Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
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🐛 Bug (问题描述)
docker 在paddlepaddle/paddle:3.0.0b2环境尝试表格识别报错,提示:In user code:\n\n\n InvalidArgumentError: The shape of input[0] and input[1] is expected to be equal.But received input[0]'s shape = [], input[1]'s shape = [1].\n [Hint: Expected inputs_dims[i].size() == out_dims.size(), but received inputs_dims[i].size():1 != out_dims.size():0.] (at /paddle/paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/concat_funcs.h:55)\n [operator < pd_kernel.phi_kernel > error]
🏃♂️ Environment (运行环境)
paddle = paddlepaddle/paddle:3.0.0b2
model = ch_ppstructure_mobile_v2.0_SLANet_infer/ch_ppstructure_openatom_SLANetv2_infer、ch_PP-OCRv4_det_infer、ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_infer
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🐛 Bug (问题描述)
docker 在paddlepaddle/paddle:3.0.0b2环境尝试表格识别报错,提示:In user code:\n\n\n InvalidArgumentError: The shape of input[0] and input[1] is expected to be equal.But received input[0]'s shape = [], input[1]'s shape = [1].\n [Hint: Expected inputs_dims[i].size() == out_dims.size(), but received inputs_dims[i].size():1 != out_dims.size():0.] (at /paddle/paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/concat_funcs.h:55)\n [operator < pd_kernel.phi_kernel > error]
🏃♂️ Environment (运行环境)
paddle = paddlepaddle/paddle:3.0.0b2 model = ch_ppstructure_mobile_v2.0_SLANet_infer/ch_ppstructure_openatom_SLANetv2_infer、ch_PP-OCRv4_det_infer、ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_infer
🌰 Minimal Reproducible Example (最小可复现问题的Demo)
python table/ --table_model_dir=../inference/ch_ppstructure_openatom_SLANetv2_infer/ --table_char_dict_path=../ppocr/utils/dict/table_structure_dict.txt --image_dir=docs/table/table.jpg --output=../output/table_slanet_lcnetv2 --use_gpu=False --enable_mkldnn=True --table_max_len=512