PaddlePaddle / PaddleSpeech

Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translation and Keyword Spotting. Won NAACL2022 Best Demo Award.
Apache License 2.0
10.86k stars 1.82k forks source link

流式ASR,支持8kHz的wav音频吗? #3704

Open z070204z opened 5 months ago

z070204z commented 5 months ago

我解析出来结果不正确,我用的conformer_online_wenetspeech模型,把原来是16000改成了8000,以下是我的配置文件: `asr_online: model_type: 'conformer_online_wenetspeech' am_model: # the pdmodel file of am static model [optional] am_params: # the pdiparams file of am static model [optional] lang: 'zh' sample_rate: 8000 cfg_path: decode_method: force_yes: True device: 'cpu' # cpu or gpu:id decode_method: "attention_rescoring" continuous_decoding: True # enable continue decoding when endpoint detected num_decoding_left_chunks: -1 am_predictor_conf: device: # set 'gpu:id' or 'cpu' switch_ir_optim: True glog_info: False # True -> print glog summary: True # False -> do not show predictor config

    window_n: 7     # frame
    shift_n: 4      # frame
    window_ms: 25   # ms
    shift_ms: 10    # ms
    sample_rate: 8000
    sample_width: 2`


Ray961123 commented 5 months ago

开发者你好,感谢关注 PaddleSpeech 开源项目,抱歉给你带来了不好的开发体验,目前开源项目维护人力有限,你可以尝试通过修改 PaddleSpeech 源码的方式自己解决,或请求开源社区其他开发者的协助。飞桨开源社区交流频道:飞桨AI Studio星河社区-人工智能学习与实训社区

gooloosk commented 5 months ago
