PaddlePaddle / PaddleOCR

Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
Apache License 2.0
44.08k stars 7.81k forks source link

IndexError: list index out of range #11952

Closed zhang19523zhao closed 5 months ago

zhang19523zhao commented 6 months ago

请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem

from future import absolute_import from future import division from future import print_function

from deploy.hubserving.structure_table.params import read_params as table_read_params

def read_params(): cfg = table_read_params()

# params for layout parser model
cfg.layout_model_dir = './inference/picodet_lcnet_x1_0_fgd_layout_cdla_infer/'
cfg.layout_dict_path = './ppocr/utils/dict/layout_publaynet_dict.txt'
cfg.layout_score_threshold = 0.5
cfg.layout_nms_threshold = 0.5

#params for text classifier
cfg.use_angle_cls = True
cfg.cls_model_dir = "./inference/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_infer/"
cfg.cls_image_shape = "3, 48, 192"
cfg.label_list = ['0', '180']
cfg.cls_batch_num = 30
cfg.cls_thresh = 0.9

cfg.use_pdserving = False
cfg.use_tensorrt = False
cfg.drop_score = 0.5

# my
cfg.det_algorithm = "DB"
cfg.det_model_dir = "./inference/ch_PP-OCRv4_det_server_infer/"
cfg.det_limit_side_len = 960
cfg.det_limit_type = 'max'

cfg.rec_algorithm = "CRNN"
cfg.rec_model_dir = "./inference/ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_server_infer/"

cfg.rec_image_shape = "3, 48, 320"
cfg.rec_batch_num = 6
cfg.max_text_length = 25

cfg.rec_char_dict_path = "./ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt"
cfg.use_space_char = True

cfg.use_pdserving = False
cfg.use_tensorrt = False

# talbe 
cfg.table_max_len = 488
cfg.table_model_dir = './inference/ch_ppstructure_mobile_v2.0_SLANet_infer/'
cfg.table_char_dict_path = './ppocr/utils/dict/table_structure_dict.txt'
cfg.show_log = False

cfg.mode = 'structure'
cfg.output = './output'
return cfg

pip3 list
Package               Version
--------------------- ---------------
aiofiles              23.1.0
aiohttp               3.8.4
aiosignal             1.3.1
altair                5.0.1
anyio                 3.6.2
aspy.yaml             1.3.0
astor                 0.8.1
astroid               2.11.4
async-timeout         4.0.2
asynctest             0.13.0
attrdict              2.0.1
attrs                 21.4.0
Babel                 2.12.1
bce-python-sdk        0.8.83
cached-property       1.5.2
cachetools            5.3.0
certifi               2021.10.8
cfgv                  3.3.1
charset-normalizer    2.0.12
click                 8.1.3
colorama              0.4.6
colorlog              6.7.0
cssselect             1.2.0
cssutils              2.6.0
cycler                0.11.0
Cython                0.29.35
datasets              2.12.0
decorator             5.1.1
dill                  0.3.4
distlib               0.3.4
easydict              1.10
entrypoints           0.4
et-xmlfile            1.1.0
fastapi               0.95.1
ffmpy                 0.3.0
filelock              3.6.0
Flask                 2.2.5
Flask-Babel           2.0.0
fonttools             4.38.0
frozenlist            1.3.3
fsspec                2023.1.0
future                0.18.3
gradio                3.33.1
gradio_client         0.2.5
gunicorn              20.1.0
h11                   0.14.0
httpcore              0.17.0
httpx                 0.24.1
huggingface-hub       0.15.1
identify              2.5.0
idna                  3.3
imageio               2.30.0
imgaug                0.4.0
importlib-metadata    4.11.3
importlib-resources   5.12.0
iniconfig             1.1.1
ipykernel             4.6.0
ipython               5.3.0
isort                 5.10.1
itsdangerous          2.1.2
jieba                 0.42.1
Jinja2                3.1.2
joblib                1.2.0
jsonschema            4.17.3
jupyter-client        7.3.0
jupyter-core          4.10.0
kiwisolver            1.4.4
lanms-neo             1.0.2
lazy-object-proxy     1.7.1
linkify-it-py         2.0.2
lmdb                  1.4.1
lxml                  4.9.2
markdown-it-py        2.2.0
MarkupSafe            2.1.2
matplotlib            3.5.3
mccabe                0.7.0
mdit-py-plugins       0.3.3
mdurl                 0.1.1
multidict             6.0.4
nest-asyncio          1.5.5
networkx              2.6.3
nodeenv               1.6.0
numpy                 1.21.6
openpyxl              3.1.2
opt-einsum            3.3.0
orjson                3.9.0
packaging             21.3
paddle-bfloat         0.1.2
paddle2onnx           1.0.6
paddlefsl             1.1.0
paddlehub             2.3.1
paddlenlp             2.5.2
paddlepaddle-gpu      2.3.0.post112
pandas                1.3.5
pexpect               4.8.0
pickleshare           0.7.5
Pillow                9.1.0
pip                   23.1.2
pkgutil_resolve_name  1.3.10
platformdirs          2.5.2
pluggy                1.0.0
pre-commit            1.10.4
premailer             3.10.0
prompt-toolkit        1.0.18
protobuf              3.20.1
ptyprocess            0.7.0
py                    1.11.0
pyarrow               12.0.0
pyclipper             1.3.0.post4
pycryptodome          3.17
pydantic              1.10.8
pydub                 0.25.1
Pygments              2.15.1
PyGObject             3.26.1
pylint                2.13.8
PyMuPDF               1.20.2
pyparsing             3.0.8
pyrsistent            0.19.3
pytest                7.1.2
python-apt            1.6.5+ubuntu0.7
python-dateutil       2.8.2
python-multipart      0.0.6
pytz                  2023.3
PyWavelets            1.4.0
PyYAML                6.0
pyzmq                 22.3.0
rapidfuzz             3.0.0
rarfile               4.0
requests              2.27.1
responses             0.18.0
rich                  13.4.1
scikit-image          0.19.3
scikit-learn          1.0.2
scipy                 1.7.3
semantic-version      2.10.0
sentencepiece         0.1.99
seqeval               1.2.2
setuptools            50.3.2
shapely               2.0.1
simplegeneric         0.8.1
six                   1.16.0
sniffio               1.3.0
starlette             0.26.1
threadpoolctl         3.1.0
tifffile              2021.11.2
toml                  0.10.2
tomli                 2.0.1
toolz                 0.12.0
tornado               6.1
tqdm                  4.65.0
traitlets             5.1.1
typed-ast             1.5.3
typer                 0.9.0
typing_extensions     4.2.0
uc-micro-py           1.0.2
unattended-upgrades   0.1
urllib3               1.26.9
uvicorn               0.22.0
virtualenv            20.14.1
visualdl              2.4.2
wcwidth               0.2.5
websockets            11.0.3
Werkzeug              2.2.3
wheel                 0.37.1
wrapt                 1.14.1
xxhash                3.2.0
yarl                  1.9.2
zipp                  3.8.0
Double97828 commented 6 months ago


UserWangZz commented 6 months ago
