PaddlePaddle / PaddleSpeech

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[TTS]Aishell3 vc2 example not using 16k sample rate while extracting spk embedding #3181

Open keshawnhsieh opened 1 year ago

keshawnhsieh commented 1 year ago

Aishell3 vc2 example not using 16k sample rate while extracting spk embedding

Although it checks the sample rate of input audio but I don't see any process that handles the resampling work.

And you can see when the code excutes to this line, sr equals 44100 if you print sr here.

Thus, melspectrogram receives a waveform loaded with 44100 sample rate and a mismatch sample rate which equals 16000

yt605155624 commented 1 year ago

那可能是声纹 cli 确实应该在 load_audio() 的时候输入 。。 我没仔细看他们代码,以为他们有强制 resample 的过程 您感兴趣可以改一下试试,欢迎提交 pr

不过改了之后可能 vc 的模型需要重新训练下,也欢迎你提供新训练好的模型