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使用GeneralRecognitionV2_PPLCNetV2_base.yaml训练自己的数据集,有些参数如何调整 #3093

Open yaphet266 opened 6 months ago

yaphet266 commented 6 months ago


global configs

Global: checkpoints: null pretrained_model: null output_dir: ./output device: gpu save_interval: 1 eval_during_train: True eval_interval: 1 epochs: 100 print_batch_step: 20 use_visualdl: False eval_mode: retrieval retrieval_feature_from: features # 'backbone' or 'features' re_ranking: False use_dali: False

used for static mode and model export

image_shape: [3, 224, 224] save_inference_dir: ./inference

AMP: scale_loss: 65536 use_dynamic_loss_scaling: True

O1: mixed fp16

level: O1

model architecture

Arch: name: RecModel infer_output_key: features infer_add_softmax: False

Backbone: name: PPLCNetV2_base_ShiTu pretrained: True use_ssld: True class_expand: &feat_dim 512 BackboneStopLayer: name: flatten Neck: name: BNNeck num_features: feat_dim weight_attr: initializer: name: Constant value: 1.0 bias_attr: initializer: name: Constant value: 0.0 learning_rate: 1.0e-20 # NOTE: Temporarily set lr small enough to freeze the bias to zero Head: name: FC embedding_size: feat_dim class_num: 192612 weight_attr: initializer: name: Normal std: 0.001 bias_attr: False

loss function config for traing/eval process

Loss: Train:

Optimizer: name: Momentum momentum: 0.9 lr: name: Cosine learning_rate: 0.06 # for 8gpu x 256bs warmup_epoch: 5 regularizer: name: L2 coeff: 0.00001

data loader for train and eval

DataLoader: Train: dataset: name: ImageNetDataset image_root: ./dataset/ cls_label_path: ./dataset/train_reg_all_data_v2.txt relabel: True transform_ops:

Metric: Eval:

TingquanGao commented 6 months ago

修改数据集路径(image_root: ./dataset/ cls_label_path: ./dataset/train_reg_all_data_v2.txt)后可以先训练试试,观察loss是否下降,已经最终的收敛情况、精度情况,再适当调整learning rate。

yaphet266 commented 6 months ago

@TingquanGao 如果主干网络想改成ResNet50怎么修改,是否有可参考的yaml文件

changdazhou commented 4 months ago
