PaddlePaddle / PaddleVideo

Awesome video understanding toolkits based on PaddlePaddle. It supports video data annotation tools, lightweight RGB and skeleton based action recognition model, practical applications for video tagging and sport action detection.
Apache License 2.0
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TableTennis数据集 #459

Open onedayCVPR opened 2 years ago

onedayCVPR commented 2 years ago


DATASET: #DATASET field batch_size: 1 #Mandatory, bacth size num_workers: 2 #Mandatory, XXX the number of subprocess on each GPU. test_batch_size: 1 train: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "train.list" #Mandatory, train data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg' valid: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "val.list" #Mandatory, valid data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg' test: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "val.list" #Mandatory, valid data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg'

huangjun12 commented 2 years ago

目前提供了样例数据模型推理 全量数据集暂不开源哈

onedayCVPR commented 2 years ago

作者您好,我有一部分乒乓球击球动作数据集,数据集为mp4格式,数据集标签包含动作的起始和结束帧,标签文件内容如下,格式为XML `

请问如何修改videoswin_tabletennis.yaml中的dataset DATASET: #DATASET field batch_size: 1 #Mandatory, bacth size num_workers: 2 #Mandatory, XXX the number of subprocess on each GPU. test_batch_size: 1 train: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "train.list" #Mandatory, train data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg' valid: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "val.list" #Mandatory, valid data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg' test: format: "FrameDataset_Sport" #Mandatory, indicate the type of dataset, associate to the 'paddlevidel/loader/dateset' filepath: "val.list" #Mandatory, valid data index file path suffix: 'img{:05}.jpg' ` 才能使用自己的数据集进行训练呢?

xuyao91 commented 1 year ago


jerrywgz commented 4 months ago

您好,请问问题还是否需要解决,目前多模态视频能力集成在PaddleMIX中, 可以在这个repo下提出您的需求