Closed gcr1992 closed 1 year ago
确定是同一个版本,我在pycharm中控制台执行了pip list 命令行是可以看到的,工程的依赖包也可以看到。如果是缺包,正常应该会报出来啊
community_url = f"{COMMUNITY_MODEL_PREFIX}/{pretrained_model_name_or_path}/{CONFIG_NAME}"
community_url = f"{COMMUNITY_MODEL_PREFIX}/{pretrained_model_name_or_path}/{LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME}"
community_model_file_path = f"{COMMUNITY_MODEL_PREFIX}/{pretrained_model_name_or_path}/{cls.resource_files_names['model_state']}"
使用了 os.path.join 在 windows上拼接url的时候用的是 '\', 导致发送requests请求的时候 404 了。
感谢 @caorushizi 和 @gcr1992 二位的反馈。这里确实我们写的逻辑有问题,导致windows用户出错。已在#4758 中fix, 合入之后应该可以解决问题
好的,该问题之前应该修复过 #3640,感谢大家的反馈!
mac 电脑,2.5.1的版本,在使用时同样的问题 from paddlenlp import Taskflow
text_to_image = Taskflow("text_to_image")
@iouen 当前这个PR正在升级pretrained config的, 如果您想要体验文生图的话,建议使用ppdiffusers快速体验
D:\Python>python --device cpu --logging_steps 5 --save_steps 25 --eval_steps 25 --seed 42 --model_name_or_path uie-x-base --output_dir ./document/model_best --train_path document/data/train.txt --dev_path /document/data/dev.txt --per_device_train_batch_size 16 --per_device_eval_batch_size 16 --num_train_epochs 5 --learning_rate 1e-5 --label_names 'start_position' 'end_position' --do_train --do_eval --do_export --export_model_dir ./document/model_best --overwrite_output_dir --disable_tqdm True --metric_for_best_model eval_f1 --load_best_model_at_end True --save_total_limit 1
D:\Anacoda\lib\ UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils.
warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.")
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ WARNING] - evaluation_strategy reset to IntervalStrategy.STEPS for do_eval is True. you can also set evaluation_strategy='epoch'.
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - The default value for the training argument --report_to
will change in v5 (from all installed integrations to none). In v5, you will need to use --report_to all
to get the same behavior as now. You should start updating your code and make this info disappear :-).
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - ============================================================
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - Model Configuration Arguments
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - paddle commit id :0e92adceae06b6b7463f2dc7790ffb0601730009
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - export_model_dir :./document/model_best
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - model_name_or_path :uie-x-base
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - multilingual :False
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] -
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - ============================================================
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - Data Configuration Arguments
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - paddle commit id :0e92adceae06b6b7463f2dc7790ffb0601730009
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - dev_path :/document/data/dev.txt
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - dynamic_max_length :None
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - max_seq_length :512
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,796] [ INFO] - train_path :document/data/train.txt
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,812] [ INFO] -
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,812] [ WARNING] - Process rank: -1, device: cpu, world_size: 1, distributed training: False, 16-bits training: False
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,812] [ INFO] - We are using <class 'paddlenlp.transformers.ernie_layout.tokenizer.ErnieLayoutTokenizer'> to load 'uie-x-base'.
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,812] [ INFO] - Already cached C:\Users\24210.paddlenlp\models\uie-x-base\vocab.txt
[2023-03-12 00:08:19,812] [ INFO] - Already cached C:\Users\24210.paddlenlp\models\uie-x-base\sentencepiece.bpe.model
[2023-03-12 00:08:20,378] [ INFO] - tokenizer config file saved in C:\Users\24210.paddlenlp\models\uie-x-base\tokenizer_config.json
[2023-03-12 00:08:20,378] [ INFO] - Special tokens file saved in C:\Users\24210.paddlenlp\models\uie-x-base\special_tokens_map.json
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Python\", line 244, in
I got the same error:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"configuration file<{CONFIG_NAME}> or <{LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME}> not found")
FileNotFoundError: configuration file
I got the same error: raise FileNotFoundError(f"configuration file<{CONFIG_NAME}> or <{LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME}> not found") FileNotFoundError: configuration file
or not found
I found that the error was caused by the use of the wrong, it should be ./document/, not ./text/
稳定复现步骤 & 代码
1.安装 (1)从下载 develop 或者 v2.5.0 到本地window10机器 (2)pip uninstall -y paddlenlp (3)进入 PaddleNLP解压目录 执行 python install 2.代码测试 from paddlenlp import Taskflow prompt = "def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:" codegen = Taskflow("code_generation", model="Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono",decode_strategy="greedy_search", repetition_penalty=1.0) print(codegen(prompt))
D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\ UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils. warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.") [2023-02-10 14:12:35,367] [ INFO] - Downloading and saved to C:\Users\gcr.paddlenlp\models\Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono [2023-02-10 14:12:35,512] [ INFO] - Downloading vocab.json from 100%|██████████| 779k/779k [00:01<00:00, 773kB/s] [2023-02-10 14:12:36,900] [ INFO] - Downloading and saved to C:\Users\gcr.paddlenlp\models\Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono [2023-02-10 14:12:37,069] [ INFO] - Downloading merges.txt from 100%|██████████| 446k/446k [00:00<00:00, 562kB/s] [2023-02-10 14:12:38,164] [ INFO] - Downloading and saved to C:\Users\gcr.paddlenlp\models\Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono [2023-02-10 14:12:38,305] [ INFO] - Downloading added_tokens.json from 100%|██████████| 0.98k/0.98k [00:00<?, ?B/s] [2023-02-10 14:12:38,429] [ INFO] - Downloading and saved to C:\Users\gcr.paddlenlp\models\Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono [2023-02-10 14:12:38,561] [ INFO] - Downloading special_tokens_map.json from 100%|██████████| 90.0/90.0 [00:00<?, ?B/s] [2023-02-10 14:12:38,708] [ INFO] - Downloading and saved to C:\Users\gcr.paddlenlp\models\Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono [2023-02-10 14:12:38,831] [ INFO] - Downloading tokenizer_config.json from 100%|██████████| 177/177 [00:00<?, ?B/s] [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,008] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary [2023-02-10 14:12:39,024] [ INFO] - Adding to the vocabulary Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:/pythonProject/rpa/PaddleNLP/", line 6, in
codegen = Taskflow("code_generation", model="Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono",decode_strategy="greedy_search", repetition_penalty=1.0)
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\taskflow\", line 591, in init__
model=self.model, task=self.task, priority_path=self.priority_path, from_hf_hub=from_hf_hub, *self.kwargs
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\taskflow\", line 59, in init
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\taskflow\", line 65, in _construct_model
self._model = CodeGenForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model)
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\transformers\", line 486, in from_pretrained
pretrained_model_name_or_path, from_hf_hub=from_hf_hub, subfolder=subfolder, args, kwargs
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\transformers\", line 1328, in from_pretrained_v2
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\transformers\", line 736, in from_pretrained
config_dict, kwargs = cls.get_config_dict(pretrained_model_name_or_path, kwargs)
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\transformers\", line 758, in get_config_dict
config_dict, kwargs = cls._get_config_dict(pretrained_model_name_or_path, kwargs)
File "D:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\paddlenlp\transformers\", line 831, in _get_config_dict
raise FileNotFoundError(f"configuration file<{CONFIG_NAME}> or <{LEGACY_CONFIG_NAME}> not found")
FileNotFoundError: configuration file or not found