PaddlePaddle / PaddleDetection

Object Detection toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multiple object tracking and real-time multi-person keypoint detection.
Apache License 2.0
12.64k stars 2.87k forks source link

按照官方教程手把手教你使用PP-YOLOE-R进行旋转框检测,执行!cd ppdet/ext_op && python install安装develop分支代码报错RuntimeError: (PreconditionNotMet) The third-party dynamic library #9000

Open winkinwong opened 4 months ago

winkinwong commented 4 months ago

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我已经可以正常跑通release/2.7分支代码,CUDA安装正常,可以训练SOLOV2实例分割模型,现在打算使用PP-YOLOE-R进行旋转框检测,但是按照官方教程执行cd ppdet/ext_op && python install时报错,报错信息如下: RuntimeError: (PreconditionNotMet) The third-party dynamic library (/home/wssoft/PaddleDetection/PaddleDetection_dev/PaddleDetection/ppdet/ext_op/build/ext_op/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-310/ that Paddle depends on is not configured correctly. (error code is /home/wssoft/PaddleDetection/PaddleDetection_dev/PaddleDetection/ppdet/ext_op/build/ext_op/lib.linux-x86_64-cpython-310/ undefined symbol: _ZN6paddle17OpMetaInfoBuilderC1EOSsm) Suggestions:

  1. Check if the third-party dynamic library (e.g. CUDA, CUDNN) is installed correctly and its version is matched with paddlepaddle you installed.
  2. Configure third-party dynamic library environment variables as follows:
    • Linux: set LD_LIBRARY_PATH by export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
    • Windows: set PATH by `set PATH=XXX; (at /paddle/paddle/phi/backends/dynload/
winkinwong commented 4 months ago
