Awesome video understanding toolkits based on PaddlePaddle. It supports video data annotation tools, lightweight RGB and skeleton based action recognition model, practical applications for video tagging and sport action detection.
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
按照官方给的在linux下用TSMC++预测教程,执行到最后一步:“python3.7 tools/ --input_file data/example.avi \
--config configs/recognition/pptsm/v2/pptsm_lcnet_k400_16frames_uniform_dml_distillation.yaml \
--model_file inference/PPTSMv2/PPTSMv2.pdmodel \
--params_file inference/PPTSMv2/PPTSMv2.pdiparams \
--use_gpu=True \
抛出错误:terminate called after throwing an instance of char const*
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Go to '...'
Click on '....'
Scroll down to '....'
See error
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: [e.g. iOS]
Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
Version [e.g. 22]
Smartphone (please complete the following information):
Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
Version [e.g. 22]
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 按照官方给的在linux下用TSMC++预测教程,执行到最后一步:“python3.7 tools/ --input_file data/example.avi \ --config configs/recognition/pptsm/v2/pptsm_lcnet_k400_16frames_uniform_dml_distillation.yaml \ --model_file inference/PPTSMv2/PPTSMv2.pdmodel \ --params_file inference/PPTSMv2/PPTSMv2.pdiparams \ --use_gpu=True \ --use_tensorrt=False” 抛出错误:terminate called after throwing an instance of char const* pddlepaddle时2.3.2 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Smartphone (please complete the following information):
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.