PaddlePaddle / Paddle

PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
Apache License 2.0
21.78k stars 5.47k forks source link

赛题四:在飞桨框架中引入 clang-tidy Tracking Issue #54073

Open GreatV opened 1 year ago

GreatV commented 1 year ago

一、 项目说明

用于跟踪 clang-tidy代码风格检查工具的引入 并记录该计划下各个子任务的计划和进度。

二、 主要工作

📓 操作指南


  1. 编译Paddle (PR-CI-Coverage中的编译选项),需要打开-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
-DINFERENCE_DEMO_INSTALL_DIR=/home/data/cfs/.cache/coverage -DPY_VERSION=3.8 \

# 不执行make,会导致clang-tidy无法找到第三方库
make -j$(nproc)
  1. 打开检查 在.clang-tidy中移除-readability-container-size-empty的前缀-
  2. 运行clang-tidy,并根据clang-tidy提示修改代码
  3. 重新运行pre-commit确认修改完成
    # paddle on develop [!+?] via △ v3.18.0 via 🐍 v3.7.16 took 27m16s
    pre-commit run clang-tidy --all-files > clang-tidy.log 2>&1
    grep "\[readability-container-size-empty,-warnings-as-errors\]" clang-tidy.log


    python ./tools/codestyle/ -p=build -j=10 \
    -clang-tidy-binary=clang-tidy \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unknown-warning-option \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-pessimizing-move \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-braced-scalar-init \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-deprecated-copy \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-dangling-gsl \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-final-dtor-non-final-class \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-infinite-recursion \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-mismatched-tags  \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-self-assign \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-sign-compare \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-tautological-overlap-compare \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-const-variable \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-lambda-capture \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-private-field \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-value \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-variable  \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-overloaded-virtual  \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-defaulted-function-deleted  \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-delete-non-abstract-non-virtual-dtor  \
    -extra-arg=-Wno-return-type-c-linkage  > clang-tidy.log  2>&1 

    整体进展 (39/94)

    按完成时间顺序,排名不分先后: @GreatV (2) @ccsuzzh (1) @enkilee (36)

1. 存量修复相关

注:错误数量没有统计 CINN 目录下,CINN 目录下也暂时无需修复,原因见



编号 错误类型 错误数量 认领人 PR链接
1 cppcoreguidelines-init-variables 11002
2 modernize-redundant-void-arg 1294
3 bugprone-narrowing-conversions,cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions 327 @enkilee #61759 ✅ #62109 ✅
4 cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init 216
5✅ (2024/3/1) cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays,modernize-avoid-c-arrays 151 @enkilee #61751
6 modernize-unary-static-assert 132
7✅ (2024/3/1) bugprone-branch-clone 132 @enkilee #61735
8 performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization 127
9 cppcoreguidelines-avoid-goto,hicpp-avoid-goto 109
10 cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-const-cast 90
11 modernize-pass-by-value 65
12✅ (2024/3/7) modernize-loop-convert 46 @enkilee #61725
13✅ (2024/2/21) modernize-deprecated-headers 44 @enkilee #61721
14✅ (2024/2/20) misc-unused-alias-decls 44 @enkilee #61716
15✅ (2024/2/20) performance-inefficient-vector-operation 30 @enkilee #61715
16 clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall 26
17✅ (2024/3/1) cppcoreguidelines-explicit-virtual-functions,modernize-use-override 20 @enkilee #61714
18 clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference 18
19✅ (2024/2/26) readability-container-size-empty 16 @enkilee #61713
20✅ (2023/12/5) modernize-use-nullptr 15 @ccsuzzh #59626
21✅ (2024/2/21) performance-for-range-copy 14 @enkilee #61712
22 cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc 13
23 modernize-use-emplace 11
24✅ (2024/3/1) hicpp-exception-baseclass 11 @enkilee #61691
25✅ (2024/2/26) modernize-use-transparent-functors 9 @enkilee #61689
26✅ (2024/2/20) misc-unused-using-decls 9 @enkilee #61616
27✅ (2024/2/21) performance-move-const-arg 7 @enkilee #61615
28✅ (2024/2/21) modernize-use-equals-default 7 @enkilee #61614
29✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-exception-escape 7 @enkilee #61609
30 performance-inefficient-string-concatenation 5
31✅ (2024/2/29) clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks 5 @enkilee #62129
32✅ (2024/2/29) bugprone-unused-raii 5 @enkilee #62129
33✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-inaccurate-erase 5 @enkilee #61589
34✅ (2024/2/29) bugprone-copy-constructor-init 5 @enkilee #62129
35✅ (2024/2/20) modernize-use-bool-literals 3 @enkilee #61580
36✅ (2024/2/20) clang-analyzer-core.DivideZero 3 @enkilee #61580
37✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-integer-division 3 @enkilee #61580
38✅ (2024/2/26) performance-trivially-destructible 2 @enkilee #61556
39✅ (2024/2/26) modernize-make-unique 2 @enkilee #61556
40✅ (2024/2/26) modernize-avoid-bind 2 @enkilee #61556
41✅ (2024/2/29) cppcoreguidelines-slicing 2 @enkilee #62129
42✅ (2024/2/20) performance-noexcept-move-constructor 1 @enkilee #61555
43✅ (2024/2/20) clang-diagnostic-unused-but-set-variable 1 @enkilee #61555
44✅ (2024/2/20) clang-analyzer-security.FloatLoopCounter 1 @enkilee #61555
45✅ (2024/2/29) clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDelete 1 @enkilee #62129
46✅ (2024/2/21) clang-analyzer-core.NonNullParamChecker 1 @enkilee #61494
47✅ (2024/2/21) bugprone-unhandled-self-assignment 1 @enkilee #61494
48✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-string-integer-assignment 1 @enkilee #61492
49✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast 1 @enkilee #61492
50✅ (2024/2/20) bugprone-infinite-loop 1 @enkilee #61492
旧任务表格如下所示(旧任务进展 55/94):按完成时间顺序,排名不分先后: @GreatV (4) @BeingGod (4) @gouzil (19) @ccsuzzh (5) @enkilee (13) @xiaoyewww (6) @SigureMo (3) @RedContritio (1) 编号 | 错误类型 | 错误数量 | 认领人 | PR链接 :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ 1 | [hicpp-avoid-goto] | 1603 2 | [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-goto] (🏷️ alias of task 1) | 1603 3✅ (2023/7/31) | [modernize-redundant-void-arg] | 1326 | @gouzil | #55652 #55741 4✅ (2023/8/3) | [modernize-loop-convert] | 1091 | @GreatV | #55704 5✅ (2023/8/30) | [modernize-make-shared] | 842 | @SigureMo | #55807 6✅ (2023/8/14) | [modernize-avoid-c-arrays] | 820 | @gouzil | #55774✅ #55954✅ 7✅ (2023/8/14) | [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays] (🏷️ alias of task 6) | 820 | @gouzil | #55774✅ #56208✅ 8✅ (2023/9/15) | [cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions] | 596 | @gouzil | #56218 ✅ #56895✅ #56904✅ 57114✅ 9✅ (2023/10/11) | [bugprone-narrowing-conversions] (🏷️ alias of task 8) | 596 | @gouzil | #57861 10✅ (2023/10/11) | [cppcoreguidelines-init-variables] | 576| @gouzil | #57871 11 ✅ (2023/7/11) | [readability-container-size-empty] | 458 | @GreatV | #55279 12✅ (2023/8/4) | [modernize-use-nullptr] | 409 | @ccsuzzh | #55800 13✅ (2023/8/4) | [modernize-use-emplace] | 401 | @BeingGod | #55799 14 | [performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization] | 395 15 | [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-const-cast] | 164 | @enkilee | #58285 16✅ (2023/8/7) | [modernize-use-equals-default] | 150 | @BeingGod | #55983 17✅ (2023/10/12) | [performance-for-range-copy] | 127 | @enkilee | #57809 18 | [cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init] | 127 19✅ (2023/10/13) | [performance-move-const-arg] | 113 | @enkilee | #57627 20✅ (2023/9/7) | [clang-analyzer-core.CallAndMessage] | 96 | @enkilee | #56954 21 | [modernize-pass-by-value] | 95 | @Rruown 22✅ (2023/8/9) | [modernize-make-unique] | 81 | @BeingGod | #55506✅ #55764✅ 23✅ (2023/9/21) | [bugprone-branch-clone] | 74 | @enkilee | #57522 24 | [performance-inefficient-vector-operation] | 71 | @gouzil | #58028 ✅ 25✅ (2023/9/7) | [modernize-deprecated-headers] | 34 | @enkilee | #56994 26✅ (2023/8/29) | [misc-unused-using-decls] | 33 | @enkilee | #56485 27✅ (2023/8/29) | [misc-unused-alias-decls] | 32 | @enkilee | #56485 28 | [clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference] | 32 29✅ (2023/9/18) | [cppcoreguidelines-no-malloc] | 29 | @gouzil | #57343 30 | [clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall] | 26 31✅ (2023/8/14) | [modernize-use-bool-literals] | 22 | @enkilee | #56216 32✅ (2023/9/20) | [clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores] | 22 | @enkilee | #57483 33✅ (2023/9/7) | [bugprone-signed-char-misuse] | 21 | @ccsuzzh | #56744 34✅ (2023/9/1) | [performance-noexcept-move-constructor] | 18 | @enkilee | #56261 35✅ (2023/9/1) | [bugprone-incorrect-roundings] | 18| @gouzil | #56747 36✅ (2023/9/1) | [modernize-use-transparent-functors] | 17| @enkilee | #56261 37✅ (2023/8/15) | [performance-faster-string-find] | 14 | @enkilee | #56255 38✅ (2023/8/28) | [bugprone-exception-escape] | 14| @gouzil | #56692 39✅ (2023/8/30) | [clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject] | 13| @gouzil | #56648 40✅ (2023/8/29) | [performance-inefficient-string-concatenation] | 12| @gouzil | #56647 41✅ (2023/8/29) | [bugprone-unhandled-self-assignment] | 9| @gouzil | #56640 42✅ (2023/8/29) | [clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Assign] | 8| @gouzil | #56637 43✅ (2023/8/29) | [clang-analyzer-core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult] | 8| @gouzil | #56636 44✅ (2023/8/29) | [bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast] | 8| @gouzil | #56635 45✅ (2023/8/1) | [bugprone-unused-raii] | 7 | @ccsuzzh | #55815 46✅ (2023/8/3) | [modernize-avoid-bind] | 6 | @gouzil 47 ✅ (2023/7/21) | [modernize-use-override] | 4 | @BeingGod | #55491 48✅(2023/11/6) | [clang-analyzer-unix.Malloc] | 4 | @RedContritio| #55658 49 | [clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks] | 4 | 50 | [clang-analyzer-core.DivideZero] | 4 | 51✅ (2023/8/14) | [bugprone-copy-constructor-init] | 4 | @enkilee | #56219 52✅ (2023/8/14) | [bugprone-argument-comment] | 4 | @enkilee | #56217 53✅ (2023/8/29) | [cppcoreguidelines-c-copy-assignment-signature] | 3 | @xiaoyewww | #56601 54✅ (2023/8/29) | [bugprone-use-after-move] | 3| @xiaoyewww | #56601 55 | [bugprone-sizeof-expression] | 3| @xiaoyewww 56✅ (2023/8/29) | [modernize-raw-string-literal] | 2 | @SigureMo | #55675 | 57✅ (2023/9/5) | [cppcoreguidelines-explicit-virtual-functions] | 2| @xiaoyewww | #56649 58✅ (2023/9/5) | [clang-analyzer-core.NonNullParamChecker] | 2| @xiaoyewww | #56649 59✅ (2023/9/5) | [bugprone-unused-return-value] | 2| @xiaoyewww | #56676 60✅ (2023/9/5) | [bugprone-suspicious-missing-comma] | 2| @xiaoyewww | #56676 61✅ (2023/8/29) | [hicpp-exception-baseclass] | 1 | @SigureMo | #55847 | 62✅ (2023/8/15) | [clang-analyzer-unix.Vfork] | 1 | @gouzil | #56253 63✅ (2023/8/15) | [clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.vfork] | 1 | @gouzil | #56253 64✅ (2023/9/7) | [clang-analyzer-optin.portability.UnixAPI] | 1| @ccsuzzh | #56744 65✅ (2023/8/28) | [clang-analyzer-cplusplus.InnerPointer] | 1 | @ccsuzzh | #56693 66✅ (2023/8/14) | [bugprone-integer-division] | 1 | @gouzil | #56246

2. 增量拦截相关

编号 任务 认领人 PR链接
67✅ (2023/7/11) .pre-commit-config.yaml 在添加 clang-tidy 检查项 @GreatV #55279 #55894
68✅(2023/7/11) 使用单独的脚本运行 clang-tidy,开发者便于手动执行检查 运行tools/codestyle/clang-tidy.py即可 #55279
69 clang-tidy 工具同步到release分支 @Liyulingyue
70 clang-tidy 同步到CI镜像中,PR-CI-Build中打开CI, 避免重复安装下载 @ccsuzzh #55619

3. 移除pre-commit中的-WnoXXX (.pre-commit-config.yaml)

编号 任务 认领人 PR链接
71 -extra-arg=-Wno-pessimizing-move @enkilee
72 -extra-arg=-Wno-braced-scalar-init
73 -extra-arg=-Wno-dangling-gsl
74 -extra-arg=-Wno-deprecated-copy
75 -extra-arg=-Wno-final-dtor-non-final-class
76 -extra-arg=-Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion
77 -extra-arg=-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override
78 -extra-arg=-Wno-infinite-recursion
79 -extra-arg=-Wno-mismatched-tags
80 -extra-arg=-Wno-self-assign
81 -extra-arg=-Wno-sign-compare
82 -extra-arg=-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized
83 -extra-arg=-Wno-tautological-overlap-compare
84 -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-const-variable
85 -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-lambda-capture
86 -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-private-field
87 -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-value
88 -extra-arg=-Wno-unused-variable
89 -extra-arg=-Wno-overloaded-virtual
90 -extra-arg=-Wno-defaulted-function-deleted
91 -extra-arg=-Wno-delete-non-abstract-non-virtual-dtor
92 -extra-arg=-Wno-return-type-c-linkage
93 paddle/cinn 重新加入 clang-tidy pre-commit 扫描路径,
94 将cmake时自动生成的c++文件路径加入clang-tidy排除项
RedContritio commented 11 months ago

认领 1. 存量修复相关 32 - 42

BeingGod commented 11 months ago


luotao1 commented 11 months ago

建议先把非CINN目录的代码格式修复完+CI监控上,再考虑CINN目录。原因如下: @GreatV @zhangbo9674

luotao1 commented 11 months ago

@GreatV @ccsuzzh :

GreatV commented 11 months ago

@luotao1 好的,收到。

gouzil commented 11 months ago


GreatV commented 11 months ago

@zrr1999 @RedContritio @gouzil 任务表格更新了一下,有些任务已经没有了,麻烦重新领取一下任务。

旧任务表格如下所示: 编号|错误类型|错误数量|认领人|PR链接 |:------|:------:|:------|:------|:------ 1|[clang-diagnostic-error]|4134| 2|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic]|4415 3|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-cstyle-cast]|4337| @RedContritio | 4|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast]|2279 | @gouzil | 5|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg]|1882 6|[modernize-redundant-void-arg]|1280| @gouzil | 7|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay]|1054 8✅ (2023/7/11)|[readability-container-size-empty]|766 | @GreatV | #55279 9|[modernize-loop-convert]|543| @GreatV | 10|[modernize-use-nullptr]|436 | @ccsuzzh | 11|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-constant-array-index]|363 12|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast]|315 13|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-const-cast]|249 14|[modernize-use-auto]|171 | @zrr1999 | 15|[modernize-pass-by-value]|132 | @Rruown 16✅ (2023/7/21)|[modernize-use-override]|125| @BeingGod |#55491 17|[cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access]|120 18|[clang-diagnostic-pessimizing-move]|70 | @enkilee |对应54| 19|[misc-unused-alias-decls]|52 20|[clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape]|35 21|[modernize-use-default]|33 22|[clang-analyzer-core.CallAndMessage]|32 | @enkilee | 23|[clang-diagnostic-missing-braces]|22 24|[clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference]|19 25|[performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization]|16 26✅(2023/7/21)|[modernize-make-unique]|15| @BeingGod | #55506 27|[clang-diagnostic-unused-value]|9 28|[clang-diagnostic-sign-compare]|8 29|[clang-analyzer-core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult]|7 30|[clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores]|6 31|[cppcoreguidelines-c-copy-assignment-signature]|4 32|[clang-analyzer-unix.Malloc]|3| @RedContritio | 33|[clang-diagnostic-overloaded-virtual]|2 | @RedContritio | 34|[clang-diagnostic-mismatched-tags]|2 | @RedContritio | 35|[clang-diagnostic-inconsistent-missing-override]|2 | @RedContritio | 36|[clang-diagnostic-compare-distinct-pointer-types]|2 | @RedContritio | 37|[clang-diagnostic-braced-scalar-init]|2| @RedContritio | 38|[clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDelete]|2| @RedContritio | 39|[clang-analyzer-core.DivideZero]|2| @RedContritio | 40|[clang-diagnostic-unused-variable]|1| @RedContritio | 41|[clang-diagnostic-unused-private-field]|1| @RedContritio | 42|[clang-diagnostic-unused-const-variable]|1| @RedContritio | 43|[clang-diagnostic-self-assign]|1 44|[clang-diagnostic-return-type-c-linkage]|1 45|[clang-analyzer-unix.Vfork]|1 46|[clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.vfork]|1 47|[clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks]|1 48|[clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Assign]|1 49|[clang-analyzer-core.NonNullParamChecker]|1
GreatV commented 11 months ago

@BeingGod 我重新扫描了一下,发现 modernize-make-unique 还有一些没有处理的,麻烦再处理一下。

BeingGod commented 11 months ago

@GreatV 好的

BeingGod commented 11 months ago

认领 13,16

gouzil commented 11 months ago


gouzil commented 10 months ago


xiaoyewww commented 10 months ago

认领 53-55,57-60

gouzil commented 10 months ago


xiaoyewww commented 10 months ago

认领 53-55,57-60

@GreatV @luotao1 编号55这个相关修改在pb.cc的两个生成文件中,是不是不用修改了?

gouzil commented 10 months ago

认领 53-55,57-60

@GreatV @luotao1 编号55这个相关修改在pb.cc的两个生成文件中,是不是不用修改了?

生成的文件不修改, 直接放开检查就行