PaddlePaddle / PaddleSpeech

Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translation and Keyword Spotting. Won NAACL2022 Best Demo Award.
Apache License 2.0
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Aborted connection 11 to db when running the code of demos/audio_searching/src/ #3820

Open laliwang opened 1 month ago

laliwang commented 1 month ago

音频查找demo中无法与mysql database通信

我已经按照教程安装了paddlepaddle-gpu版以及paddlespeech,并且安装好了对应的docker依赖并且成功启动他们: [+] Running 5/0 ✔ Container milvus-etcd Running 0.0s ✔ Container milvus-minio Running 0.0s ✔ Container audio-mysql Running 0.0s ✔ Container audio-webclient Running 0.0s ✔ Container milvus-standalone Running 0.0s

紧接着我运行python src/ 可以输出如下: INFO: Started server process [22764] INFO: Waiting for application startup. INFO: Application startup complete. INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

然后我运行python ./src/ 得到的输出如下 `Downloading ... --2024-07-21 14:25:41-- 正在解析主机 (,, 2409:8c04:1001:1203:0:ff:b0bb:4f27 正在连接 (||:443... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK 长度: 440320 (430K) [application/x-gzip] 正在保存至: “./example_audio.tar.gz”

example_audio.tar.gz 100%[=============================================================>] 430.00K 1.67MB/s 用时 0.3s

2024-07-21 14:25:42 (1.67 MB/s) - 已保存 “./example_audio.tar.gz” [440320/440320])

MD5 Chesksum ./example_audio.tar.gz ... Unpacking ./example_audio.tar.gz ... W0721 14:25:42.517747 22295] The GPU architecture in your current machine is Pascal, which is not compatible with Paddle installation with arch: 70 75 80 86 , it is recommended to install the corresponding wheel package according to the installation information on the official Paddle website. W0721 14:25:42.517772 22295] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 6.1, Driver API Version: 11.6, Runtime API Version: 11.6 W0721 14:25:42.522830 22295] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.4. Extracting feature from audio No. 1 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 2 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 3 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 4 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 5 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 6 , 20 audios in total /home/wjh/PaddleSpeech/demos/audio_searching/src/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide embedding = embedding / np.linalg.norm(embedding) Extracting feature from audio No. 7 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 8 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 9 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 10 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 11 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 12 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 13 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 14 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 15 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 16 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 17 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 18 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 19 , 20 audios in total Extracting feature from audio No. 20 , 20 audios in total Traceback (most recent call last): File "./src/", line 93, in test_count() File "./src/", line 69, in test_count assert response.json() == 20 AssertionError`

然后进一步查看docker日志发现我的主机和docker mysql database之间无法建立通信 2024-07-21T05:30:47.979844Z 0 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events 2024-07-21T05:30:47.980370Z 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '5.7.36' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL) 2024-07-21T05:33:18.806576Z 3 [Note] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T05:37:00.441137Z 2 [Note] Aborted connection 2 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T05:51:02.611489Z 5 [Note] Aborted connection 5 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T05:56:15.535693Z 4 [Note] Aborted connection 4 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:04:52.530018Z 7 [Note] Aborted connection 7 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:08:12.158312Z 6 [Note] Aborted connection 6 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:08:36.623535Z 9 [Note] Aborted connection 9 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:10:42.144944Z 8 [Note] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:15:36.477397Z 11 [Note] Aborted connection 11 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:24:59.187555Z 10 [Note] Aborted connection 10 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:25:48.302426Z 13 [Note] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2024-07-21T06:26:30.303252Z 12 [Note] Aborted connection 12 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)


Ray961123 commented 1 month ago

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