Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.
您是否更改过代码或配置文件?您是否理解您所更改的内容?还请您提供所更改的部分代码。/Did you make any modifications on the code or config? Did you understand what you have modified? Please provide the codes that you modified.
修改了config.EnableTensorRtEngine(1 << 30,
您使用的数据集是?/What dataset did you use?
请提供您出现的报错信息及相关log。/Please provide the error messages or relevant log information.
total images = 1, batch_size = 1, total steps = 1
class=0 confidence=0.9785 rect=[505 116 595 270]
class=0 confidence=0.9756 rect=[417 89 496 285]
class=0 confidence=0.9517 rect=[161 82 197 165]
class=0 confidence=0.9219 rect=[580 114 613 200]
class=0 confidence=0.8662 rect=[104 45 125 93]
class=0 confidence=0.7949 rect=[348 45 364 99]
class=0 confidence=0.6763 rect=[268 90 293 167]
class=0 confidence=0.6709 rect=[366 59 381 113]
class=0 confidence=0.5356 rect=[376 39 394 81]
class=0 confidence=0.5303 rect=[26 118 57 151]
class=33 confidence=0.9214 rect=[141 96 629 346]
class=56 confidence=0.8179 rect=[73 121 102 152]
1.jpg The number of detected box: 12
Visualized output saved as output\1.jpg
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0408 09:13:23.273309 13272 main_keypoint.cc:83] ----------------------- Config info -----------------------
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:84] runtime_device: GPU
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:85] ir_optim: True
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:87] enable_memory_optim: True
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:91] enable_tensorrt: True
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:94] precision: fp16
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:101] enable_mkldnn: False
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:102] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 1
I0408 09:13:23.274312 13272 main_keypoint.cc:103] ----------------------- Data info -----------------------
I0408 09:13:23.275311 13272 main_keypoint.cc:104] batch_size: 1
I0408 09:13:23.275311 13272 main_keypoint.cc:105] input_shape: dynamic shape
I0408 09:13:23.275311 13272 main_keypoint.cc:107] ----------------------- Model info -----------------------
I0408 09:13:23.275311 13272 main_keypoint.cc:109] model_name: D:\cpp\yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco
I0408 09:13:23.275311 13272 main_keypoint.cc:110] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------
I0408 09:13:23.276310 13272 main_keypoint.cc:111] Total number of predicted data: 1 and total time spent(ms): 209.994
I0408 09:13:23.276310 13272 main_keypoint.cc:115] preproce_time(ms): 8.0645, inference_time(ms): 201.907, postprocess_time(ms): 0.0225
total images = 1, batch_size = 1, total steps = 1
class=0 confidence=0.9785 rect=[505 116 595 270]
class=0 confidence=0.9756 rect=[417 89 496 285]
class=0 confidence=0.9517 rect=[161 82 197 165]
class=0 confidence=0.9219 rect=[580 114 613 200]
class=0 confidence=0.8662 rect=[104 45 125 93]
class=0 confidence=0.7949 rect=[348 45 364 99]
class=0 confidence=0.6763 rect=[268 90 293 167]
class=0 confidence=0.6709 rect=[366 59 381 113]
class=0 confidence=0.5356 rect=[376 39 394 81]
class=0 confidence=0.5303 rect=[26 118 57 151]
class=33 confidence=0.9214 rect=[141 96 629 346]
class=56 confidence=0.8179 rect=[73 121 102 152]
1.jpg The number of detected box: 12
Visualized output saved as output\1.jpg
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0408 09:18:41.851187 6464 main_keypoint.cc:83] ----------------------- Config info -----------------------
I0408 09:18:41.851187 6464 main_keypoint.cc:84] runtime_device: GPU
I0408 09:18:41.852198 6464 main_keypoint.cc:85] ir_optim: True
I0408 09:18:41.852198 6464 main_keypoint.cc:87] enable_memory_optim: True
I0408 09:18:41.852198 6464 main_keypoint.cc:91] enable_tensorrt: True
I0408 09:18:41.852198 6464 main_keypoint.cc:94] precision: fp16
I0408 09:18:41.852198 6464 main_keypoint.cc:101] enable_mkldnn: False
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:102] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 1
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:103] ----------------------- Data info -----------------------
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:104] batch_size: 1
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:105] input_shape: dynamic shape
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:107] ----------------------- Model info -----------------------
I0408 09:18:41.853195 6464 main_keypoint.cc:109] model_name: D:\cpp\yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco
I0408 09:18:41.854192 6464 main_keypoint.cc:110] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------
I0408 09:18:41.854192 6464 main_keypoint.cc:111] Total number of predicted data: 1 and total time spent(ms): 970.951
I0408 09:18:41.854192 6464 main_keypoint.cc:115] preproce_time(ms): 7.4447, inference_time(ms): 963.49, postprocess_time(ms): 0.0162
请提供您使用的Paddle和PaddleDetection的版本号/Please provide the version of Paddle and PaddleDetection you use:
paddledet 2.4.0
paddlepaddle-gpu 2.2.2.post112
如您在使用PaddleDetection的同时还在使用其他产品,如PaddleServing、PaddleInference等,请您提供其版本号/ Please provide the version of any other related tools/products used, such as the version of PaddleServing and etc:
请提供您使用的操作系统信息,如Linux/Windows/MacOS /Please provide the OS information, e.g., Linux:
请问您使用的Python版本是?/ Please provide the version of Python you used.
请问您使用的CUDA/cuDNN的版本号是?/ Please provide the version of CUDA/cuDNN you used.
PaddleDetection team appreciate any suggestion or problem you delivered~
描述问题/Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 每次使用相同的命令运行,都需要等待engine文件生成,上一次生成的engine没有被使用到
total images = 1, batch_size = 1, total steps = 1 class=0 confidence=0.9780 rect=[505 116 595 270] class=0 confidence=0.9756 rect=[417 89 496 285] class=0 confidence=0.9517 rect=[161 82 197 165] class=0 confidence=0.9229 rect=[580 114 613 200] class=0 confidence=0.8657 rect=[104 45 125 93] class=0 confidence=0.7949 rect=[348 45 364 99] class=0 confidence=0.6748 rect=[268 90 293 167] class=0 confidence=0.6724 rect=[366 59 381 113] class=0 confidence=0.5352 rect=[376 39 394 81] class=0 confidence=0.5293 rect=[26 118 57 151] class=33 confidence=0.9219 rect=[140 96 630 346] class=56 confidence=0.8184 rect=[73 121 102 152] 1.jpg The number of detected box: 12 Visualized output saved as output\1.jpg WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0408 09:47:24.132450 8024 main_keypoint.cc:83] ----------------------- Config info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:24.132450 8024 main_keypoint.cc:84] runtime_device: GPU I0408 09:47:24.132450 8024 main_keypoint.cc:85] ir_optim: True I0408 09:47:24.132450 8024 main_keypoint.cc:87] enable_memory_optim: True I0408 09:47:24.133487 8024 main_keypoint.cc:91] enable_tensorrt: True I0408 09:47:24.133487 8024 main_keypoint.cc:94] precision: fp16 I0408 09:47:24.134452 8024 main_keypoint.cc:101] enable_mkldnn: False I0408 09:47:24.134452 8024 main_keypoint.cc:102] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 1 I0408 09:47:24.135455 8024 main_keypoint.cc:103] ----------------------- Data info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:24.135455 8024 main_keypoint.cc:104] batch_size: 1 I0408 09:47:24.138485 8024 main_keypoint.cc:105] input_shape: dynamic shape I0408 09:47:24.139456 8024 main_keypoint.cc:107] ----------------------- Model info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:24.139456 8024 main_keypoint.cc:109] model_name: D:\cpp\yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco I0408 09:47:24.139456 8024 main_keypoint.cc:110] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------ I0408 09:47:24.140453 8024 main_keypoint.cc:111] Total number of predicted data: 1 and total time spent(ms): 247.999 I0408 09:47:24.140453 8024 main_keypoint.cc:115] preproce_time(ms): 7.9415, inference_time(ms): 240.039, postprocess_time(ms): 0.0187
total images = 1, batch_size = 1, total steps = 1 class=0 confidence=0.9780 rect=[505 116 595 270] class=0 confidence=0.9756 rect=[417 89 496 285] class=0 confidence=0.9517 rect=[161 82 197 165] class=0 confidence=0.9229 rect=[580 114 613 200] class=0 confidence=0.8657 rect=[104 45 125 93] class=0 confidence=0.7949 rect=[348 45 364 99] class=0 confidence=0.6748 rect=[268 90 293 167] class=0 confidence=0.6724 rect=[366 59 381 113] class=0 confidence=0.5352 rect=[376 39 394 81] class=0 confidence=0.5293 rect=[26 118 57 151] class=33 confidence=0.9219 rect=[140 96 630 346] class=56 confidence=0.8184 rect=[73 121 102 152] 1.jpg The number of detected box: 12 Visualized output saved as output\1.jpg WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0408 09:47:51.269739 13512 main_keypoint.cc:83] ----------------------- Config info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:51.269739 13512 main_keypoint.cc:84] runtime_device: GPU I0408 09:47:51.269739 13512 main_keypoint.cc:85] ir_optim: True I0408 09:47:51.269739 13512 main_keypoint.cc:87] enable_memory_optim: True I0408 09:47:51.269739 13512 main_keypoint.cc:91] enable_tensorrt: True I0408 09:47:51.270730 13512 main_keypoint.cc:94] precision: fp16 I0408 09:47:51.270730 13512 main_keypoint.cc:101] enable_mkldnn: False I0408 09:47:51.270730 13512 main_keypoint.cc:102] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 1 I0408 09:47:51.270730 13512 main_keypoint.cc:103] ----------------------- Data info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:104] batch_size: 1 I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:105] input_shape: dynamic shape I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:107] ----------------------- Model info ----------------------- I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:109] model_name: D:\cpp\yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:110] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------ I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:111] Total number of predicted data: 1 and total time spent(ms): 33.0925 I0408 09:47:51.271729 13512 main_keypoint.cc:115] preproce_time(ms): 7.2268, inference_time(ms): 25.8489, postprocess_time(ms): 0.0168
total images = 1, batch_size = 1, total steps = 1 class=0 confidence=0.9780 rect=[505 116 595 270] class=0 confidence=0.9756 rect=[417 89 496 285] class=0 confidence=0.9517 rect=[161 82 197 165] class=0 confidence=0.9229 rect=[580 114 613 200] class=0 confidence=0.8657 rect=[104 45 125 93] class=0 confidence=0.7949 rect=[348 45 364 99] class=0 confidence=0.6748 rect=[268 90 293 167] class=0 confidence=0.6724 rect=[366 59 381 113] class=0 confidence=0.5352 rect=[376 39 394 81] class=0 confidence=0.5293 rect=[26 118 57 151] class=33 confidence=0.9219 rect=[140 96 630 346] class=56 confidence=0.8184 rect=[73 121 102 152] 1.jpg The number of detected box: 12 Visualized output saved as output\1.jpg WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0408 09:48:12.210750 8736 main_keypoint.cc:83] ----------------------- Config info ----------------------- I0408 09:48:12.211752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:84] runtime_device: GPU I0408 09:48:12.211752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:85] ir_optim: True I0408 09:48:12.211752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:87] enable_memory_optim: True I0408 09:48:12.212751 8736 main_keypoint.cc:91] enable_tensorrt: True I0408 09:48:12.212751 8736 main_keypoint.cc:94] precision: fp16 I0408 09:48:12.212751 8736 main_keypoint.cc:101] enable_mkldnn: False I0408 09:48:12.212751 8736 main_keypoint.cc:102] cpu_math_library_num_threads: 1 I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:103] ----------------------- Data info ----------------------- I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:104] batch_size: 1 I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:105] input_shape: dynamic shape I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:107] ----------------------- Model info ----------------------- I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:109] model_name: D:\cpp\yolov3_darknet53_270e_coco I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:110] ----------------------- Perf info ------------------------ I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:111] Total number of predicted data: 1 and total time spent(ms): 111.552 I0408 09:48:12.213752 8736 main_keypoint.cc:115] preproce_time(ms): 7.167, inference_time(ms): 104.37, postprocess_time(ms): 0.0144 上面是生成两次engine的情况,第一次三个,第二次好像只生成了两个新的,记得上次好像生成了三个新的。。
请提供您使用的Paddle和PaddleDetection的版本号/Please provide the version of Paddle and PaddleDetection you use: paddledet 2.4.0 paddlepaddle-gpu 2.2.2.post112 部署在win10上并没有环境,环境是在Linux上配的,应该没影响吧
如您在使用PaddleDetection的同时还在使用其他产品,如PaddleServing、PaddleInference等,请您提供其版本号/ Please provide the version of any other related tools/products used, such as the version of PaddleServing and etc:
请提供您使用的操作系统信息,如Linux/Windows/MacOS /Please provide the OS information, e.g., Linux: Windows
请问您使用的Python版本是?/ Please provide the version of Python you used. 导出用的是3.9.11
请问您使用的CUDA/cuDNN的版本号是?/ Please provide the version of CUDA/cuDNN you used. win10中11.3和8.3.2
If your issue looks like an installation issue / environment issue, please first try to solve it yourself with the instructions in https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/release/2.1/docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md