util_test
[ 86%] Built target save_load_util_test
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_dense_fc_to_sparse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Built target test_dense_fc_to_sparse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_sync_batch_norm_pass
[ 86%] Built target test_sync_batch_norm_pass
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_generate_pass_cc
[ 86%] Built target test_generate_pass_cc
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_unsqueeze2_eltwise_fuse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Built target test_unsqueeze2_eltwise_fuse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_dense_multihead_matmul_to_sparse_pass
[ 86%] Built target test_dense_multihead_matmul_to_sparse_pass
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_fc_fuse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Built target test_fc_fuse_pass_cc
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_delete_dropout_pass_cc
[ 86%] Built target test_delete_dropout_pass_cc
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_seqpool_cvm_concat_fuse_pass
[ 86%] Built target test_seqpool_cvm_concat_fuse_pass
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_fused_multi_transformer_decoder_pass
[ 86%] Built target test_fused_multi_transformer_decoder_pass
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable test_seqpool_concat_fuse_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_seqpool_concat_fuse_pass
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_adaptive_pool2d_convert_global_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_adaptive_pool2d_convert_global_pass
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_repeated_fc_relu_fuse_pass_cc
[ 87%] Built target test_repeated_fc_relu_fuse_pass_cc
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_simplify_with_basic_ops_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_simplify_with_basic_ops_pass
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_fuse_multi_transformer_layer_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_fuse_multi_transformer_layer_pass
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable pass_test
[ 87%] Built target pass_test
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable node_test
[ 87%] Built target node_test
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_op_compat_sensible_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_op_compat_sensible_pass
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable graph_test
[ 87%] Built target graph_test
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_fc_gru_fuse_pass_cc
[ 87%] Built target test_fc_gru_fuse_pass_cc
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_graph_pattern_detector
[ 87%] Built target test_graph_pattern_detector
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable graph_helper_test
[ 87%] Built target graph_helper_test
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable graph_to_program_pass_test
[ 87%] Built target graph_to_program_pass_test
[ 87%] Linking CXX executable test_multihead_matmul_fuse_pass
[ 87%] Built target test_multihead_matmul_fuse_pass
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable cost_model_test
[ 88%] Built target cost_model_test
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_conv_bn_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Built target test_conv_bn_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_fc_lstm_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Built target test_fc_lstm_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_is_test_pass
[ 88%] Built target test_is_test_pass
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_fc_elementwise_layernorm_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Built target test_fc_elementwise_layernorm_fuse_pass_cc
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_skip_layernorm_fuse_pass
[ 88%] Built target test_skip_layernorm_fuse_pass
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_fused_multi_transformer_encoder_pass
[ 88%] Built target test_fused_multi_transformer_encoder_pass
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable test_reference_count_pass_last_lived_ops
[ 88%] Built target test_reference_count_pass_last_lived_ops
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable build_strategy_test
[ 88%] Built target build_strategy_test
[ 88%] Linking CXX executable gather_op_test
[ 88%] Built target gather_op_test
[ 89%] Linking CXX executable broadcast_op_test
[ 89%] Built target broadcast_op_test
[ 89%] Linking CXX executable exception_holder_test
[ 89%] Built target exception_holder_test
[ 89%] Linking CXX executable fused_broadcast_op_test
[ 89%] Built target fused_broadcast_op_test
[ 89%] Linking CXX executable test_fleet_cc
[ 89%] Built target test_fleet_cc
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_fs
[ 90%] Built target test_fs
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable aes_cipher_test
[ 90%] Built target aes_cipher_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable cipher_utils_test
[ 90%] Built target cipher_utils_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable workqueue_test
[ 90%] Built target workqueue_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_gradient_accmulator
[ 90%] Built target test_gradient_accmulator
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_hooks
[ 90%] Built target test_hooks
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_tracer
[ 90%] Built target test_tracer
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_prepare_op
[ 90%] Built target test_prepare_op
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_layer
[ 90%] Built target test_layer
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_eager
[ 90%] Built target test_eager
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable share_buffer_op_cpp_test
[ 90%] Built target share_buffer_op_cpp_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_leaky_relu_grad_grad_functor
[ 90%] Built target test_leaky_relu_grad_grad_functor
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable beam_search_decode_op_test
[ 90%] Built target beam_search_decode_op_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable scatter_test
[ 90%] Built target scatter_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable assign_op_test
[ 90%] Built target assign_op_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable strided_memcpy_test
[ 90%] Built target strided_memcpy_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable save_load_op_test
[ 90%] Built target save_load_op_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable gather_test
[ 90%] Built target gather_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable save_load_combine_op_test
[ 90%] Built target save_load_combine_op_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable op_debug_string_test
[ 90%] Built target op_debug_string_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable test_common_infer_shape_functions
[ 90%] Built target test_common_infer_shape_functions
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable concat_test
[ 90%] Built target concat_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable sequence_pooling_test
[ 90%] Built target sequence_pooling_test
[ 90%] Linking CXX executable selected_rows_functor_test
[ 90%] Built target selected_rows_functor_test
[ 91%] Linking CXX executable beam_search_test
[ 91%] Built target beam_search_test
[ 91%] Linking CXX executable vol2col_test
[ 92%] Built target vol2col_test
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable im2col_test
[ 92%] Built target im2col_test
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable sequence_padding_test
[ 92%] Built target sequence_padding_test
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable conditional_block_op_test
[ 92%] Built target conditional_block_op_test
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable mask_util_test
[ 92%] Built target mask_util_test
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable test_elementwise_add_op_inplace
[ 92%] Built target test_elementwise_add_op_inplace
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable test_elementwise_add_grad_grad
[ 92%] Built target test_elementwise_add_grad_grad
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable test_elementwise_div_grad_grad
[ 92%] Built target test_elementwise_div_grad_grad
[ 93%] Linking CXX executable jit_kernel_test
[ 93%] Built target jit_kernel_test
[ 93%] Linking CXX executable jit_kernel_benchmark
[ 93%] Built target jit_kernel_benchmark
[ 93%] Linking CXX executable prim_op_test
[ 94%] Built target prim_op_test
[ 95%] Linking CXX executable reader_blocking_queue_test
[ 95%] Built target reader_blocking_queue_test
[ 95%] Linking CXX executable op_tester
[ 95%] Built target op_tester
[ 95%] Linking CXX executable op_function_generator
[ 95%] Built target op_function_generator
[ 95%] copy_if_different /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/ to /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/
[ 95%] Built target op_function_generator_cmd
[ 95%] Linking CXX executable kernel_signature_generator
[ 95%] Built target kernel_signature_generator
[ 95%] Linking CXX executable eager_legacy_op_function_generator
[ 95%] Built target eager_legacy_op_function_generator
[ 95%] Built target eager_python_c_codegen
[ 95%] copy_if_different /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/ to /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/
[ 95%] Built target eager_legacy_op_function_generator_cmd
[ 95%] copy_if_different /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/ to /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/
[ 95%] copy_if_different /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/ to /paddle/paddle/fluid/pybind/
[ 95%] Linking CXX shared library
[ 97%] Built target paddle
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_auotgrad_meta
[ 97%] Built target test_egr_ds_auotgrad_meta
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_accumulation_node
[ 97%] Built target test_egr_ds_accumulation_node
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_grad_node_info
[ 97%] Built target test_egr_ds_grad_node_info
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_grad_tensor_holder
[ 97%] Built target test_egr_ds_grad_tensor_holder
[ 97%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_eager_tensor
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_ds_eager_tensor
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_ds_tensor_wrapper
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_ds_tensor_wrapper
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_autocodegen
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_task_autocodegen
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_eager_utils
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_task_eager_utils
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_tensor_utils
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_task_tensor_utils
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_forward_autograd
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_task_forward_autograd
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_hook
[ 98%] Built target test_egr_task_hook
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_nan_inf_utils
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_nan_inf_utils
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_grad
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_grad
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_fwd_bwd_joint
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_fwd_bwd_joint
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_hook_intermidiate
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_hook_intermidiate
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_backward
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_backward
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_task_cross_batch
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_task_cross_batch
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_performance_benchmark_fluid_cpu
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_performance_benchmark_fluid_cpu
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_performance_benchmark_eager_cuda
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_performance_benchmark_eager_cuda
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_performance_benchmark_eager_cpu
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_performance_benchmark_eager_cpu
[ 99%] Linking CXX executable test_egr_performance_benchmark_fluid_cuda
[ 99%] Built target test_egr_performance_benchmark_fluid_cuda
paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/build.make:57: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program' failed
make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program] Error 4
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:207270: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago

我是按照这个文档的 但是在我参加的热身打卡活动要求运行单元测试,所以会加上dwith_testing这个参数,但是加上参数后就报错了 我对框架编译不是很熟悉,请问这种问题应该怎么解决?镜像是拉的文档里的百度的镜像,之前编译是没有问题的

xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago

麻烦将make的报错信息截全一些 上面是我make完整的log

yeliang2258 commented 1 year ago


xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago



# make -j$(nproc)
Scanning dependencies of target copy_signatures_command
Scanning dependencies of target extern_zlib
Scanning dependencies of target copy_declarations_command
Scanning dependencies of target copy_kernels_command
Scanning dependencies of target extern_gflags
Scanning dependencies of target copy_paddle_inference_pass_command
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/ops/compat/signatures.h
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/jit/kernels.h
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/phi/kernels/declarations.h
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_gflags'
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_zlib'
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/inference/api/paddle_inference_pass.h
[  0%] Built target copy_signatures_command
[  0%] Built target copy_kernels_command
[  0%] Built target copy_declarations_command
[  0%] Built target copy_paddle_inference_pass_command
Scanning dependencies of target extern_threadpool
Scanning dependencies of target copy_pybind_command
Scanning dependencies of target extern_openblas
Scanning dependencies of target extern_dlpack
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_gflags'
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_zlib'
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_openblas'
[  0%] copy_if_different /paddle/build/paddle/fluid/pybind/pybind.h
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_dlpack'
Cloning into 'extern_zlib'...
Cloning into 'extern_gflags'...
[  0%] Built target copy_pybind_command
Scanning dependencies of target extern_xbyak
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_openblas'
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_dlpack'
[  0%] Creating directories for 'extern_xbyak'
Cloning into 'extern_openblas'...
Cloning into 'extern_threadpool'...
Cloning into 'extern_dlpack'...
[  0%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_xbyak'
Cloning into 'extern_xbyak'...
Note: checking out '9a42ec1329f259a5f4881a291db1dcb8f2ad9040'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 9a42ec1 changed typedef to using
Note: checking out 'v0.4'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at a07f962 [VERSION] Bump to 0.4.0 (#64)
[  0%] No patch step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No update step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No configure step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No build step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No install step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No patch step for 'extern_dlpack'
[  0%] No test step for 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No update step for 'extern_dlpack'
[  0%] Completed 'extern_threadpool'
[  0%] No configure step for 'extern_dlpack'
[  0%] Built target extern_threadpool
[  0%] No build step for 'extern_dlpack'
Scanning dependencies of target extern_eigen3
[  0%] No install step for 'extern_dlpack'
[  1%] Creating directories for 'extern_eigen3'
[  1%] No test step for 'extern_dlpack'
[  1%] Completed 'extern_dlpack'
[  1%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_eigen3'
[  1%] Built target extern_dlpack
Cloning into 'extern_eigen3'...
Scanning dependencies of target extern_warprnnt
Note: checking out 'v2.2.2'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at e171aa2 Release v2.2.2
[  1%] Creating directories for 'extern_warprnnt'
[  1%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_warprnnt'
Cloning into 'extern_warprnnt'...
Submodule 'doc' ( registered for path 'doc'
Cloning into '/paddle/build/third_party/gflags/src/extern_gflags/doc'...
Note: checking out '7ea6bfe748779c245a0fcaa5dd9383826273eff2'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 7ea6bfe Merge pull request #1 from zh794390558/hipcc
[  1%] No patch step for 'extern_warprnnt'
[  1%] No update step for 'extern_warprnnt'
[  1%] Performing configure step for 'extern_warprnnt'
Note: checking out 'v1.2.8'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 5089329 zlib 1.2.8
Note: checking out 'v5.81'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 4ca0434 v5.81
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_zlib'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_zlib'
[  2%] Performing configure step for 'extern_zlib'
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_xbyak'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_xbyak'
[  2%] Performing configure step for 'extern_xbyak'
Submodule path 'doc': checked out '8411df715cf522606e3b1aca386ddfc0b63d34b4'
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_gflags'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_gflags'
[  2%] Performing configure step for 'extern_gflags'
-- extern_warprnnt configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/warprnnt/src/extern_warprnnt-stamp/extern_warprnnt-configure-*.log
[  2%] Performing build step for 'extern_warprnnt'
Scanning dependencies of target warprnnt
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/warprnnt.dir/src/rnnt_entrypoint.cpp.o
-- extern_xbyak configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/xbyak/src/extern_xbyak-stamp/extern_xbyak-configure-*.log
[  2%] Performing build step for 'extern_xbyak'
[  2%] Performing install step for 'extern_xbyak'
-- extern_xbyak install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/xbyak/src/extern_xbyak-stamp/extern_xbyak-install-*.log
[  2%] Completed 'extern_xbyak'
[  2%] Built target extern_xbyak
Scanning dependencies of target extern_utf8proc
[  2%] Creating directories for 'extern_utf8proc'
[  2%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_utf8proc'
Cloning into 'extern_utf8proc'...
[100%] Linking CXX shared library
[100%] Built target warprnnt
[  2%] Performing install step for 'extern_warprnnt'
-- extern_zlib configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/zlib/src/extern_zlib-stamp/extern_zlib-configure-*.log
[  2%] Performing build step for 'extern_zlib'
-- extern_warprnnt install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/warprnnt/src/extern_warprnnt-stamp/extern_warprnnt-install-*.log
Scanning dependencies of target zlib
[  2%] Completed 'extern_warprnnt'
[  2%] Built target extern_warprnnt
Scanning dependencies of target extern_pocketfft
[  2%] Creating directories for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/adler32.o
Cloning into 'extern_pocketfft'...
[  5%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/compress.o
[  7%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/crc32.o
[ 10%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/deflate.o
Note: checking out 'v2.6.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 3203baa fix manifest
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_utf8proc'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_utf8proc'
[  2%] Performing configure step for 'extern_utf8proc'
[ 12%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/gzclose.o
Note: checking out 'release_for_eigen'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at ea778e3 small aesthetic improvements
[ 15%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/gzlib.o
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] No configure step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] No build step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] No install step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] No test step for 'extern_pocketfft'
[ 17%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/gzread.o
[  2%] Completed 'extern_pocketfft'
[  2%] Built target extern_pocketfft
Scanning dependencies of target extern_lapack
[  2%] Creating directories for 'extern_lapack'
-- extern_utf8proc configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/utf8proc/src/extern_utf8proc-stamp/extern_utf8proc-configure-*.log
[  2%] Performing build step for 'extern_utf8proc'
[  2%] Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'extern_lapack'
-- Downloading...
-- Using src=''
Scanning dependencies of target utf8proc
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/utf8proc.dir/utf8proc.c.o
[ 20%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/gzwrite.o
[ 22%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/inflate.o
-- extern_gflags configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/gflags/src/extern_gflags-stamp/extern_gflags-configure-*.log
[  2%] Performing build step for 'extern_gflags'
make[3]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
-- verifying file...
Scanning dependencies of target gflags_nothreads_static
-- Downloading... done
-- extracting...
-- extracting... [tar xfz]
[ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/
-- extracting... [analysis]
-- extracting... [rename]
-- extracting... [clean up]
-- extracting... done
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_lapack'
[  2%] No update step for 'extern_lapack'
[100%] Linking C static library libutf8proc.a
[  2%] No configure step for 'extern_lapack'
[  2%] No build step for 'extern_lapack'
[100%] Built target utf8proc
[  2%] Performing install step for 'extern_lapack'
[  2%] Performing install step for 'extern_utf8proc'
[ 25%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/infback.o
-- extern_utf8proc install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/utf8proc/src/extern_utf8proc-stamp/extern_utf8proc-install-*.log
[  2%] Completed 'extern_utf8proc'
[  2%] Built target extern_utf8proc
Scanning dependencies of target extern_warpctc
[  2%] Creating directories for 'extern_warpctc'
[  2%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_warpctc'
Cloning into 'extern_warpctc'...
[ 27%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/inftrees.o
[  2%] Completed 'extern_lapack'
[  2%] Built target extern_lapack
Scanning dependencies of target zlibstatic
[ 30%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/adler32.o
[ 32%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/inffast.o
[ 35%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/compress.o
[ 37%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/trees.o
[ 40%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/crc32.o
Note: checking out 'bdc2b4550453e0ef2d3b5190f9c6103a84eff184'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at bdc2b45 Support latest cuda toolkits and fix a shfl.up.sync bug (#178)
[  2%] No patch step for 'extern_warpctc'
[ 42%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/deflate.o
[  3%] No update step for 'extern_warpctc'
[  3%] Performing configure step for 'extern_warpctc'
[ 45%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/uncompr.o
[ 47%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlib.dir/zutil.o
[ 50%] Linking C shared library
[ 50%] Built target zlib
[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/gzclose.o
Scanning dependencies of target extern_gtest
[  3%] Creating directories for 'extern_gtest'
[  4%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_gtest'
Cloning into 'extern_gtest'...
[ 55%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/gzlib.o
[ 57%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/gzread.o
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/
[ 60%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/gzwrite.o
[ 62%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/inflate.o
-- extern_warpctc configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/warpctc/src/extern_warpctc-stamp/extern_warpctc-configure-*.log
[  4%] Performing build step for 'extern_warpctc'
Scanning dependencies of target warpctc
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/warpctc.dir/src/ctc_entrypoint.cpp.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_nothreads_static.dir/src/
[ 65%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/infback.o
[ 67%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/inftrees.o
[ 70%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/inffast.o
[100%] Linking CXX shared library
[100%] Built target warpctc
[ 72%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/trees.o
[  4%] Performing install step for 'extern_warpctc'
[ 50%] Linking CXX static library lib/libgflags_nothreads.a
-- extern_warpctc install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/warpctc/src/extern_warpctc-stamp/extern_warpctc-install-*.log
[ 50%] Built target gflags_nothreads_static
[  4%] Completed 'extern_warpctc'
Scanning dependencies of target gflags_static
[  4%] Built target extern_warpctc
Scanning dependencies of target minigzip
[ 75%] Building C object CMakeFiles/minigzip.dir/test/minigzip.o
[ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_static.dir/src/
[ 77%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/uncompr.o
[ 80%] Linking C executable minigzip
[ 82%] Building C object CMakeFiles/zlibstatic.dir/zutil.o
[ 82%] Built target minigzip
Scanning dependencies of target extern_cryptopp
[  4%] Creating directories for 'extern_cryptopp'
[  4%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_cryptopp'
Cloning into 'extern_cryptopp'...
[ 85%] Linking C static library libz.a
[ 85%] Built target zlibstatic
Scanning dependencies of target example
[ 87%] Building C object CMakeFiles/example.dir/test/example.o
[ 90%] Linking C executable example
[ 90%] Built target example
Scanning dependencies of target example64
[ 92%] Building C object CMakeFiles/example64.dir/test/example.o
[ 95%] Linking C executable example64
[ 95%] Built target example64
Scanning dependencies of target minigzip64
[ 97%] Building C object CMakeFiles/minigzip64.dir/test/minigzip.o
[100%] Linking C executable minigzip64
[100%] Built target minigzip64
[  4%] Performing install step for 'extern_zlib'
-- extern_zlib install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/zlib/src/extern_zlib-stamp/extern_zlib-install-*.log
[  4%] Completed 'extern_zlib'
[  4%] Built target extern_zlib
Scanning dependencies of target eager_codegen
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_static.dir/src/
[ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gflags_static.dir/src/
[  4%] Built target eager_codegen
Scanning dependencies of target extern_pybind
[  4%] Creating directories for 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_pybind'
Cloning into 'extern_pybind'...
[100%] Linking CXX static library lib/libgflags.a
[100%] Built target gflags_static
[  4%] Performing install step for 'extern_gflags'
Note: checking out 'release-1.8.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 2fe3bd99 Merge pull request #1433 from dsacre/fix-clang-warnings
-- extern_gflags install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/gflags/src/extern_gflags-stamp/extern_gflags-install-*.log
[  4%] Completed 'extern_gflags'
[  4%] Built target extern_gflags
Scanning dependencies of target extern_gloo
[  4%] Creating directories for 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] No patch step for 'extern_gtest'
[  4%] Performing download step (git clone) for 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_gtest'
Cloning into 'extern_gloo'...
[  4%] Performing configure step for 'extern_gtest'
Note: checking out 'v0.0.3'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 8b6b61d fix deprecated-copy warning
-- extern_gtest configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/gtest/src/extern_gtest-stamp/extern_gtest-configure-*.log
[  4%] Performing build step for 'extern_gtest'
Scanning dependencies of target gtest
[  4%] No patch step for 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] No configure step for 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] Performing build step for 'extern_gloo'
[ 12%] Building CXX object googlemock/gtest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.2.0
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.2.0
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/local/gcc-8.2/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Build type not set -- defaulting to Release
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /paddle/build/third_party/gloo/src/extern_gloo/build
make[3]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
Scanning dependencies of target gloo
[  2%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[  5%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[  8%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
Note: checking out 'CRYPTOPP_8_2_0'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 9dcc26c5 Prepare for Crypto++ 8.2 release Make ConstBytePtr return non-NULL pointer
[  4%] Performing patch step for 'extern_cryptopp'
Cloning into '/paddle/build/third_party/cryptopp/src/extern_cryptopp/cmake'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 835, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (279/279), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
Note: checking out 'v2.6.0'./835), 164.00 KiB | 315.00 KiB/s   

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 59a2ac27 v2.6.0 release
remote: Total 835 (delta 271), reused 244 (delta 242), pack-reused 556
Receiving objects: 100% (835/835), 339.65 KiB | 410.00 KiB/s, done.
[  4%] No patch step for 'extern_pybind'
Resolving deltas: 100% (505/505), done.
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] No configure step for 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] No build step for 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] No install step for 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] No test step for 'extern_pybind'
Switched to a new branch 'CRYPTOPP_8_2_0'
[  4%] Completed 'extern_pybind'
[  4%] Built target extern_pybind
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_cryptopp'
[ 11%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
Scanning dependencies of target eager_python_c_codegen
[  4%] Performing configure step for 'extern_cryptopp'
[  4%] Built target eager_python_c_codegen
Scanning dependencies of target download_data
--2023-03-09 11:48:42--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 5331 (5.2K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: 'buddy_allocator_test_data.tar'

buddy_allocator_test_ 100%[======================>]   5.21K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-03-09 11:48:42 (38.1 MB/s) - 'buddy_allocator_test_data.tar' saved [5331/5331]

[  4%] Built target download_data
Scanning dependencies of target jit_download_program
[ 25%] Linking CXX static library libgtest.a
[ 14%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[ 25%] Built target gtest
Scanning dependencies of target gmock
[ 37%] Building CXX object googlemock/CMakeFiles/gmock.dir/src/
paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/build.make:57: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program' failed
make[2]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program] Error 4
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:173260: recipe for target 'paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [paddle/fluid/jit/CMakeFiles/jit_download_program.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Scanning dependencies of target gtest_main
[ 50%] Building CXX object googlemock/gtest/CMakeFiles/gtest_main.dir/src/
[ 17%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[ 20%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[ 62%] Linking CXX static library libgtest_main.a
[ 62%] Built target gtest_main
[ 22%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
Note: checking out 'v0.3.7'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 5f36f181 Update with 0.3.7 changes
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_openblas'
[  4%] No patch step for 'extern_openblas'
[  4%] No configure step for 'extern_openblas'
[  4%] Performing build step for 'extern_openblas'
make[3]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[3]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
[ 25%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[ 75%] Linking CXX static library libgmock.a
[ 75%] Built target gmock
Scanning dependencies of target gmock_main
-- extern_cryptopp configure command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/cryptopp/src/extern_cryptopp-stamp/extern_cryptopp-configure-*.log
[  4%] Performing build step for 'extern_cryptopp'
[ 87%] Building CXX object googlemock/CMakeFiles/gmock_main.dir/src/
Scanning dependencies of target cryptopp-object
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[ 28%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[ 31%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
[  0%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cryptlib.cpp.o
[  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cpu.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX static library libgmock_main.a
[100%] Built target gmock_main
[  4%] Performing install step for 'extern_gtest'
[  1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/integer.cpp.o
[ 34%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/
-- extern_gtest install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/gtest/src/extern_gtest-stamp/extern_gtest-install-*.log
[  4%] Completed 'extern_gtest'
[  4%] Built target extern_gtest
[  2%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/3way.cpp.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/common/
[  2%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/adler32.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/common/
[  3%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/algebra.cpp.o
[  4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/algparam.cpp.o
Note: checking out 'f612df273689a19d25b45ca4f8269463207c4fee'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at f612df273 Add fmod(half, half).
[ 42%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/common/
[  4%] No patch step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] No update step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] No configure step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] No build step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] No install step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] No test step for 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/arc4.cpp.o
[  4%] Completed 'extern_eigen3'
[  4%] Built target extern_eigen3
[  5%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/aria.cpp.o
[  5%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/aria_simd.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ariatab.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/asn.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/authenc.cpp.o
[ 45%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[  8%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/base32.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/base64.cpp.o
[  9%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/basecode.cpp.o
[  9%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/bfinit.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/blake2.cpp.o
[ 48%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[ 10%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/blake2b_simd.cpp.o
[ 11%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/blake2s_simd.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/blowfish.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/blumshub.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/camellia.cpp.o
[ 51%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[ 13%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cast.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/casts.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cbcmac.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ccm.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/chacha.cpp.o
[ 54%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[ 16%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/chacha_avx.cpp.o
[ 17%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/chacha_simd.cpp.o
[ 57%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[ 17%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/chachapoly.cpp.o
[ 18%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cham.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/rendezvous/
[ 18%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cham_simd.cpp.o
[ 19%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/channels.cpp.o
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/cmac.cpp.o
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/crc.cpp.o
[ 21%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/crc_simd.cpp.o
[ 21%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/darn.cpp.o
[ 62%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
[ 22%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/default.cpp.o
[ 22%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/des.cpp.o
[ 23%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/dessp.cpp.o
[ 65%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
[ 24%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/dh.cpp.o
[ 68%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
[ 24%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/dh2.cpp.o
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/dll.cpp.o
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/donna_32.cpp.o
[ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/donna_64.cpp.o
[ 71%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
ar: creating ../libopenblasp-r0.3.7.a
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/donna_sse.cpp.o
[ 74%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/dsa.cpp.o
[ 77%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/eax.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ec2n.cpp.o
[ 82%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 29%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/eccrypto.cpp.o
[ 29%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ecp.cpp.o
[ 30%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/elgamal.cpp.o
[ 85%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 31%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/emsa2.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/eprecomp.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/esign.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/files.cpp.o
[ 88%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/filters.cpp.o
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/fips140.cpp.o
[ 91%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 34%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gcm.cpp.o
[ 35%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gcm_simd.cpp.o
[ 35%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gf256.cpp.o
[ 94%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 36%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gf2_32.cpp.o
[ 36%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gf2n.cpp.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gf2n_simd.cpp.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gfpcrypt.cpp.o
[ 38%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gost.cpp.o
[ 39%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/gzip.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object gloo/CMakeFiles/gloo.dir/transport/tcp/
[ 39%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hc128.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hc256.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hex.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX static library libgloo.a
[ 41%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hight.cpp.o
[100%] Built target gloo
[  4%] Performing install step for 'extern_gloo'
[ 41%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hmac.cpp.o
-- extern_gloo install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/gloo/src/extern_gloo-stamp/extern_gloo-install-*.log
[  4%] Completed 'extern_gloo'
[  4%] Built target extern_gloo
[ 42%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/hrtimer.cpp.o
[ 43%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ida.cpp.o
[ 43%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/idea.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/iterhash.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/kalyna.cpp.o
[ 45%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/kalynatab.cpp.o
[ 45%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/keccak.cpp.o
[ 46%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/keccak_core.cpp.o
[ 47%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/keccak_simd.cpp.o
[ 47%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/lea.cpp.o
[ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/lea_simd.cpp.o
[ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/luc.cpp.o
[ 49%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/mars.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/marss.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/md2.cpp.o
[ 51%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/md4.cpp.o
[ 51%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/md5.cpp.o
[ 52%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/misc.cpp.o
[ 52%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/modes.cpp.o
[ 53%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/mqueue.cpp.o
[ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/mqv.cpp.o
[ 54%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/nbtheory.cpp.o
[ 55%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/neon_simd.cpp.o
[ 55%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/oaep.cpp.o
[ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/osrng.cpp.o
[ 56%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/padlkrng.cpp.o
[ 57%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/panama.cpp.o
[ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/pkcspad.cpp.o
[ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/poly1305.cpp.o
[ 59%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/polynomi.cpp.o
[ 59%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ppc_power7.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ppc_power8.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ppc_simd.cpp.o
[ 61%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ppc_power9.cpp.o
[ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/pssr.cpp.o
[ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/pubkey.cpp.o
[ 63%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/queue.cpp.o
[ 63%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rabbit.cpp.o
[ 64%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rabin.cpp.o
[ 64%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/randpool.cpp.o
[ 65%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rc2.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rc5.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rc6.cpp.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rdrand.cpp.o
[ 67%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rdtables.cpp.o
[ 68%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rijndael.cpp.o
[ 68%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rijndael_simd.cpp.o
[ 69%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ripemd.cpp.o
[ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rng.cpp.o
[ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rsa.cpp.o
[ 71%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/rw.cpp.o
[ 71%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/safer.cpp.o
[ 72%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/salsa.cpp.o
[ 72%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/scrypt.cpp.o
[ 73%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/seal.cpp.o
[ 74%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/seed.cpp.o
[ 74%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/serpent.cpp.o
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sha.cpp.o
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sha3.cpp.o
[ 76%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sha_simd.cpp.o
[ 77%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/shacal2.cpp.o
[ 77%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/shacal2_simd.cpp.o
[ 78%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/shake.cpp.o
[ 78%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/shark.cpp.o
[ 79%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sharkbox.cpp.o
[ 79%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/simeck.cpp.o
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/simeck_simd.cpp.o
[ 81%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/simon.cpp.o
[ 81%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/simon128_simd.cpp.o
[ 82%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/simon64_simd.cpp.o
[ 82%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/skipjack.cpp.o
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
[ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sm3.cpp.o
[ 83%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sm4.cpp.o
[ 84%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sm4_simd.cpp.o
[ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sosemanuk.cpp.o
[ 85%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/speck.cpp.o
[ 86%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/speck128_simd.cpp.o
[ 86%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/speck64_simd.cpp.o
[ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/square.cpp.o
[ 87%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/squaretb.cpp.o
[ 88%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/sse_simd.cpp.o
[ 89%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/strciphr.cpp.o
[ 89%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/tea.cpp.o
[ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/tftables.cpp.o
[ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/threefish.cpp.o
[ 91%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/tiger.cpp.o
[ 91%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/tigertab.cpp.o
[ 92%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/ttmac.cpp.o
[ 93%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/tweetnacl.cpp.o
[ 93%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/twofish.cpp.o
[ 94%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/vmac.cpp.o
[ 94%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/wake.cpp.o
[ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/whrlpool.cpp.o
[ 95%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/xed25519.cpp.o
[ 96%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/xtr.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/xtrcrypt.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/zdeflate.cpp.o
[ 98%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/zinflate.cpp.o
[ 98%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cryptopp-object.dir/zlib.cpp.o
[ 98%] Built target cryptopp-object
Scanning dependencies of target cryptopp-static
Scanning dependencies of target cryptopp-shared
[ 99%] Linking CXX static library libcryptopp.a
[100%] Linking CXX shared library
[100%] Built target cryptopp-static
[100%] Built target cryptopp-shared
[  5%] Performing install step for 'extern_cryptopp'
-- extern_cryptopp install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/cryptopp/src/extern_cryptopp-stamp/extern_cryptopp-install-*.log
[  5%] Completed 'extern_cryptopp'
[  5%] Built target extern_cryptopp
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
memory.c: In function 'alloc_mmap_free':
memory.c:2049:51: warning: format '%lx' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'void *' [-Wformat=]
        printf("error code=%d,\trelease->address=%lx\n",errsv,release->address);
                                                 ~~^          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
openblas_get_config.c: In function 'openblas_get_config':
openblas_get_config.c:83:1: warning: this 'else' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
openblas_get_config.c:85:3: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'else'
   strcat(tmp_config_str, tmpstr);
blas_server.c: In function 'blas_thread_init':
blas_server.c:585:95: warning: format '%ld' expects argument of type 'long int', but argument 4 has type 'int' [-Wformat=]
         fprintf(STDERR, "OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: pthread_create failed for thread %ld of %ld: %s\n", i+1,blas_num_threads,msg);
                                                                                             ~~^             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dynamic.c: In function 'support_avx512':
dynamic.c:332:21: warning: bitwise comparison always evaluates to true [-Wtautological-compare]
   if((ebx & (1<<7)) != 1){
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
make[4]: warning: -jN forced in submake: disabling jobserver mode.
make[4]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add '+' to parent make rule.
[  5%] Performing install step for 'extern_openblas'
-- extern_openblas install command succeeded.  See also /paddle/build/third_party/openblas/src/extern_openblas-stamp/extern_openblas-install-*.log
[  5%] Completed 'extern_openblas'
[  5%] Built target extern_openblas
Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
yeliang2258 commented 1 year ago


yuanphoenix commented 1 year ago

我在PR中遇到过这种情况,一般重新编译就好了,我也不知道为什么。 编译的时候,爆内存也会报错,建议使用make -j8 在16G内存下可以运行。

yeliang2258 commented 1 year ago

嗯,也有可能是内存比较小,那么make -j4这样来编译

xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago


-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor - Failed
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor - Success
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor - Failed
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor

后面的编译也错了 所以这两者之间有关系吗

xiehuanyi commented 1 year ago


-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor - Failed
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wnon_virtual_dtor - Success
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor
-- Performing Test C_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor - Failed
-- Performing Test CXX_COMPILER_SUPPORT_FLAG__Wdelete_non_virtual_dtor

后面的编译也错了 所以这两者之间有关系吗


In file included from /paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h:101,
                 from /paddle/paddle/fluid/framework/inlined_vector.h:19,
                 from /paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/allocator.h:22,
                 from /paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/mmap_allocator.h:26,
                 from /paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ In destructor ‘virtual paddle::memory::allocation::MemoryMapWriterAllocation::~MemoryMapWriterAllocation()’:
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:226:76: warning: throw will always call terminate() [-Wterminate]
     throw ::phi::enforce::EnforceNotMet(__ERROR_SUMMARY, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:391:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__’
       __THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__(                                         \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:399:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE’
   __PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE(__VAL0, __VAL1, !=, ==, __VA_ARGS__)
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ note: in expansion of macro ‘PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE’
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:226:76: note: in C++11 destructors default to noexcept
     throw ::phi::enforce::EnforceNotMet(__ERROR_SUMMARY, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:391:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__’
       __THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__(                                         \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:399:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE’
   __PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE(__VAL0, __VAL1, !=, ==, __VA_ARGS__)
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ note: in expansion of macro ‘PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE’
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ In destructor ‘virtual paddle::memory::allocation::MemoryMapReaderAllocation::~MemoryMapReaderAllocation()’:
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:226:76: warning: throw will always call terminate() [-Wterminate]
     throw ::phi::enforce::EnforceNotMet(__ERROR_SUMMARY, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:391:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__’
       __THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__(                                         \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:399:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE’
   __PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE(__VAL0, __VAL1, !=, ==, __VA_ARGS__)
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ note: in expansion of macro ‘PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE’
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:226:76: note: in C++11 destructors default to noexcept
     throw ::phi::enforce::EnforceNotMet(__ERROR_SUMMARY, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:391:7: note: in expansion of macro ‘__THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__’
       __THROW_ERROR_INTERNAL__(                                         \
/paddle/paddle/phi/core/enforce.h:399:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘__PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE’
   __PADDLE_BINARY_COMPARE(__VAL0, __VAL1, !=, ==, __VA_ARGS__)
/paddle/paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/ note: in expansion of macro ‘PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE’