PaddlePaddle / PaddleDetection

Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.
Apache License 2.0
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针对目标检测问题,使用ppyolo和ppyoloe+模型分别训练,为什么ppyoloe+效果没有提升啊 #8483

Open shuaihutianxie opened 11 months ago

shuaihutianxie commented 11 months ago

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目前训练目标检测问题,使用ppyolo测试结果map(0.5:0.95)=0.72, 使用用ppyoloe+测试结果map(0.5:0.95)=0.71,同样的数据,为啥效果不明显,请问是什么原因导致的呢?。是不是由于训练ppyoloe+模型时候出现下面的问题,请问下面的问题怎么解决,不解决会不会显示模型效果。

loading annotations into memory... Done (t=0.01s) creating index... index created! [07/27 03:11:58] reader WARNING: Shared memory size is less than 1G, disable shared_memory in DataLoader W0727 03:11:58.429356 24584] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.0, Driver API Version: 11.4, Runtime API Version: 11.2 W0727 03:11:58.433754 24584] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.1. [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.0.bias is unmatched with the shape [2] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.0.bias. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.0.bias will not be loaded [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365, 768, 3, 3] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.0.weight is unmatched with the shape [2, 768, 3, 3] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.0.weight. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.0.weight will not be loaded [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.1.bias is unmatched with the shape [2] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.1.bias. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.1.bias will not be loaded [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365, 384, 3, 3] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.1.weight is unmatched with the shape [2, 384, 3, 3] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.1.weight. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.1.weight will not be loaded [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.2.bias is unmatched with the shape [2] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.2.bias. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.2.bias will not be loaded [07/27 03:12:01] ppdet.utils.checkpoint INFO: The shape [365, 192, 3, 3] in pretrained weight yolo_head.pred_cls.2.weight is unmatched with the shape [2, 192, 3, 3] in model yolo_head.pred_cls.2.weight. And the weight yolo_head.pred_cls.2.weight will not be loaded

ruler77 commented 11 months ago


shuaihutianxie commented 11 months ago


lyuwenyu commented 4 months ago

