PaddlePaddle / PaddleSpeech

Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translation and Keyword Spotting. Won NAACL2022 Best Demo Award.
Apache License 2.0
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在运行Text-To-Speech FastSpeech2 + Parallel WaveGAN on CSMSC,如果想改变最终音频的码率,目前有设置的地方吗? #1001

Closed zouhan6806504 closed 3 years ago

zouhan6806504 commented 3 years ago


yt605155624 commented 3 years ago

您可以试试在 115行设置 samplerate 为您需要的试试,目前用的是训练模型时设置的采样率

yt605155624 commented 3 years ago

我试了一下,强行修改会改变音调,还是保存之后再修改吧, 在命令行 用 sox之类的修改或者保存之后 用 librosa 再 load 再保存哈

wav, _ = librosa.load('tmp.wav', sr=16000)
zouhan6806504 commented 3 years ago

我试了一下,强行修改会改变音调,还是保存之后再修改吧, 在命令行 用 sox之类的修改或者保存之后 用 librosa 再 load 再保存哈

wav, _ = librosa.load('tmp.wav', sr=16000)

是的,我修改后得出的结果也是变调了 我用的是ffmpeg,能一次性改成功 ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i {src} -ar 16000 {target}